Introduction: Moods that go up and down!
Aries ascendant Cancer: Authentic, sincere, generous, your values are above all human and family. Of an anxious nature, you are often in struggle against yourself, in conflict with your inner contradictions. Your mood is unstable and it is not always easy for those around you to understand you.
Strengths of the for Aries ascendant Cancer: Creative and protective
Weaknesses of the for Aries ascendant Cancer: Susceptible and capricious
Personality: A very emotional character!
You are often in conflict with yourself, torn between your egocentricity and your dependence on the affections of others, two contradictory tendencies, but both equally powerful. You are sometimes found to be complicated, your willpower runs up against uncertainties, anxiety deprives you of emotional serenity, but you have a great creative or artistic strength, which represents an excellent way to positively channel this permanent imbalance.
Vitality / Temperament: Sensitivity on the edge of your skin!
You are an aggressive tender, a conservative revolutionary, you go from joy to melancholy, from overactivity to nonchalance, from headlong rush to heartache. You need to impose yourself, but you are constantly plagued by uncertainties. You would like to free yourself from any social, professional or family pressure, you dream of adventure, of taking risks, but you are held back by your anxieties, your emotions, your need for security.
Love and emotional relationships: Need to feel protected!
In love, you are looking for a tender, romantic, stable and reassuring partner. You aspire to the security and comfort of a home, to start a family. Your couple will hold an important place in your life, building a stable home is a priority for you. If you find love, you will hold on to it.
In the family: Tender and attentive!
You are endowed with a personality governed by a powerful emotionality, which attaches you deeply to those you love. Your role as a parent will bring you much satisfaction and will stabilize you with regard to your doubts. Your experience will push you, whatever your path, to develop a sense of contact and to transform the notion of family.
Relationship with money / material goods: A little pierced basket!
You are often torn between the urge to spend on a whim, a whim of the heart and a tendency to save to secure your future as much as possible, because you are anxious. Your bank account is not very stable, but you always react positively when a financial problem arises.
Socio-professional life: An intuitive and loyal employee!
You have a strong potential for creativity, but your emotional balance must be stable to express your potential. You tend to be capricious with those around you when you encounter resistance. Often feverish, you can sometimes have contradictory behaviors and your whims can quickly annoy those around you. However, you are very endearing and never betray the trust of others, you are always ready to participate in common projects.
Sphere of friendship: An elitist friend!
Your need for emotional ties will always be at the forefront of your life, you are very selective in your relationships and your sensitivity does not allow you to be with just anyone, as others tend to vamp you.
You have a fire sign and your ascendant is in a water sign
Your emotions interfere with your determination and you are constantly fighting to impose your will through sometimes inappropriate reactions.
Your sun and ascendant are in square
The relationship between your personality and your motivations is complicated. You need to assert yourself, but you do it in an awkward way and it is difficult to interpret your intentions.