Introduction: Warm humanist!
Leo ascendant Aquarius: You easily attract sympathy by listening and especially by understanding all points of view. But your independence, sometimes outrageous, complicates your love affairs. There are opposing tendencies in you that you manage to balance. At the same time, egocentric and altruistic, you are as much preoccupied by your personal progress as by the collective progress. You aspire to great personal achievement and recognition while being able to act selflessly for the good of others, in the interest of the many.
Strengths of the for Leo ascendant Aquarius: Attractive and tolerant
Weaknesses of the for Leo ascendant Aquarius: Distant and libertarian
Personality: Very comfortable in all circumstances!
You are a great idealist and you defend ideas, which are often ahead of their time, with an elegant eccentricity. You like to surprise, shock, make people react, you are not afraid to think differently from the mass. Lover of freedom, you are very independent and non-conformist. Human relationships play a big role in your life. Your emotionality is powerful, but you counterbalance its effects thanks to your reflection which makes you take height.
Vitality / Temperament: Enthusiastic and full of life!
You have an extroverted temperament, you don't lack punch and your expression comes through. You know how to be creative in the most complex circumstances. You can turn this into a great strength that will be useful in your professional life, to evolve towards great success. You are astute, sharp and very observant. You have a strong sense of justice and fairness, because you instinctively understand the motivations of others, thanks to a good control of your own emotions.
Love and emotional relationships: Married or not, the couple is important!
Your love affairs are romantic, sometimes tumultuous, tinged with unforeseen events, unexpected reversals. You may prefer a common-law relationship to marriage. You may have contradictory reactions if those around you do not behave as you expect. Your love life oscillates between a need to dominate the other and desires of freedom. You need a partner who brings you love and support.
In the family: A well-stocked fridge and peace of mind!
As a family, you are looking for a comfortable and secure daily life, with your feet in your slippers. However, you can be stubborn about domestic details, as your aspiration to well-being is so powerful and voluntary. You prefer to live in a tried and true setting, even if it may seem stale to others, than in a place overflowing with excitement or new technology.
Relationship with money / material goods: Born researcher !
You need to have some power in your work, you find it difficult to blindly obey orders, you need to understand why you have to do this or that. You have a beautiful capacity of deepening and an immense tenacity in your objectives. You are attracted to jobs that involve investigation in the broadest sense, from surgery to police work to archaeology. You can also succeed in scientific or financial professions. With experience, you will understand more and more the subtle workings of relationships and you will be an excellent advisor.
Socio-professional life: Attracted by associations!
You are more interested in the realization of an ideal than in the lure of gain, which does not prevent you from achieving great success... You need to feel useful, you want to be appreciated and you do not hesitate to invest yourself in enterprises which will not bring you much profit, as long as you can prove your efficiency and your commitment.
Sphere of friendship: Fulfilling friendships!
You are broad-minded and benevolent towards eccentricities or novelties. Your friendships are however simpler than your love affairs. Warm, open, tolerant, full of humor, you are magnetic, you attract and seduce with great ease. Of a total sincerity, you are thirsty of absolute as much in friendship as in love and you cannot take any betrayal, you do not forgive.
You have a Fire sign and your ascendant is in an Air sign
You are very good at public relations, cooperating and dealing with others as equals. You have a real talent for mediation. Your sociability, your good manners and your charm bring you success in your associations.
Your sun and ascendant are in opposition
You feel good when there are people around you, because your communication skills always result in you being well presented and appreciated by those around you. The more you develop your personal and professional contacts with others, the happier and more fulfilled you are likely to be.