The question is a topical one these days. Teleworking has become commonplace in the life of some employees, Covid-19 obliges, but this is just as true for home-based contractors. Thus, finding the balance between telework and family life can be a challenge for those who have not been able to compartmentalize their life(s) as it should be. Let us look at each astrological sign to find out the best way to proceed.

Finding the right balance: To stay in an ideal balance, make sure you plan to schedule 2 days of telework per week. That way you can devote that part of the week to your children or loved ones (at least partially). After that, you will benefit from the human relations with your colleagues that work offers you during the other days. Going to the site to keep in touch with your colleagues contributes to your personal development. Otherwise, prefer videoconferences to e-mails.
Using practical tools: Your professional life could sometimes be confused with your personal life by being a bit protective of your family members. So, turn to practical tools that will help you manage your tasks and projects. It is through this approach that you will be able to manage your priorities. Browse the software market where there are free versions that will surely meet your expectations.
Focus on one thing at a time: Try not to spread yourself too thin on several fronts, especially if you have several children who may need attention. Focus all your energy on one activity at a time. And to keep the whole family on track, set a schedule that you can stick to. For your personal harmony, know how to intersperse your work sessions with more fun with a board game or refreshing moments of relaxation.
Get the kids involved: To be able to move forward in your work at home, take advantage of your gift of communication with children. And because they are adaptable, you will help them organize themselves by focusing on a clearly defined task. You can direct them to fun things like creating origami, coloring, or colorful masks. Once they have done this, they can then come and support you in small, basic tasks. They love to help and please.
Getting structured: Do not take advantage of the situation to find yourself in relaxation mode, or even a little too much; do not work in pajamas in your bed, the PC on your lap with a Netflix series hidden behind your Excel spreadsheet. The rule is to create and set a new territory, a place where you will not be bothered to be productive. Armed with these new landmarks, you will live the areas of your life in a more rational way.
Self-respect: Keep the same rhythm as if you were working within the walls of a company. That is to say, it is useless to process your e-mails on Saturdays if you do not work on weekends. And if your day starts at 9:30 am, avoid starting at 8 am. Finally, take breaks to sip a coffee, call relatives, stretch yourself a little. And when your working day is over, turn off your PC to move into your private sphere.
To feel free of guilt: Above all, think about removing your guilt. It is the rule to be able to move forward in your telework. Just because you have found yourself faced with a more convoluted third-grade assignment than you might have assumed should not disrupt you and your offspring. And even if you have to cook Bolognese lasagna for the umpteenth time, do not let this inner mess (actually) disturb you, it is not a drama. Comfort yourself by understanding that you are doing your best and that there are worse situations in life.
Establishing a ritual: Transform the morning commute time by instituting a new ritual: it will make the transition between personal and professional life without ambiguity. If you like things to be clear, you will be delighted with this rule as a trigger. It can be a stretching session, a meditation session or even a phone call to a colleague or even someone close to you. As long as you can tell yourself that the change of sphere is taking place during these little moments.
Evaluating the sum of activities: Be sure to define the range of activity, i.e. work, and do the same for family life. Do not give up when faced with the call for leisure activities with your loved ones or games with the children, as you probably have a lot to do with your work objectives. Impose the same professionalism at home as you do at work. Organize a quiet space of your own so that you can immerse yourself in your work tasks once the door is closed.
Being aware of one's work addiction: Remember to unplug your PC. Being teleworking does not have to make you any bolder in terms of performance, your family is looking at your responsibilities as a parent, so do not let go. Reshape your own patterns of work addiction, rebalance the balance between professional and personal life! You will end up enjoying relaxing with your own. This will oxygenate you when you have to go back to work.
Set up a collective system: To support the daily life of your tribe, do not hesitate to structure things. Make your weekly schedule, invite each member of your family to do so and display the charts in a prominent place. This way, everyone will not only have a clear view of their own days, but also of those of others. This will constitute an effective collective system to avoid repeated interruptions and thus guarantee you a certain productivity in your busy days.
Elaborate a lively and colorful planning: Be careful not to mix the role of employee and parent at the risk of tangling your fins. Above all, please compartmentalize the pro and personal domains on a psychological level. Put yourself fully into your work and be a parent when your work hours are over. Be 100% in what you do. To do this, create a schedule with different colors for work and home times.