Introduction: Sociable, but reserved!
Capricorn ascendant Libra: You are sociable and skilful, you master the art of arousing good wills which help you to accomplish right or beautiful things. You are perpetually worried in your love life, because you have difficulty expressing your feelings. You are aware of this problem and it hurts you. It is through your encounters and their results that you manage to identify yourself, recognize yourself and find your vocation.
Strengths of the for Capricorn ascendant Libra: Idealist and sociable
Weaknesses of the for Capricorn ascendant Libra: Slow and indecisive
Personality: Combative, but dependent!
You are endowed with a personality full of contrasts, enterprising, you provoke situations favoring your desires, ambitions and hopes. You are combative, but your motivation is to master situations. Your creativity is vast if you accept to materialize it patiently, without letting yourself be blocked by external opinions or by an excess of conformism.
Vitality / Temperament: Very convenient!
You are warm, friendly and full of good manners, but you are also sensitive, reserved and have a taste for solitude. You internalize everything and you exercise a strong control over yourself in all circumstances. Sensitive to tension, conflicts generate a lot of stress in you. You fear to hurt and you adapt yourself to the beings and to the circumstances without difficulty. But you hesitate when faced with choices, your need for balance holds you back considerably. You are for compromises, arrangements.
Love and emotional relationships: In search of harmony!
In love, you need affection and stability, but you lack self-confidence, you are indecisive. Making contacts is not easy for you. When you make up your mind, you become deeply attached, but you find it difficult to show your feelings. You are looking for a reliable, affectionate partner, with whom you can maintain a harmonious atmosphere in your home. However, you must beware of a tendency to be overly protective, sometimes smothering your partner.
In the family: The family Eden!
It is in your nest that you regenerate, that you get rid of any external stress. You like to make your home warm, comfortable, beautiful and to receive friends and family. You decorate your home with art and family heirlooms. You enjoy social contact and are interested in people. Active and energetic, you want to improve your environment by using a lot of your energy to improve and decorate your cozy nest. You can become a great defender of the family cause or protect your home with virulence.
Relationship with money / material goods: Lawyer or diplomat!
In the professional field, you know how to take advantage of the circumstances and to arouse good will and support. You can be long to make a decision, because you calculate the risks, your actions are thought and weighed. Serious, responsible, you are gifted for business, but also for everything that touches your sense of justice and harmony. Very respectful of others, you are an excellent diplomat, you have a gift for untangling difficult situations.
Socio-professional life: Excellent insights!
You have an unfailing flair for finding bargains and are often lucky in your investments. You spend your money wisely, but always on quality, elegant, even luxurious items, because you value a certain standing, even if you are discreet.
Sphere of friendship: Balance between friends and home!
You are idealistic, especially on the relational level. You show yourself to be sociable while preserving your intimacy of any intrusion or influence. You are a born diplomat who instinctively possesses the art of finding the balance between all the opposites, by affirming sometimes without detour radical ideas. Through playful, fraternal and warm relationships with your friends, you are very stimulating for the group.
You have an Earth sign and your ascendant is in an Air sign
You are often troubled by self-doubt and have difficulty being comfortable in society, but you do everything to hide it. You lack self-confidence and your own behaviors regularly disappoint you.
Your sun and ascendant are in square
You are appreciated by others who find you courteous and friendly. You should find methods to express your feelings clearly, it will help you a lot to build a love life.