Introduction: Open to anything!
Libra ascendant Sagittarius: Everyone likes you, you are friendly, open to all cultures, to all ideas, diplomatic and tolerant. You can hardly bear difficult situations and try to escape from difficulties a little systematically, which can harm your advancement. It is in sharing with others that you blossom the best, whether it is to party, to join an NGO or to choose a job in collaboration.
Strengths of the for Libra ascendant Sagittarius: Dynamic and popular
Weaknesses of the for Libra ascendant Sagittarius: Unstable and undecided
Personality: Gathering!
You have a colorful personality, eager to be understood, heard and accepted. You have a great strength for that: your relational flexibility can help you to rally strong heads around the same idea, to gather in view of collective projects. Going it alone does not motivate you, especially on a professional level. Generous, benevolent, spontaneous, you are always ready to share, to help others. The general interest of a group is often more important to you than your own motivations.
Vitality / Temperament: A bit of a philosopher!
Your life will be deeply marked by your relationships, they are what will make you change your environment. You are led to change them during your life, whether by your personal desire or by external circumstances. Your life experience pushes you to develop your compassion, your field of understanding to evolve according to your own conceptions and to develop a very useful philosophy.
Love and emotional relationships: Loving, but free!
Your need for freedom and change can make your love life complicated and you find it difficult to commit. An unconventional union is probably better for you. You can be faithful in love if you are not present, but you must not feel that you are chained.
In the family: Disorder and good mood!
Your home is a bit messy, but very welcoming and warm, a place where you quickly feel at home. At home, with your family, you blend into your environment, adapting to all circumstances and letting yourself be carried along by the general energy. You are very sensitive to the attitudes of your loved ones and you sometimes have a little trouble organizing yourself on a practical level.
Relationship with money / material goods: Far or high!
In the professional field, you flee from routine and boredom, you need an activity that excites you. Once immersed in a project, you put all your energy into it. You are particularly attracted to intellectual effort or artistic expression as well as to anything related to travel. You have a very open mind. Attracted by travel and the discovery of new cultures, you make an excellent diplomat. You are not used to routine, you prefer the unknown, surprises and you particularly enjoy being in a crowd.
Socio-professional life: Gifted squirrel!
You are rather wise with money, you are a gifted saver, quite fussy about details, you can make a very good accountant! You manage your assets with caution and you constantly calculate the risks you are taking. This restrictive attitude sometimes puts you in a poor security.
Sphere of friendship: Many (too many?) friends!
Sociable, enthusiastic, bon vivant, your joy of living is communicative and you are popular. Friendship is an important value for you, you like to have people around you while keeping your independence. You display a lot of ease and authority, but deep down you are modest. Fundamentally optimistic and idealistic, you have faith in the world and in people, you manage to find the positive in every situation.
You have an Air sign and your ascendant is in a Fire sign
You approach contracts with a certain lightness, because your relationships are moving and adapted to the circumstances. You find it difficult to make long-term partnerships because you fear boredom, the wear and tear of routine and responsibility. You need intelligent partners.
Your sun and ascendant are in sextile
You are curious and need relationships, but you are changeable and impressionable. You need those around you to feel secure. You need to use communication as a working tool to achieve your goals.