Introduction: Fearful?
Libra ascendant Virgo: You have difficulty in defining your expectations of life, you often procrastinate. This anxiety of the error sometimes risks to make you miss the essential. You have nothing of a warrior, you give up too quickly, you need to be reassured to find your dynamism. It is by your kindness and your devotion that you succeed. Your serene nature is satisfied most of the time with a well-oiled routine.
Strengths of the for Libra ascendant Virgo: Discreet and regular
Weaknesses of the for Libra ascendant Virgo: Concerned and picky
Personality: Refined and humble!
You are endowed with a personality that aspires to refinement in life. You cannot stand vulgarity and you are naturally inclined to detach yourself from the primary sides that every individual carries in him. You will blossom by proving to yourself your capacities and it is on the professional level that you will find the most tangible proofs. Doubt is never far away, as your analytical mind tends to constantly question the value of what you do, which leaves the door open to those with more nerve than you.
Vitality / Temperament: Purist and conscientious!
Your emotional vulnerability, which comes from a sensitivity on the edge of your skin, can push you to seek security too much, to the detriment of a relational quality to which you nevertheless aspire. It is a question of finding the right balance. You are anxious, you need to check everything several times to be sure you haven't forgotten anything. You always want to be sure you have made the right decision, so your actions take time. However, you are most effective when you are relaxed.
Love and emotional relationships: Sublimated loves!
In love, you are hesitant, full of apprehensions, you have a lot of difficulties to give yourself up and to commit yourself, which can make your sentimental life unstable. To enter into your love life, you have to make the first step, you are not used to being enterprising, but when you love, you show yourself to be calm, generous and fun. Your relationships are sensitive, deep, subtle, sublimated and depend on the circumstances, the atmosphere. You idealize unions and you show yourself too receptive, so it is difficult for you to feel fulfilled by an agreement, always unfulfilled to your heart. You need a reassuring partner.
In the family: Parent and dynamic partner!
You are always ready for new adventures and explorations and, if your routine is not always very stable, you put a lot of goodwill and benevolence to make the daily life as pleasant, even as fun as possible. You are very good at motivating your loved ones and making them want to do their best day after day. You push your family to excel by setting ambitious goals in all areas, but you gloss over the details. You see your family as a springboard for your personal aspirations. You want a fulfilling and motivating home, but you can be judgmental.
Relationship with money / material goods: Excellent collaborator!
You have many assets to succeed, but you lack ambition and you don't like heavy responsibilities, stress and pressure. You are meticulous and skilful, and you like work well done. Your sense of observation and analysis allows you to find the best solutions to any situation. You have a real gift for persuasion. You are regularly in the right place at the right time to take advantage of various opportunities and exchange with people who help you enrich your knowledge. You are not afraid of studying and you find ingenious ways to do complex work that showcases your abilities. You will have no trouble getting by in activities such as communication or sales.
Socio-professional life: Financially independent!
Your energy is focused on acquiring material security. Your ardor is focused on achieving success in your business and interests. But this does not prevent you from spending a lot of money as well, for you wish to enjoy all that you have earned and like to share it with your loved ones. You cannot conceive the idea of being financially dependent on others, which you would experience as a real hindrance to your freedom of action.
Sphere of friendship: Friends for 20 years!
Sensitive and poorly armed against aggression, you have a great need to evolve in a harmonious atmosphere, surrounded by your loved ones. Habits and routine reassure you. You like order and cultivate good manners. Reserved and distrustful, you are always on the defensive with people you don't know, but once in confidence, you show yourself to be friendly, sympathetic and communicative. Of a great generosity, you like to feel useful and to take care of the others.
You have an Air sign and your ascendant is in an Earth sign
You need space and light, you like light and warm tones and you love good food. You lack a little restraint in your projects and you must beware of a tendency to excess when it comes to improving your home.
Your sun and ascendant are in semi-sextile
You find it hard to save, to hoard, because you tend to spend impulsively, you like to take advantage of what you earn. In addition, you probably have high expenses. You are very possessive of your belongings, but this does not prevent you from being very generous with your money.