The sign of Virgo is loving and devoted, always ready to render service and to fly to their close ones' rescue. They are of that meticulous kind who do everything well and let nothing escape from them. Endowed with invincible willpower and down-to-earth logic, they manage their business brilliantly. Practical and rationalistic, they are capable of turning the most unreasonable of us to common sense in just a blink... What are their best qualities? The sign of Virgo is loved for their intellectual capacities, assiduity and natural application.

Important: if you don't recognise yourself 100%, don't panic, you can check out your Ascendant profile for adding to your portrait
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Other signs: Signs of the zodiac
Love Qualities of Virgo
The sign of Virgo is assiduous, modest, patient, bashful and caring: In company of a more audacious and laidback person Virgo will be able to devote themselves to their priorities and find the stability they are looking for.
Single: They are timid and romantic lovers in their more practical than passionate manner. Too impulsive people make them run away as they give rise to a feeling of insecurity inside them.
In couple: They are faithful partners, discreet, devoted and logical. They are concerned with details, noticing every minor error but also every effort.
Friendship Qualities of Virgo
The sign of Virgo is reasonable, responsible, punctual and honest: Their close ones and acquaintances are broken down into categories according to their preferences and demands. All the initiatives they take are induced by daily life details.
Long-standing friendship: They are simple and sincere friends, sincerely interested in your success. They are very helpful, you can count on them in any occasion.
Party: They are reserved but those who are interested in them can discuss serious and exciting topics for hours. They aren't very keen on dancing but adore listening and watching.
Family Qualities of Virgo
The sign of Virgo is logical, devoted, precise, rational and constant: This is a sign full of good will who raises children with plenty of consistency and regularity by inculcating them sane daily life habits.
As parents, Virgo reveal to be attentive to their clan's demands and make best decisions for living in perfect harmony. You can reckon on them in numerous circumstances! They devote themselves for their kids' well-being.
Children Virgo need to be occupied in a useful and concrete way as they possess a lot of practical sense. They are attracted by systems, mechanics of things and they can reveal to be really ingenious if occasion given. They are a priori respectful and don't often break things.
Financial Qualities of Virgo
The sign of Virgo is reasonable, circumspect and prudent: They consider money as a tool rather than a goal and are attentive to details before engaging in expenses or an investment.
How they manage money: They are very prudent in their investments and expenses. They aren't on the bit of their fleeting desires and reveal to be rather rational in what concerns their budget.
How they spend money: They don't necessarily save but aren't often at loss as, whatever their desires, the search of security and stability is most powerful.
Vacation Qualities of Virgo
The sign of Virgo is enterprising, adventurous, dexterous, courageous and frank: On a vacation, this truly devoted sign will above all seek to scrupulously manage the least detail and thus will risk missing the so highly merited rest. This is a discreet ad efficient trip companion who thinks of everything and doesn't take much room. They feel better in private company and appreciate the summer holidays at their fair value.
In summer: They are adepts of digestive strolls, of sweet siestas, concerts and artisan markets. Accommodation is of utmost importance and, when clean and convenient, procures them real well-being.
In winter: They take up courses in winter for improving their swing, take part with pleasure in a night get-together with some delicious food and manage to be of use, whatever the circumstances.
Come with them, you've never had such a well-managed vacation before!
Memo of the Virgo's qualities: helpful, modest, methodical, punctual
People belonging to the Virgo sign need to take a detached look from above, to make concessions, to humbly accept that everything happening to them is not necessarily manageable. They also need to reinforce their humane warmth, often dissimulated under their rational appearance.
A little + : Their moderation preserves them from numerous misadventures and their exemplary professional consciousness often promises them a stable and discreetly profitable career.
Home Qualities of Virgo
The sign of Virgo is efficient, disciplined, obliging and patient: They are active partners who have difficulty enduring the routine, they are active, moving non-stop but they love coming back home to share their experience with great freshness.
In duet: In confident intimacy a wise Virgo turns into a passionate creature who enjoys abandoning the intellectual guards they are accustomed to... The fire smoulders under the ashes...
In family: Practical and efficient, they never forget to vacuum behind the sofa or to add a tiny but indispensable touch to a dish. They design their home interior themselves, by spirit of economy as well as by the taste of getting their hands occupied.
When they get up: They've got an alarm clock inside their head, rhythm under their skin, work in their blood. They are rapidly in operational condition as they never actually break away completely from their occupations.
In the evening: The sign of Virgo sleeps with difficulty at times as their brain is never at rest. Yoga or meditation can help them retrieve good sleep.
Work Qualities of Virgo
The sign of Virgo is assiduous, conscientious, hard-working and cerebral: The sign of Virgo needs to feel useful in a well-organized routine.
It is not by hazard that the Virgo sign is so often found in medical sphere and in social services. They need to feel efficient in a well-managed framework: scrupulous, orderly and coherent in their performance.
The sign of Virgo: As colleagues they are pleasant, dynamic and efficient, all in discretion and devotion. They are sociable without however becoming intrusive and they are sincerely interested in everyone around them.
As bosses they've got modest ambitions but are demanding as to the offered products or services quality. They practice a pedagogical style with their employees, demonstrating a high level of patience and great meticulousness in teaching them the tricks of the job.
When independent, they have some difficulty feeling responsible for a trust but they are talented instructors in case if they have to educate apprentices or excellent accountants if they have to run a commercial business.
Fitness Qualities of Virgo
The sign of Virgo is moderate, wise, intelligent and careful: The Virgo sign leads an irreproachable lifestyle. However practicing regular physical activity is indispensable for them in order to channel their energy overcharge.
In sport: The Virgo sign appreciates precision activities like archery or golf. But what's more, everything related to outdoor sports such as walking, climbing, horse riding, ping-pong...
Nutrition: Their prudent and measured temper does not predispose to excess. Nevertheless, they sometimes tend to eat in and out of season, raging at themselves but unable to control. The best is not to buy what is prohibited. They could then, in case of a bulimia stroke, attack seasonal fruit or other good dietary ideas that they won't lack...