Introduction: Excellent coach!
Scorpio ascendant Sagittarius: You are overflowing with life and will! Your vital momentum makes you idealistic, conquering, but not always measured in your demands. You can achieve great things, because you have confidence in yourself and in your means, to the point of being casual about advice. "He who loves me follows me" is a bit of a motto for you. You may not realize that your tremendous energy is not for everyone.
Strengths of the for Scorpio ascendant Sagittarius: Dynamic and optimistic
Weaknesses of the for Scorpio ascendant Sagittarius: Unstable and casual
Personality: Turned towards others!
You have a colorful personality, eager to be understood, heard and accepted. You have for that a great dynamism, of relational facilities. Your sense of brotherhood is animated to gather around collective ideals. Going it alone does not motivate you, although you know how to be autonomous without any problem.
Vitality / Temperament: Need to move!
Full of energy and enthusiasm, you are eager for knowledge and experience. An impetuous adventurer, you are not made for a routine life. You need to move, to expend yourself, to explore the unknown, to learn constantly and to broaden your knowledge. Very independent, you are an instinctive person who evolves according to his emotions and passions. And even if it can happen to you to scatter a little by lack of discipline, you show yourself whole, voluntary and determined in all that you do.
Love and emotional relationships: In love, but independent!
Your love life can be complicated, because for nothing in the world you want to jeopardize your freedom. You need a union which leaves you all your autonomy, but that does not prevent you from having powerful and exclusive feelings for your partner. You consider marriage and contracts with a certain lightness, because your relationships are changing and adapted to the circumstances. You have a little difficulty in associating in the long term, because you fear boredom, the wear and tear of routine and responsibilities. You need an intelligent partner.
In the family: Like a fish in water!
At home, you often have a joyful disorder and poetic atmospheres. But if your surroundings do not suit you, you lock yourself in your bubble and can at times disconnect from your loved ones. At home, you are flexible, peaceful and creative. You are a cheerful, optimistic and caring companion, but you can be inconsistent. You adapt and blend into your home, let yourself be carried along by your family, and have a little trouble getting organized on a practical level.
Relationship with money / material goods: Experiences and discoveries!
You have a strong need to isolate yourself on a regular basis, to take a step back to meditate, reflect, explore your inner world and develop your self-confidence. You may have a considerable interest in psychology or psychic research. You are much more fulfilled in a secluded occupation than by achieving social status. For example, you may choose to work in a prison, a hospice, a hospital, a boarding school, or express your inner world in an artistic creation.
Socio-professional life: Comfort above all!
Your routine is quiet and secure. You are tenacious in your search for stability and comfort. Material well-being reassures you. You are endowed with excellent methods, efficient and profitable, because you are thoughtful and precise. You are attracted by jobs related to management.
Sphere of friendship: The bar is high!
In all fields, you are in search of a high ideal. Warm, spontaneous, communicative, you attract many sympathies. Very loyal and sincere with your friends, you demand the same from them. Your life is deeply marked by your relationships, they are the ones that will make you change your environment, whether it is by your personal desire or by the external circumstances. Your life experience pushes you to develop your compassion, your field of understanding to evolve according to your own conceptions and to develop a vast philosophy and much humanism.
You have a water sign and your ascendant is in a fire sign
As a couple, you are lively, adaptable, but a little unstable. You often lack the energy to sustain the long efforts needed for harmony. Intelligent and curious, you adapt easily to any partner. You are sociable and cannot live alone for too long. In an association, you are weakened by your duality between the past and the future, you have difficulty living in the present.
Your sun and ascendant are in semi-sextile
Your strength of will and determination, combined with strong physical resources, give you an energy that is stimulated by a taste for challenge. You rarely lose your temper, but if you do you react with great violence and possessiveness.