Introduction: Full of contradictions!
Taurus ascendant Aquarius: This combination is not easy. You are torn between a desire for attachment and a yearning for freedom. You are often in conflict with your own temperament. You are a passionate, emotionally dependent being who seeks as much autonomy as possible. You use most often very original methods to achieve your ends, at the risk of not always being understood.
Strengths of the for Taurus ascendant Aquarius: Strong and autonomous
Weaknesses of the for Taurus ascendant Aquarius: Carrier and stubborn
Personality: Libertarian but dependent!
You have a personality that is both realistic and idealistic, not to say utopian. In fact, your mind readily turns to great flights of fancy, to beautiful projects, which are powerfully complex when it comes to implementing them in reality. You find it difficult to situate yourself, to be happy in a given situation and you cannot stand constraints and obligations. Dissatisfied, sulky, prone to mood swings, your attitude often confuses your loved ones. Contradictory thoughts overwhelm you and your mood is often terrible.
Vitality / Temperament: Safety but adventure!
With a nature full of contradictions, you find it difficult to reconcile your need for freedom and your need for security. You aspire to stability but also to the discovery of the unknown. Your approach to life is idealistic but your need for security pushes you towards concrete achievements. You express things differently than you feel, which is why you sometimes disagree with those around you. However, you have a great sense of humor and you are very welcoming because you have interesting ideas to share.
Love and emotional relationships: Difficult loves!
In your emotional life, this thorny problem between love and egocentrism generally provides you with friends more easily than lovers... In love, you find it very difficult to stabilize yourself. Only an independent and brilliant partner can suit you.
In the family: Dedicated but in need of solitude!
You are very attached to your family while dreaming of adventures and travels. You are an emotional dependent who jealously defends his independence, preserves his intimacy. Your affectivity is deep, your family constitutes for you a primordial root in your existence. But you absolutely need to preserve a part of freedom and independence to find your balance, which sometimes dismays your entourage because you sometimes have difficulty in transiting from one state to the other with tact.
Relationship with money / material goods: Ambitious and talented!
You have a strong and ambitious personality, you are in pursuit of material success and social recognition. You deploy a lot of energy to reach the goals you have set for yourself. Dynamic, motivated, courageous, you work hard and you have the capacity to build a beautiful heritage because you know what you want.
Socio-professional life: Anything for diplomacy!
You have intellectual capacities turned towards collective projects, law, public relations. Your social sense is very lively and you know better than anyone how to create links. On the other hand, a certain lack of tact sometimes causes you to slip up in your long-thought-out strategies. As time goes by, life pushes you to develop a more and more refined sociability and an ever faster sense of adaptation.
Sphere of friendship: A loyal and influential friend!
Friendship for you is a sure value and you give it a great place in your life. You are very curious, you learn a lot and you always have a lot of ideas and projects to share. Your public image is very important to you, you want to become socially influential, to inspire respect in your friends and to make a significant contribution in your field.
You have an Earth sign and your ascendant is in an Air sign
You have the ability to rationalize your emotions, you are not very demonstrative in your affections but you can be counted on, well beyond appearances. You have a solid foundation that allows you to develop your ideas and apply them.
Your sun and ascendant are in square
There is a gap between your inner self and the image of yourself that you show to others. You encounter this problem both in your professional life and in your personal relationships.