Calendar of the Full Moon in 2023

Written by Alison

The Moon's cycle begins when the Sun and the Moon are conjoined. During the New Moon, the Moon travels 10 to 14 degrees of the zodiac per day, staying two or three days in each sign and completing the circle in 29 days. On the 14th day of the cycle, the Moon is at mid-trajectory and opposite the Sun.

This is the Full Moon. It then decreases for 14 days until the next New Moon. The Full Moon illuminates consciousness. It gives wisdom, which predisposes us to constructive discussions. The Full Moon invites you to go out of your home to meet others. It sometimes induces a natural effervescence, and contacts and exchanges are numerous. Nervousness can result from all this agitation.

Full Moon of January 7, 2023 "Full Wolf Moon" in Cancer

Some of you will desire amplitude, propensity, and enlargement in your thoughts and projects on this first Moon of January. In fact, this can be felt in all areas of your life. You have "ideas of grandeur" that could allow you a new expansion or a favorable rebirth. Otherwise, it could push you further into an already declining situation or relationship and delay the time to end it.

Full Moon February 5, 2023 "Snow Moon" in Leo

This Full Moon will be directly related to your ability to keep your emotions in check. In the sense of managing them with temperance, without being a victim or a victimizer. Therefore, this Full Moon will bring up wounds from the past or present that you were trying to repress or forget. Certain moments like this one are favorable to allow you to take stock of your path and give importance to your successes. This will let you dive deep inside yourself to continue to sweep away what no longer serves you and what is holding you back. This is a necessary time and a gift, so use it in your favor.

Full Moon on March 7, 2023 "Full Worm Moon" in Virgo

This Full Moon will allow you a beautiful opening in your professional life if you accept the challenge. It brings opportunities that put you in a favorable position to embark on a project or activity that you want to do. This is a time of planning and strategic development for what is to come. Be confident in your feelings. They will show you the direct path to prosperity and success. And above all, keep an eye (or ear) open to what is going on around you. Catch what is coming your way one way or another.

Full Moon April 6, 2023 "Pink Full Moon" in Libra

This Full Moon in Libra will encourage you to make space in your life. This is a time to refine your needs and decide what stays and what goes. This is a crucial step that can put you in a "tizzy. Your fear of displeasing or leaving something out without having tested all the sides, so to speak, makes you play yo-yo and increases your uncertainties. It is sometimes difficult but necessary to end it to make space for what is coming. Or simply devote yourself more to what is important to you and make it "bloom."

Full Moon May 5, 2023 "Full Moon of Flowers" in Scorpio

This May Full Moon will bring you a different way of seeing what is around you and what you are being asked to review. It is a time of introspection with a desire to get to the bottom of things. In this sense, you can go deep into your feelings and complete a cycle or come back for "another round" to learn more about yourself before making a final decision. It's exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Your life can take a whole new path, if you choose, through the power of the energies flowing to affirm you in the knowledge of your "flaws" and strengths.

Full Moon June 4, 2023 "Strawberry Full Moon" in Sagittarius

This Full Moon day will have you vibrating in the beautiful energy of movement and joviality. You need to surround yourself and experience new things. Some of your thoughts could bring you ideas, a project. You have a head for celebration and know how to make yourself useful and please others. This is a perfect time to plan a ceremony or celebrate your achievements. Some people may find themselves stuck with obligations that no longer suit them. Accept the possibility that some contracts need to be honored, but you can always try to get out of them. This is a day when communication and diplomacy are "on the menu."

Full Moon July 3, 2023 "Super Buck Moon" in Capricorn

This Full Moon brings you to receive some answers to a long-standing question. This is the end of an era and a time of reflection and transformation needed to build that new foundation, stronger and more aligned with who you have become. It may seem utopian or simply impossible. But you have the energy and the will to take this path toward more authenticity and better listening to your needs.

Full Moon August 1, 2023 "Super Sturgeon Moon" in Aquarius

This is when you have to make up your mind and make an important decision. You tend to procrastinate and not reveal your intentions or your opinion. However, this Full Moon suggests that you unburden yourself and finally succeed in expressing what is "blocking" you and making you feel uncomfortable. Remain gentle and light-hearted despite your desire to unpack everything with great detail once the "train has started moving." Try to verbalize or write down your feelings without putting more weight on the shoulders of others. Your objective must be in agreement with the other person's sensitivity or in respect of the situation despite the necessary fine-tuning.

Full Moon of August 31, 2023 "Super Blue Moon" in Pisces

This day brings you to an essential inner transformation. You have to clear old memories that are "pulling you down" and preventing you from shining and bringing more sweetness into your life. You have to end this blockage and open your heart to healing once and for all. Let go of your fears as they no longer serve you, and welcome love and compassion on this Full Moon in Pisces.

Full Moon September 29, 2023 "Super Harvest Moon" in Aries

This Full Moon offers you a burst of energy and passion in love or any other area of your life. We are talking about a passionate impulse for your loved one or for a project that you are now ready to begin. It is an energy of drive and passion that is being released that can put you in a state of turmoil.

Full Moon October 28, 2023 "Hunter's Full Moon" in Taurus

This day brings you to care for yourself and the people who have a place in your heart. It is a time of laughter and relaxation in the abundance and fullness of Taurus energy. There may be distortions by certain conjunctions that would cause you to not be able to enjoy this sweet moment to its fullest. Leave your uncertainties aside and creep into this enveloping cocoon to recharge your batteries.

Full Moon of November 27, 2023 "Full Beaver Moon" in Gemini

Certain avenues are open to you, and you can choose to move forward or not on what is proposed to you. It's time for you to do your homework and focus on what you want to do right now. Don't try to project yourself too far ahead. Other events will help you tip the scales if you haven't already.

Full Moon December 27, 2023 "Cold Full Moon" in Cancer

This last Full Moon invites you to calm down and introspect. You have many emotions stirring within you, and you need to release them to move on. You are in the process of raising your consciousness. Surround yourself with family and friends and stop dwelling on the past. Heal what is weighing you down with forgiveness, and then move on.