As a pivotal step, it is a transition phase that can produce disruptions and a certain amount of questioning. We have already passed through our forties, more or less troubled, but now we must face the second wave of depression, as if to celebrate a half-century on earth, was paying for the damage of what we did not learn ten years ago. Each astrological sign can have its own questions

To Pass the 50's Milestone
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    The 50's Milestone: an existential crisis to overcomeGet Smart: This crisis does not really bother you because you have already gone through it several times, and it is often in a sense of urgency that you feel the need to change things in order not to be bored. For example, your career does not motivate you anymore and you feel like you are at a standstill. One who does not move forward, moves backward. This is what you think! So you have to go back to fundamentals in a more relaxed way, and reinvent yourself socially.


    The 50's Milestone: an existential crisis to overcomeGo for Good: It's only later on that you feel engrossed since your partner told you about it. But the problem is to take the first step. You are aware of the situation but it is necessary to act appropriately. To be bold, use a partner who will give you a more neutral and distant opinion of your situation. Your challenge will be to dare to get out of the routine by laying bare all that you have accomplished over your social career and that which no longer suits you.


    The 50's Milestone: an existential crisis to overcomeSet Sail: The appeal of novelty is felt more than ever and the desire to open a bed & breakfast in the South of France tickles you. For you there is no question of being eaten away by needs that would only remain in the state of a dream. The best is to talk quickly to your loved ones so that they do not feel left out of the box and on the contrary, they accompany you in your projects while giving you energy without you feeling guilty.


    The 50's Milestone: an existential crisis to overcomePrioritize Family: What grieves you is to find yourself alone with your partner, that your children have grown up and moved away from you because they have projects and a life to organize and build. You need to enjoy a big spread with your loved ones and be surrounded by those who make up your clan. In order to swallow this pill, you could move and create a new atmosphere, even closer to your family.


    The 50's Milestone: an existential crisis to overcomeConsider Your Own Desires and Those of Others: Old dreams emerge with this visceral need to realize them at any cost and you become a kind of child who fixates on their objects of desire as if they saw confectionery in a shop window. You ride a motorcycle or ride a boat on waves of nostalgia and you're in love with yourself. This is not a disaster in itself as long as you take into consideration your immediate surroundings. A little empathy for those who love you.


    The 50's Milestone: an existential crisis to overcomeRaise Awareness: Your crisis takes place under the surface because you hate scandals and apparent disorder. Also your other half will see an increase in the cosmetic budget, a change in your style of clothing, the practice of a new sport, in short ... you should probably talk to a coach or directly to your partner to prevent an existential burn-out. Assuming one's age is important and not being cut off from one's support is just as important.


    The 50's Milestone: an existential crisis to overcomeReview Your Private Life: Do not project on your partner by rejecting the feeling of crisis, it is you who does not know anymore where you are in your personal life or in love. The best thing to do is to affirm your personality and not stagnate in your relationships. Do not put your social life in brackets and find opportunities to go out, see new people and show your true worth. And if your spouse wants to take a break, think of using their idea to start on new bases.


    The 50's Milestone: an existential crisis to overcomePrivilege Your Journey: You can not do "as usual", either on the relationship side or under the covers, as well as on the work side, where you feel roughed up despite a good social and intimate situation. You need to rebel to be reborn, change your look and sublimate the fact of being borderline, to no longer support yourself. You must undertake something disproportionate or unexpected; even if you are right, aim less for the results than the way to go because it is this way that will make you discover who you are.


    The 50's Milestone: an existential crisis to overcomeAdopt a Broader Vision: Since it is likely that you have not resolved your midlife crisis in its entirety, it is resurfacing with enormous and overwhelming emotions. You need to push back the walls that make your journey smother and take off, in order to find a point of view that is at the center of your life, an ideal, which will explode your authenticity and your grandeur.


    The 50's Milestone: an existential crisis to overcomeRedefine Your Goals: Ask yourself what is really important to you at this point in your life and revisit it, in order to determine your priorities and your values, be it family or your career, for example, draw your future by organizing projects that make you want to go beyond to reach them. It is quite possible that you can find projects left unfinished and you are itching to make them succeed.


    The 50's Milestone: an existential crisis to overcomeTransform Intelligently: Do not let depression catch you and make you wander in the meanders of useless thought. Ask yourself the right existential questions and avoid that the crisis surprises you treacherously. With a forward thinking and intelligent attitude, your crisis will smoothly evolve into a transition phase that will lead you to new horizons such as a letter to the post office. The important thing is that you feel like a new person because a new era is coming.


    The 50's Milestone: an existential crisis to overcomeEnhance Yourself: Do not try to escape your personal crisis through dietary addictions. Become aware of what mistreats you internally in order to know what you need to recover. It may not be so useful to throw away everything because it is at the heart of your soul that change must take place. Music, like any artistic activity, can serve as a therapy with greater effectiveness than an intellectual or psychological quest. Really listen to yourself, it will not be in vain.