A Taurus is serious, constant, resolute, patient, cordial, sincere and amiable. This is a sign who has an essential need for security, emotional and sentimental as well as material, for expanding. For Taurus it is the matter of conscience to maintain peaceful and harmonious relations. They act with extreme common sense. Their decisions are always maturely considered. What are their best qualities? Taurus are loved for their balance, loyalty, authenticity. What are their best qualities? Taurus are loved for their balance, loyalty, authenticity.

The Traits of Taurus
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    Love Qualities of Taurus

    Taurus are extremely sensual, kind, charming and romantic creatures: They are privileged lovers who love with authenticity. Love is their reason of life, they long for a stable and long-lasting relation.

    Single: Courteous and patient, obliging and full of respect, they take their time to seduce, never engage thoughtlessly and don't encumber their existence with nonchalant feelings.

    In couple: Taurus show their love with splendor and generosity. As partners they are tender, affectionate, attentive, loyal and foodies for love delights. Deeply monogamic. With them the couple is made to last.

    Friendship Qualities of Taurus

    Taurus are sincere, frank, reliable and faithful: Making friendships isn't easy for them. Their friendly relations are meticulously sieved. But ever since their heart has been opened, they are constant friends always ready to share great moments and to provide support when necessary.

    Long-standing friendship: This is a life-long friend who you can always count on. Ready to listen, they are good at giving advice and super trusted ones. Relations with them are totally free from ambiguity.

    Party: They are rather sociable and like sharing opinions in all spheres. Festivities of any type attract them most by the intimate ambience and simple pleasures. They are perfect hosts and adore having company round a rich table.

    Family Qualities of Taurus

    Taurus are simple, spontaneous, beneficent, reassuring and calm: This is a generous creature endowed with great listening qualities. They possess a sense of family and traditions. They've got solid grounds, with them you know where you are going. Taurus give the best of themselves to their close ones, they invest entirely.

    As parents, Taurus takes an active part in family life and renders a feeling of security. This is a parent who imposes rules and limits but can bring affection and balance required for their children's development. They reveal extreme patience towards the youngest ones and get immense pleasure from having fun with them.

    Children Taurus are sweet and calm. For absolute bloom they need milestones and enormous attention. Rather placid, they don't like being prompted. Therefore, you have to consent to let them live in their own rhythm and take the time for explaining them things in a practical and logical way so that they assimilate them.

    Financial Qualities of Taurus

    Taurus are thoughtful, economic, managing and pragmatic: They are excellent depositors and fine negociators. They have a grasp for money. For appeasing their urge for material security they set high value to achieving regular and comfortable income.

    How they manage money: They never chuck money away. Quite the opposite, they scrape and save, make economies, build their patrimony, they invest judiciously in assets which will become more valuable in the course of time.

    How they spend money: Beyond the sales periods and some expenses for their family, they never waste money hurry-scurry. Even if sometimes they crave for pretties, any purchase is well considered and should steady their financial security in due course.

    Vacation Qualities of Taurus

    Taurus are ardent, well-mannered, calm and helpful: They excel in the art of arranging a comfortable vacation paced by nature getaways, breaks for idleness and cultural events. They adore playing with children, crafting, gardening and concocting fine feasts. They contribute all their ardor for being of use and enjoying moments of warmth.

    In summer: In the morning they are the first to suggest setting out on an excursion for discovering the flora and fauna, with a picnic as a finishing touch. After noon they love a hammock lounge in the open air or reading on the beach. In the evening they appreciate walks under the moonlight.

    In winter: At a skiing resort they are always ready to snowshoe, wander in a forest, far from the beaten paths. In the end of the day they take a crazy pleasure from relaxing in a spa while the rest of their tribe is conquering ski-runs. Come with them, you've never had such a Zen vacation before!

    Memo of the Taurus' qualities: trustworthy, balanced, likeable, patient, thoughtful, diplomatic, enduring.

    Taurus are of large heart. They always take the time to listen and help others. They have an incredible capacity to build their life and career for long term. They ensure a comfortable and calm life to their close ones.

    A little + : You can rely on them or have confidence in them as they are always there whatever happens! In a concern of good friendship they prefer agreement to disputes. They possess an art and a manner of managing conflicts and solving problems.

    Home Qualities of Taurus

    Taurus are devoted, broad-minded, reasonable, far-sighted and understanding: This is a calm partner who is rather stay-at-home and appreciates a routine life. They love soft comfort of their home for getting together with close ones and relaxing after a work day.

    In duet: This is a partner who relishes life's dainties and doesn't get fed up. Taurus are true romantics, revealing to be generous and attentive. In exchange, they love being wheedled and pampered by their second half, admired, encompassed with well-being, kindness and showered with love.

    In family: They sacrifice themselves so that their close ones lack nothing and live in harmony. Their first and foremost concern is living in peace. With them, there aren't ever any troubles, nothing but solutions. They know how to be indispensable and deeply benevolent.

    When they get up: They are the first ones at the morning coffee as for them breakfast is sacred!

    In the evening: After a voluptuous embrace they dive into reading, one of their passions.

    Work Qualities of Taurus

    Hard-working, courageous, faithful to their engagements, Taurus are serious and honest: For Taurus, a job has to have some routine as they are in need of a structured framework for contributing their best. They possess a considerable potential, are ambitious but never take risks. They prefer long term planning for being sure of achieving their objectives. They are persistent, methodic and efficient workers who love slow but steady evolution.

    Taurus: They are benevolent colleagues, always of the same mood except when confronted to bad faith or negligence. Sociable and quick-witted, they perfectly integrate within a team. Their honesty, discretion and organization skills are highly appreciated and valuable within their activity framework.

    They are demanding as bosses, with a reputation far from being an accomodating type but they can establish a pleasant ambience as well as serene and healthy relations in context of their business. They invest their best beside their employees and can dexterously motivate their troops for reaching good results without putting pressure however. They make great chief executives!

    If independent, they know what they want but take their time and precautions before taking action. They need to labor in a calm context, far from stress and agitation. Their practical sense and constancy allow them to achieve their objectives with ease and efficiency.

    Fitness Qualities of Taurus

    Taurus appreciate the nature and sports that do not require too much physical effort

    In sport: Taurus love feeling fit and generally choose an activity that would be adapted to their rather slow rhythm. They usually make preventive steps for maintaining their wellness. They appreciate long strolls, walking, dancing, golf, swimming or yoga.

    Nutrition: Taurus are not adepts of weight loss diets. Quite the opposite, they possess a distinct taste for delicious foods and good wine. If they wish to avoid some plumpness spoiling their shape, they however have enough willpower to make some effort for adopting a more reasonable nutrition style.