The Scorpio Ascendant makes you more reserved, more mysterious, more selective but also more resistant and determined to take up challenges. Impulsive, passionate and wholehearted, you invest yourself fully in everything you undertake, you do nothing in half measures. You are an extremist who loves or hates without nuance. Often on edge, you experience the slightest annoyance as an aggression, you do not fail to be incisive if someone annoys you or steps on your toes, but you never let yourself be put down.

English: You have strong character, a sense of responsibility, and are constantly striving to surpass yourself. Naturally idealistic, you often move outside the beaten path, needing to escape monotony and distinguish yourself from others. You don't easily trust others, you aren't easily influenced, and you take your time to analyze, dissect, and understand before committing.

Your ruling planet is Pluto (and also Mars). It governs transformation, power, and emotional depths. People with this Ascendant are intense, mysterious, and have a strong desire for personal transformation.

Our advice: Try psychology or meditation to channel your emotional intensity.

Your strengths:

  • Emotional depth
  • Perseverance
  • Powerful intuition
  • Unwavering loyalty
  • Great capacity for transformation

Your weaknesses:

  • Jealousy
  • Tendency to be secretive
  • Manipulation
  • Possessiveness
  • Intolerance to betrayal