In today's ultra-connected times, it can be challenging to find this essential link with yourself and others. Feeling good about yourself and recognizing your strengths and qualities are crucial challenges for coming back to yourself to feel better with others. Let's go through each astrological sign to learn the mechanisms at play in ourselves.

Move in harmony with yourself : Coming back to yourself is an achievable affair, yes! By developing your capacity to be present in the present moment. Sport is a good alternative for you. This will prevent you from being overwhelmed by your past or unpleasant memories. It also means not taking refuge in a vain future. You will better manage your anxiety through competitive activity. You will cleanse your mind and come back to Earth, among your loved ones, to weave more peaceful ties with them.
Cultivating the aesthetic fiber : Be curious about everything, especially beautiful things. By identifying and cultivating grace, in places where it can flourish, you will gradually feel your nature come back to you. You will emit something pleasant from it. Others will notice an obvious change in openness. Because you are made to spend time locating beauty in its most intimate manifestations. You will find its many faces, and a crazy energy will pass through you and unfold in your sharp and sensitive eyes.
Sort through your outings : Being good to yourself means being selective with the people you hang out with. Your insatiable need for exchanges brings you to meet a crowd of people who zap your energy. You take on too much while running away from other things. It's up to you to sort it out. First of all, organize yourself! Give yourself a five-day weekend to reconnect with your zen, even if it means being alone during this time. You will only feel refreshed. Your mind will become flexible and toned again. Instinctively, you will go to the people who match with you.
Invite your imagination : Your dream part is vital. Take the time necessary to engage in self-awareness exercises. For example, write or draw. Put your strengths and weaknesses on paper. Put your heart on the table. You will begin to make peace with yourself by summoning your imagination without cheating. Through this process, you will find the best version of yourself and feel comfortable with others. You will become calm and happy again.
Launch your warm qualities : Take advantage of your virtues and talents. Take advantage of these little light touches by sending postcards to those around you. No more impersonal emails! Choose festive opportunities to do this. The Spring Festival, the Beaujolais Nouveau, July 14, an anniversary... By reconnecting with your warm and creative side, you will brighten up your days again, as well as your family and friends! You will be kind and loving! Others will love you for who you are through your postcards.
Sweep away the negativity : Have you received some criticism? Well, that's not a reason to make a big deal and think about it. You also have good qualities, do not ignore them. Remember them! Mention them out loud and clearly, for yourself. Rotten criticism shouldn't ruin your life. Everyone has their faults, so why not you? You are human, until proven otherwise. It's your sensitivity. This awareness will make you more lovable and approachable. And contact in society will become easier.
Trust yourself : To come back to yourself, it is necessary to put on a relatively positive lense as soon as you look outside. And then you'll spot things that move you and spark your interest. You become friends with life again. Try not to be friends with everyone who likes to please and seduce because it confuses you and makes you lose sight of your inner being. All this done, you come back to yourself and to others.
Taste loneliness wisely : Put aside social outings and interactions with others for a moment. Forget the nightclubs and Despacito roaring through the speakers. Plan your own retreat by adopting a homely attitude while you recharge your batteries. Soup, plaid, fleece pyjamas, and a movie filled with romantic emotions to reconnect with your humanity. You become kind again with yourself and, in fact, with others. Repeat the experience regularly until you find your balance.
Push the walls : Brighten the atmosphere, mimic the positive attitude. How? 'Or' What? By giving free rein to your fantasy, by assuming your extravagance. You have this rare ability to put others in a good mood effortlessly and open their minds. If you lose touch with yourself, it's because you see your scope as a space that closes in on you. Push the walls, get out. You will transform yourself again! You will find in others their own sensibility, which are doors open to other worlds.
Embellish your outlook : Have a wholesome madness. Change your look. Is it raining? Take out a fuchsia umbrella. You will see the greyness differently. You will find a form of internal cheerfulness; no need to be expansive, savor what's deep inside you. Put on a yellow top and azure pants, you will catch a crowd of eyes and warm hearts. You will surprise yourself by the well-being you experience. Getting there with small things ultimately leads to a chain of wonderful sensations that will reconnect you with yourself and others.
Revolutionize your thoughts : Learn to rationalize your thoughts. By dint of chatting with your own ideas, you lose sight of yourself. Your internal conversation becomes exhausting and negative. To regain this feeling of well-being with you and others, break down these psychological walls that prevent your personal growth! By demolishing your fears, you can reorganize your internal dialogue. Calm it down! Above all, try to see life no longer through concepts but compared to your spontaneous movement. In fact, you find a powerful form of freedom that makes you your best friend!
You're cunning with psychology : Do not dismiss the negative side of things when they happen. It's the surest way to resist unnecessarily. This will allow you to take control and make changes as you see fit. Rather, become aware of your limiting or negative thoughts; they will not overwhelm your mind. It is thanks to this awareness that you will trace a clear path towards your heart and your beautiful sensitivity. The others will appear to you as an extension of your person.