In Chinese astrology, your Chinese zodiac sign (based on your birth year) is associated with several elements, including Wood, Metal, Water, Earth, and the powers of Fire. Other factors considered in Chinese astrology are the analysis of the 28 constellations, the 5 planets (Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, and Venus), the seasons, the 5 directions (North, West, South, East, and Center), and 108 stars.

If you don’t know your Chinese element, here’s the link to discover it: My Chinese element calculator

The elements interact in different ways. For example, Metal enriches Water, but cuts Wood. Water nourishes Wood, but extinguishes Fire. Wood nourishes Fire, but exhausts Earth. Fire fertilizes Earth, but melts Metal. Finally, Earth produces Metal, but absorbs Water. The Chinese years are organized in cycles of 10 years, with each pair of years represented by one of these five elements.

The five elements of Chinese astrology are forces that complement and nuance the signs, and these forces are in constant interaction. The whole set of Chinese elements is called 'Hing,' which means to advance or to act. The last digit of the birth year determines the element:

  • Year ending in 0 or 1: Metal
  • Year ending in 2 or 3: Water
  • Year ending in 4 or 5: Wood
  • Year ending in 6 or 7: Fire
  • Year ending in 8 or 9: Earth

By knowing your Chinese element, you will be able to answer the following questions:

  • What are the qualities of my element?
  • How does my element influence my emotions?
  • What balance should I establish with my element?
  • How does my element affect my relationships?
  • What well-being practices are linked to my element?
  • How does my element reflect my personality?
  • How can I use the forces of my element?
  • What lessons from Chinese philosophy apply to my element?
  • How can my element help me overcome challenges?
  • What harmony should I create with other elements?