Discover Pluto's position in your sign and house to learn how you manage your deepest desires and transformative energies. Enter your date, time, and place of birth to uncover your Pluto sign and house (include hyphens in city names, if applicable):

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Pluto is the slowest of the planets of the Solar System, and it completes its revolution in 248 years and so remains about 25 years in each sign, marking an entire era and a whole generation. It symbolizes all that is hidden, buried, and instinctive. It influences the destruction that prepares renewals, death, and rebirth. Pluto speaks to us about the power of our passions, drives, libido, and influence. It's the master planet of Scorpio.

Discover the position of Pluto: what transforms me?

Pluto represents transformation, power, and regeneration. It is the ruling planet of Scorpio.

  • In signs, it influences how we confront deep transformations, crises, and rebirths.The sign in which Pluto is located colors an entire generation, and its influence is not highly personal.
  • In houses, it shows the area of your life where you are ready to question yourself and start from scratch if necessary. The house it occupies is much more individual.

By nature, Pluto is a dreaded planet because it holds destructive power. Pluto cleanses and regenerates situations or outdated relationships, promotes awareness, and strengthens those who need it. It requires us to understand that it is necessary to evolve, and it pushes us to exceed ourselves, even to surpass ourselves when the circumstances impose it. It gives those concerned a powerful sense of analysis, and it expresses a sense of destiny to be fulfilled, determination, perseverance, silence, courage, and a spirit of sacrifice. But arbitrary judgments, pride, obsession, and dark ideas are also explained by Pluto. This planet is in analogy with the 8th house, and its home is in Scorpio, it is in exile in Taurus.

Like Uranus and Neptune, Pluto is a trans-Saturnian planet, and it concerns an entire generation. However, its influence is felt mainly by the house in which it is located. If you were born between 1957 and 1972, you have Pluto in Virgo. You like everything to be perfect and managed, and you have trouble with the unexpected. If you were born between 1995 and 2008, you have Pluto in Sagittarius, you are a universal person in search of benevolence, and you particularly appreciate your freedom. If Pluto is in home 7, marriage or life as a couple can quickly become an obsession if you do not control your expectations. If your native Pluto is in house 2, you perceive money as power, and you must use it wisely so that your relationships evolve serenely.

Do not wait and discover your native Pluto and the nature of your transforming powers!