Introduction: A life on the rails!
Capricorn ascendant Taurus: You are steadfast in leading your life and pursuing your goals. You carefully organize and structure your professional and family life. Your passion can make agreements tortuous or complicated, and you often provoke conflict for the sake of sincerity or transparency.
Strengths of the for Capricorn ascendant Taurus: Hospitable and sensual
Weaknesses of the for Capricorn ascendant Taurus: Stubborn and materialist
Personality: Realistic, always!
You are endowed with a Cartesian nature that endows you with common sense, a spirit of logic, and a quest for personal achievement. Your fierce ambition makes you flee from any unstable or fanciful situation; you do not appreciate boasting, you find it difficult to relax, which is underpinned by an ambition that is always on the alert. You have a sense of duty and you are capable of renunciation in order to succeed.
Vitality / Temperament: Not very fancy!
Independent, you aspire to a calm and stable life. You like your habits and hate the unexpected. Serious, straightforward and very realistic, you assume your responsibilities perfectly. You are solid as a rock, reassuring and you strongly inspire confidence. Your decisions are always well thought out. Thanks to your analytical skills, you are sharp, precise and efficient.
Love and emotional relationships: Hard to get started!
Your love life is often delayed, but when you commit yourself, it is under the influence of deep and lasting feelings. As a couple, you know how to be attentive and very sensual, but you are not very communicative or demonstrative. On the other hand, your love affairs are often on the ups and downs despite your desire for stability, especially in the first part of your life. Your emotional life is preponderant in your personal evolution, it has a repercussion on your spiritual life by helping you to detach yourself from material values and to understand that one can be loved for what one is and not for what one has. Your sentimental life is then peaceful. You are a faithful partner because for you, nothing is more important than Love.
In the family: A haven of peace!
Harmony, gentleness, tact, adaptability, romanticism, sensuality and refinement are your values at home. Of a placid nature, you pursue your path without taking risks. You need to be pampered, to feel secure and to have stable relationships. Loving and protective, you tend to be demanding, possessive and jealous. You aspire to build something solid and long term, to start a family, a well-organized home and you take your time in choosing a partner.
Relationship with money / material goods: Responsible and innovative!
You are a workaholic and you are unwavering, sometimes even stubborn, in the pursuit of your goals. Whether you are a reliable collaborator or a responsible manager, you do not joke with your social obligations. Your projects are original and you are looking for collaborators who will help you realize them in an invigorating atmosphere. You devote all your energy to them as long as they allow you to discover unknown methods. You are attracted by new technologies and you would probably make an excellent engineer because your systems are sometimes surprising.
Socio-professional life: Financial security essential!
It is through material acquisitions that you best perceive the proof of your success and you get a sense of security from them. You are very good at making money work for you and you find in possessions the feeling of security that you need.
Sphere of friendship: To share good times!
Seeking authenticity and loyalty, you have few friends, but they are very important to you. Only those closest to you know your hospitality, generosity and bon vivant. You need stable friends who like to share the comforts and good things in life. Your warm and affectionate attitude attracts many sympathies and does not fail to seduce. Your relationships are stimulating and sensual, based on deep affinities.
You have an Earth sign and your ascendant is in an Earth sign
You are very down to earth, your life is punctuated by your habits and you are not particularly interested in the new. You are very diligent in your actions, you are persevering and your days are long. You are thrifty and you are relaxed when your assets are secure.
Your sun and ascendant are in trine
Love and sensuality are at the center of your concerns. But the need for self-fulfillment and positive expression of your feelings takes on an importance beyond the average. You demand commitment, you are envious or exclusive. You need an active partner.