Introduction: Realistic and reliable!
Virgo ascendant Taurus: Motivated by the need for security for you and yours, practicality and efficiency drive your life and make you an outstanding worker. You have an excellent sense of observation and analysis, you leave nothing to chance and are extremely precise in your actions. Willing, tenacious, demanding, you invest yourself without counting the cost, not backing down from anything to reach your objectives.
Strengths of the for Virgo ascendant Taurus: Realistic and tenacious
Weaknesses of the for Virgo ascendant Taurus: Rigid and materialistic
Personality: Common sense and precision!
You are endowed with a solid common sense, a practical mind, a personality that does not lose sight of the objectives and you patiently work hard to build your projects. You are aware of the realities of life on the material level, but you have more difficulty understanding the psychological difficulties of certain people, you are instinctively distrustful of those who seem to lack realism or common sense.
Vitality / Temperament: Fun, but safe!
You are in your element in a regular way of life, which shelters you from big changes. You have a power of creativity that just begs to be exposed, but your imagination causes you to underestimate yourself, to see only the "utilitarian" aspect of yourself, sometimes leaving the field open for others to exploit your ideas for you.
Love and emotional relationships: For life!
In love, you do not commit yourself lightly, once in couple, it is for life. You aspire to create a stable and solid home. Cerebral, you exercise a strong control over your emotions and feelings that you cannot help but analyze. It takes time for your feelings to develop. You are faithful and genuine in love and friendship and very devoted to those you love. Your ascendant brings you warmth and sensuality. You need a partner who is mobile, who will take you to new horizons, far from the beaten track. He will delight you if he is faithful.
In the family: Responsible!
Whatever your budget, you are only comfortable in a home that matches your high aspirations. You're a little bossy in your home, with a kindness and warmth, but you lead everyone around. You aspire to give your best at home and you expect the same attitude from those who share your life, which can sometimes lead to rebellions or spats. You have no problem assuming your responsibilities as head of the family or mistress of the house and you do your best to ensure that everyone enjoys a dignified and comfortable life.
Relationship with money / material goods: Art or craft!
You are a hard worker who seeks long-term security and your persistence pays off. A career in the theater, show business could be a perfect fit for you, because with your sociable, pleasant nature, you are popular, you have many friends and acquaintances. You pay a lot of attention to children, yours and others, and you can be an excellent teacher. Pleasures, leisure, entertainment hold a large place in your life.
Socio-professional life: Gifted in investments!
You manage your assets and investments with your wits. You are a sociable opportunist who is very skilled at seizing opportunities. Disciplined and conscientious, you scrupulously respect deadlines, rules, and the priorities you set for yourself. By dint of perseverance, you advance slowly but steadily towards success, amassing little by little savings, assets that you easily make grow.
Sphere of friendship: Friends for life!
You may often appear insensitive, but those who linger a while realize that you can be warm and understanding. You truly appreciate nature and uncomplicated human relationships. You need time to really love, but it is always for the long term, you need sincerity and stability.
You have an Earth sign and your ascendant is in an Earth sign
You feel a fundamental need to express yourself and to create, whether it be through the arts, children, or love. You love life and you have confidence in yourself, you are aware of being a unique person. You need to express your personality, to show who you are through your creativity, to be noticed and appreciated.
Your sun and ascendant are in trine
Sociable, warm and honest, you enjoy surprising and dazzling those around you. You don't seek to put yourself in the spotlight, but you generally like to show off your achievements in the creative field. Indeed, attracted to play, art and hobbies, you may find yourself fulfilling a career in art or theater.