STEP 1 / 2: Let your intuition speak, clear your mind and choose one of the decks presented, the one you prefer or the one that instinctively stands out!

Select a Tarot deck to start the draw :

Tarot Tarot Tarot Tarot Tarot Tarot Tarot Tarot Tarot
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Annual Tarot (77)

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Tarot cards have long been used to anticipate the future. But it is important to get away from an overly simplistic view and understand all the aspects that these predictions can take. Whatever the field, the Tarot can answer your questions and guide you on the path of personal evolution.

Your free 2025 Tarot Cards Readings: predictions and advice

Discover here the Tarot de Marseille with our 5-card spread. You will better identify the reasons for some of your behaviors in love, health, social life, and money... It is a precious asset to live in harmony, for better communication and to better capture emotional happiness!