The Sagittarius sign is spontaneous and enthusiastic, people of this sign love draining other energy behind their white plume, they are competitors, dynamic sportsmen making fair play, very good at team sports but also motivated to go beyond themselves in individual activities. These are creatures full of optimism and willingness the exuberance of which is contagious. What are their best qualities? Sagittarius are loved for their generosity, pedagogical sense and sincerity.

The Spirit of Sagittarius
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    Other signs: Signs of the zodiac

    Love Qualities of Sagittarius

    The Sagittarius sign is cheerful, enterprising, loyal, tolerant and well-educated: Their nature catches fire in a thousand projects, ardently invests into mutual enterprises and possesses exceptional capacities of lifting their partner's spirits.

    Single: They are expansive and witty lovers who don't lose time and whose communicative joviality induces easy seduction and relationships full of freshness.

    In couple: They are dynamic partners, always ready to answer the proposals they receive. They fling the doors of their home open to other cultures, they love sharing large projects with their partners.

    Friendship Qualities of Sagittarius

    The Sagittarius are bon vivants, playful, spontaneous and exuberant: Unreined, rebellious, remaining conformists however, the Sagittarius people are gifted with nobility of character and a thirst for absolute which allow them to mingle with all kinds of mentalities.

    Long-standing friendship: They are sociable friends who are always set for action in case of any trouble and are full of great advice, who go overboard in order to find solutions. They make brilliant playmates, loyal and sporting, always ready for adventure.

    Party: The Sagittarius quickly spread their good mood and dynamism; thanks to their energy whoever was off-color is already more inclined to celebrate. They are capable of dancing and having fun all night long without growing tired.

    Family Qualities of Sagittarius

    The Sagittarius sign is ludic, fortunate and sincere: This is a sign full of panache who drags the close ones on the ways of self-surpassing and of universal culture. They represent an important engine in their family members' evolution.

    As parents, the Sagittarius deal with children like they deal with everything else: with enthusiasm, generosity and an inborn sense of pedagogics. Their kids can as well inculcate them a taste for regular and securing life.

    Children Sagittarius are enthusiastic and greedy for heroic deeds to which their natural turbulence has to be channeled. They require various spheres of interests, they need to express their vitality excess, overcome themselves and win. Quite often they learn to talk and read at an early age.

    Financial Qualities of Sagittarius

    The Sagittarius sign is intelligent, informed and audacious: Money mostly serves Sagittarius for satisfying their desires and the ones of their close circle. They are bon vivants who can spend a fortune in a trip or for a fine table.

    How they manage money: They are impetuous in their choices but often fortunate and a certain instinct allows them to make judicious investments. They should however keep an eye on the tendency of excessive spending.

    How they spend money: This sign is often attracted by luxury goods, especially in the artistic field. Their exquisite tastes sometimes encourage them to superfluous or excessive spending...

    Vacation Qualities of Sagittarius

    The Sagittarius sign is adventurous, sociable, adaptable, intellectual and polyglot: Sagittarius are always ready to set on a world tour! Bon vivants, often polyglots, easy to live with and perpetual optimists, they brace up their friends, learn the local language in 3 days and attach an epic fashion to a smallest stroll.

    In summer: For them a vacation means escape. Exotic landscapes and people, they will always find some of those whatever their resources are since they are ready to all kinds of adventures likely to draw them away from the routine gloom.

    In winter: In winter Sagittarius take part in all activities and eagerly suggest some themselves, often in the concept of brotherly competition, playing for playing, losing or winning does not matter, whether it is skiing, sledging or playing snowballs! Come with them, you've never had such an exotic vacation before!

    Memo of the Sagittarius' qualities: sociable, intelligent, pedagogical, optimistic

    The Sagittarius joyfully accept most of the changes, small or large, of their existence as they break up the routine; at the worst they accept philosophically when they are not heading towards an easier or more delightful life.

    A little + : They possess excellent energy, contagious enthusiasm and a clear view of things in their global sense...

    Home Qualities of Sagittarius

    The Sagittarius are courageous, easy-going, expansive and witty: The Sagittarius people need space, they take enormous delight in receiving all kinds of people at their sweet home. They are amateurs at DIY and surround themselves with talents that devote their best.

    In duet: The Sagittarius have got enough faith for two! They maintain the morale in couple, are neither suspicious nor rancorous and this flexibility of character makes them really nice to live with.

    In family: They are partners easy to live with, unpredictable at times but always very eager to make their home roll on the well-oiled rails of the general willingness.

    When they get up: An alert look and a fresh face color, they are the first to pour coffee, to consider the day at an optimistic angle and to motivate their troops right from breakfast.

    In the evening: Their agitation sometimes makes it difficult for them to fall asleep easily but their candor helps them avoid ruminating secrets or building up Machiavellian plans.

    Work Qualities of Sagittarius

    The Sagittarius sign is enterprising, cosmopolitan, adaptable and honest: People belonging to the Sagittarius sign are a model of willingness, frankness and courage. Afterwards, everything depends on their motivation. In any case they seek to broaden their horizons.

    The Sagittarius sign: As colleagues they are very respectful of hierarchy and regulations. However in case of evident injustice they are capable of rebelling and making their own tiny revolution.

    As bosses they are motivating, warm and encouraging. They commit to revealing to everyone the best in themselves but they don't back out from rules and decorum.

    When independent, they devote themselves to the last, enthusiastic and solidary, setting this way an example of remunerative dynamism.

    Fitness Qualities of Sagittarius

    The Sagittarius sign is energetic, audacious, sociable and athletic: The Sagittarius people have a natural love for making efforts and just have to moderate their appetites in order to attain wholesome balance.

    In sport: The sports that Sagittarius don't appreciate are too rare, so vital is their need for spending themselves! In this way their choice falls on fencing, team sports, motorcycling, horse riding.

    Nutrition: As soon as healthy habits are gained, Sagittarius acquire a taste for them and invent new much lighter recipes so that they are able to continue inviting their close ones in great conviviality and without any frustration.