
Your Tarot Card Reading in Houses

Written by Alison

STEP 1 / 2: To make your Tarot in House, let your intuition speak, clear your mind and choose one of the decks presented, the one you prefer or the one that instinctively comes to mind!

Today, we propose you deepen your knowledge of yourself with the most complete divinatory drawing, which is the tarot of the houses, based on the drawing of 12 cards of the tarot of Marseille.

This most complete Tarot reading from ancient Egypt, the Book of Thoth or Hermes, gives you the keys to better understand your journey. A draw of 12 arcana with 12 houses representative of a particular field of your life. Successively, this drawing will give you all the keys to understanding each area of your life: your appearance, your material possessions, your life path, your family, your love life, your work, and your friendships...

These houses will all, one by one, reinforce your enrichment in their fields. This will be a real asset to stand out and finally become aware of your personal path.

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