How do you keep your spirits up in a period of confinement that is synonymous with loneliness? We give you some keys according to your zodiac sign in order to deceive boredom and time but also to correspond with who you are. Stay at home to find serenity in intelligence with your zodiac personality! Let's take a look at each zodiac sign in this regard.

Staying at home in action : Don't hesitate to integrate a sports ritual once or twice a day into your schedule. In this way you will push back the sedentary spirit that tends to settle down and any uncomfortable thoughts that nestle in the minds of those who gorge themselves on discouraging information on their screens. Abs, thighs, buttocks are parts of you that you need to take care of. The goal is to firm up your figure so you can go out in a swimsuit this summer - and to firm up your mind, which is just as important.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle : Don't fall into the trap of reaching for a packet of chips or a box of chocolates between meals. Snacking will slow down your own pace of life and may cause your thoughts to wander down. Even if you're not a sports fanatic, keep the amount of exercise you do at home to a minimum. A few simple gestures performed faithfully every day will strengthen your muscles and your mind. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you will be at peace with yourself.
Resist screens : Don't become dependent on screens that are swarming with overwhelming and anxiety-provoking information. Falling into psychosis is not a good alternative for your sensitive nervous system. Know how to find an occupation that mobilizes you easily, such as a manual activity (painting or gardening) or more cerebral (reading or learning a new language). This will keep you more optimistic and radiant!
Making positive visualization : You know from the outset that the imaginary is more powerful than the rational. It's not for nothing that children let their inner fantasy wander without setting limits. The technique of positive visualization is a powerful tool that can be used in many areas. And therefore, it is ideal in these times of confinement, to manage stress or overcoming fears. Close your eyes in a quiet corner every day to indulge yourself. It releases tension and boosts the mind.
Living together in harmony : If you live in a community or shared flat, it is possible that the room is sometimes electric because of a laundry lying around or a lack of hygiene on the part of the others. Don't get stuck on those things that could irritate you or make you explode with fury. Establish an open-hearted and continuous exchange with others. Everyone must be able to express themselves and to correspond with the lives of others in the best possible conditions. Altruism can become a balm for others and also for you.
Staying on track : Maintaining your own routine is one way to protect and reassure yourself. Who better than you need it to get through your day with confidence! Never hesitate to give structure to your days to build a wall against anxiety. If you're teleworking, plan your schedule as if you were at work. If you're with your family, spread out tasks using colors: a time for breakfast, a time to do homework, another time to play, etc.
Starting Skype sessions : You are a personality with an uncommon spirit of partnership. So Skype will allow you to continue your relationship. Whether you're working in a community with the same conditions as an open space, having a cocktail party with your friends or even answering your family's group web calls. By staying in touch with others, you keep your relationship life which is vital for your morale.
Taking time for yourself : If living in a group produces tensions for you, give yourself a minimum of one hour to devote to yourself. This can be an opportunity to read a magazine, sip a meditative drink, take a bath, and all this in a fortifying calm that allows you to return to society afterwards. You have reconnected to your own feelings, your needs and your being. It is the key to your fulfilment to learn to listen to yourself a little.
Making projects : The idea that needs to take hold of your mind is that the current situation of containment is going to end one day; in other words, this is the right time to start developing projects that are important to you. The seeds that you are sowing at this time will bear fruit when the conditions allow it. Keeping hope alive helps you to recover from life's harsh blows and to have confidence in the future. Maybe you want to take a course in tarology, management or drawing. Consider it seriously.
Creating lists : With a well-structured mind like yours, you'll feel comfortable with to-do lists. You already have a mental to-do list of things to do, such as people to contact, a job that's been on your mind for a long time, movies to see or books to discover... In short, take advantage of a period of seclusion to make your wish list and try to accomplish as much as possible. Even if it's an administrative task, it's already a positive thing because you're starting to get into that state of mind.
Anchoring oneself in the present moment : Giving up your freedom may not be easy, so you are asked not to fall into denial, depression or even anger. It is vital to live from day to day without making demoralizing assumptions about the future. Living in the present and the fullness of life must be your course of action. In fact, it is recommended that you take the time to meditate for a few minutes a day, to breathe well to smooth out your emotions. You will only reap the benefits.
Keeping in touch with your loved ones : Not to lose sight of those close to you is important in your case, you who may tend to isolate yourself naturally to dream. If your family is weighing on you, there are your friends you can keep in touch with. Exchange messages, photos or videos. Tell each other that your loved ones are going through the same situation as you are. By contacting them, you preserve your mental health and theirs as well. Think of those who matter to you!