Let's take a peak at what each astrological sign hides in their wardrobe, whether they are more haute couture or the casual kind. Your way of dressing, of choosing to wear red rather than off-white, is also a matter of your zodiac sign. The choice of a garment or fabric is never a coincidence because what you wear speaks of who you are. So let's draw a little "astro-look" portrait for each sign

Having the sacred fire: If you decide to invest your creative potential in a discipline, it may jog! Let's not forget that you are the sign of spring and when the thrust of the sap rises, it is the life that appears. Your intellect serves as a tool, your instinct is dazzling. Fast as lightning, you are creating on the moment without embarrassing yourself with questions. Look at the photos of this Aries, Doisneau, who captured the moment, we still admire them, or the paintings of Van Gogh or De Vinci, as they are powerful...
Savor the beauty: You transcend your five senses to build beautiful, harmonious and poetic works. The beauty challenges you, charms you, grabs you and soothes you. You will be comfortable with your voice as well - the number of Taurus singers is impressive: Bono, Adele, Cher, Bruel, Renaud... - with your hands to carve, model or cook. Indeed, your tactile nature can make you a visual artist, just as your gourmet personality can make you an excellent chef!
Focus on diversity: As long as you're on the move, your creativity will vibrate to a high level. Meet people, vary the pleasures, discover new worlds, manage an Instagram account to circulate original news, all this is good for your inventiveness. Everything happens in the secret of your thought, which likes to play and feed on human variations and unusual information. Communicating, writing or doing shows keep your creative passions alive.
Unpack your personal treasure: your emotions: You take refuge in your inner world when the real world becomes too aggressive, too noisy and too adult. Your very fertile imagination is rooted in childhood memories, and when "madeleines" arise, you are able to bring out original things from your nothingness that bear your personal imprint like a Cocteau who was able to create poetry, sculpture, drawing, movies... Trust yourself!
Play: You have instinctively grasped your best asset: yourself. Indeed, you do not like anything so much as to see life as a show of which you are the main actor. Your personality and experience are materials from which you draw their essence to play with others and with yourself. The scene is your favorite setting. And you are not insensitive to the visual arts, decoration and all that glitters.
Helping and tinkering are the pair: You are very comfortable with all the objects to be renovated or repaired, and especially when it is necessary to appeal to your sense of minuteness and detail as well as your imagination. Generally, you are equipped with good tools to restore the most miserable device. And if we ever come to find you for your talents, you will be even more delighted because the spirit of service is second nature to you.
The sense of beauty: Your creativity will take off if you listen to your sense of aesthetics. Your feelings are often right and it is necessary to specify it, you do not conceive the existence without the good taste which gives it all its interest. Without necessarily needing to create, you have to bring out the beautiful, the harmony of shapes and colors. The interior design, the cut of a garment, the tones of a makeup, the look simply can awaken your creativity. Listen to your talents and you will do wonders.
Existential detective: You draw your creativity from the sense of detail, from the hidden or missing thing that must be identified or reconquered. In other words, the field of possibilities is vast and can lead you to psychology, scientific research, spiritual and occult adventure ... As long as there is something strange or uncomfortable to discover, and you are thrilled. Detective activity, in the broad sense of the term, exalts your creativity.
Plan the happiness of others: Your creativity is stimulated by dreams, encounters, spaces and an ideal world to discover or reinvent. Typically, your creative thinking could find great stimuli as a coach or wedding planner. Organize a dream wedding, design the theme of decoration, listen to the requests of the bride and groom can lead you straight to satisfy your taste of the organization, have you thought? It is in any case a track that you can study.
Accurate realization: You will flourish to the extent that your creativity will lead to an organized structure, releasing shapes shaped and arranged by your pragmatic spirit. Architect, for example, seems made for you. Cabinetmaker or more broadly craftsman will touch your respect for traditions and your desire to craft precious materials. Rigor is the key word to stimulate you!
Being a pioneer or nothing: On a creative level, you do not invest much to make friends. Your hobby is to be in the vanguard, to transgress, to shake the art on its bases especially when it smells of formaldehyde, and to differentiate you out of the mold. You are very comfortable in the media, new technologies, graphic design, science fiction... There are no limits in your innovative impulses!
Transcending the world: You have an unsurpassed feeling of the times, the ideas sailing in the heart of the collective memory. Great mystic of art, you are passionate about visual creation, photography, cinema, abundant colors, parallel worlds, poetry in all its forms... There is nothing that does not inspire you and the slightest idea happens in your imaginative filter to be sublimated!