Charter for the protection of personal data, updated on 5 April 2011

Out of respect for the privacy of its Users, Free Horoscope undertakes that the collection and processing of personal data on the current website is carried out in accordance with Law n°78-17 of 6 January regarding data processing, files and civil liberties, the so-called Loi "Informatiques et Libertés" (French law relating to data processing and civil liberties).
1. Right of Access, Modification and Objections
You can at any time ask for the modification or deletion of your personal data, by emailing [email protected] or by using the link available in all the emails addressed to you (rights provided by law n°78-17 of 6 January relating to data processing, files and civil liberties).
2. The Use of Personal Data
Data of a personal nature (forename, gender, date and place of birth, location …etc) about you , collected by Free Horoscope, is processed with the purpose of:
a- personalising the home page of the website Free Horoscope
b- offering you a personalised service (your horoscope of the day, week, month, etc.).
Your email address is retained and stored with your profile, in order to make it secure and to preserve its individuality, but also with a view to enable you to receive, individually, if you request this, your horoscope or special offers by email.
3. Security
All data collected by Free Horoscope is safeguarded and stored in a secure environment. None of your personal data which appears in cookies is stored and/ or processed by Free Horoscope. We take care to guard against potential hackers and have put in place a rigorous security procedure to combat loss, fraudulent use or degradation of data of a personal nature entrusted to us by internet users. Free Horoscope therefore provides a permanent guarantee to internet users regarding the integrity and confidentiality of this data.
4. Links to Other Websites.
Some advertising banners on the Free Horoscope website lead the user to follow links to other websites. In so far as no control is exercised over these external resources, the user should recognise that Free Horoscope accepts no responsibility for the provision of these resources and cannot be held responsible for their content; the data that you enter on these websites is no longer protected by Free Horoscope. We therefore advise you to consult the information relating to the protection of data of a personal nature on the site you have logged on to, for further information about their obligations.