Introduction: An ivory tower!
Capricorn ascendant Aquarius: You often have a monastic look with a serious side to the point of austerity. Beware: your uprightness sometimes borders on intolerance and your emotions are always under control. Your career is your reason for living, you can sacrifice your emotional life to it, so much you are pushed towards an ideal. You need a partner who is as independent as you are to have a chance of making a home, but you feel so distant from people...
Strengths of the for Capricorn ascendant Aquarius: Original and visionary
Weaknesses of the for Capricorn ascendant Aquarius: Distant and careerist
Personality: More humanistic than sociable!
You are endowed with an idealistic personality, spontaneously inclined to deepen abstractions and to free yourself from conventional clich
Vitality / Temperament: Sometimes haughty!
You are a free spirit. Discreet or distracted, locked in a world of reflection, you seem inaccessible and you don't care what people think of you. Idealist, you have faith in man and in his capacity of evolution, but you are more absorbed by ideas, the study of all that can help this evolution than by people. You are very independent, absorbed by your work and interested in all the learning, you are a specialist in the field in which you evolve. You are cold, distant, you have your own vision of things and you feel too different to share it.
Love and emotional relationships: Work first!
In love, you are demanding. You want to preserve your independence and you may be tempted to sacrifice your intimate life for your work, or you may take the time to find a partner who is as independent as you are to stabilize yourself. In love as in friendship, your affections are sincere and when you commit yourself, it is for life.
In the family: Solidarity, but independent!
You devote a lot of time to your professional life, so you will need to find independent and understanding partners to share your family life. You are impatient, impulsive and full of initiative with those around you, if you have a personal interest. You have an original character, dominated by idealism, and you have difficulty in accepting advice or directives. On the other hand, in the event of a problem, you are capable of discovering new solutions by making the most of your creative and avant-garde qualities to change your methods, your path, and even your ideals and to install a new harmony.
Relationship with money / material goods: Free electron!
You are original, tolerant and you support collective projects, but you remain rather cold in your exchanges. Serious, conscientious, ingenious, you show a great intellectual maturity and you are attracted by a work in research, metaphysics, innovation as well as the professions related to new technologies or science in which you can put forward your qualities of visionary. You hate routine and constraints, which encourages you to assert your singularity and to impose your choices.
Socio-professional life: Just what is needed!
You are not really interested in worldly goods and you generally lead a modest, even ascetic life. But you need comfort and material security. You are afraid of lacking or not being able to assume your responsibilities and this makes you anxious. All the more so as it is a matter of pride for you which does not bear any compromise.
Sphere of friendship: Unusual friends!
The issue of finding balanced relationships is essential in your life. You achieve this when you dare to let yourself relax. You are rather secretive and it is generally difficult for you to confide your problems to those around you. However, you yourself are an effective advisor and a listening ear for your friends. You have a great deal of imagination and your emotional resources are particularly important. You are devoted to charitable causes and it seems natural to you to devote your energy to them.
You have an Earth sign and your ascendant is in an Air sign
You are often cold or detached and you lack flexibility, lightness, fantasy, tolerance. Your too realistic side makes you a Saint Thomas who only believes what he sees.
Your sun and ascendant are in semi-sextile
You tend to live your deep feelings in an internalized, hidden way, it is difficult for you to express them and you can keep them secret for a long time before declaring yourself. Even then, you may prefer to live your relationship in secret. You are easily hurt in love.