It's good to know your faults: even if you don't correct them, you can learn to overcome them." Alison. It was via a very roundabout route that I started on astrology very early on in the 80s. I was 25 years old, trained as a social worker, and had a definite aversion to anything that smacked of charlatanism. One of my best friends was experimenting with all "occult activities" and into biorhythms, tarot cards, horoscopes…One day when went to see him, I burst out laughing at his astral charts strewn all over the lounge floor and said, "I don't know how a boy of your intelligence can waste your time on such rubbish". He replied, quick as a flash, "When you don't know what you're talking about, you should shut up. Instead, go and find out about it. If you want, I'll lend you a book. You can have a look and then we'll talk about it.

30 years later, I'm still looking for anything that doesn't add up. As an amateur and without software, I "hand" drew hundreds of astral charts for my family, friends, neighbours, people I knew. I think that this was the period when I learned the most, both about astrology and myself.
In 2001, I was contacted by a Belgian company that published daily horoscopes on large websites in Belgium and France (MSN, Yahoo, Lycos at the time). I worked on drawing up these horoscopes for nearly 10 years. At the same time, I also worked for a website where people get answers to their questions via email. All this work enabled me to look into various aspects of astrology. From global astrology, which rules the great events happening on earth, to the tiniest detail on the chart of some bloke or other, I've learnt to fine-tune interpretations of the planets and their interconnected influences.
I constantly find new things to enjoy in this discipline, because the discoveries that are part of this exciting experience just keep on coming...