The moon seems to be in free fall in this stern sign of Capricorn, opposite the sun in the sign that corresponds most with the moon: Cancer. Expect emotions to flare up under this full moon. Internalized as they may be, this only makes them all the more powerful. Some will use this influence to make their ambitions more concrete, to get ready in a systematic and realistic way. Others are likely to given into their negative and pessimistic states of mind. In any case, everyone should learn to take in stride the influences emanating from this moon that is more social, more professional than it is emotional...

This full moon will make your nervous, detached, distant. You will lack spontaneity in your interactions with other, spending your days complaining and criticizing little things that don't matter. Needless to say, a good mood and peace and calm aren't on the menu today!
In this atmosphere, which looks to be an exhilarating one, you might lose your bearings and feel totally overwhelmed and give into excess in some form. You will swap your seriousness for a little more casual attitude. Don't feel guilty if you can't focus or have to put certain tasks off until later. This day was made for having fun and partying with friend, so enjoy it, but don't abuse it!
Under this full moon, be prepared to put your ego in the closet, to be more humble, and to show more common sense, more wisdom. Whatever area of life it might be, be careful. You possess excellent qualities that will help you make sensible decisions, take advantage of good investment opportunities, bet on bold new projects, and fulfill your professional ambitions.
This appears to be a complicated climate, and so you will have trouble keeping up. Throughout this day, it will be hard for you to control your emotions, to focus your energy, and so, there is a strong possibility that you will withdraw into yourself and brood. Don't give in to despair, however. Everything will work itself out soon.This appears to be a complicated climate, and so you will have trouble keeping up. Throughout this day, it will be hard for you to control your emotions, to focus your energy, and so, there is a strong possibility that you will withdraw into yourself and brood. Don't give in to despair, however. Everything will work itself out soon.
This full moon will give you a nice little pick-me-up to help you assert yourself, gain popularity, and leave your mark. Thanks to the present climate, you'll be able to show off all your positive assets and make an impression. If you wish to talk about a new project, negotiate a contract, or ask for a raise, this would be the ideal day for starting up talks.
The current ambiance will give you a pick-me-up to help you move forward without having to be afraid of any potential gossip or criticism. You have enough self-confidence, and you leave nothing to chance when it comes to reaching the objectives you've set for yourself. Anything that has to do with finances is favored, so, if you have a meeting with a banker or have to negotiate a contract, now is the ideal time to start discussions.
This full moon isn't intended to upset you. On the contrary, thanks to this moon, you will be able to communicate, to get out and go where you want, to get in touch with others. Today favors travel of any kind, fun, going out with friends. Watch out, though: your enthusiasm can lead you to overspending.
Under this full moon, you will leave no room for the unexpected or for excess. Your schedule is chock-full, your documents neatly filed, and everything's going like clockwork, thanks to your prudence and masterful technique. With an attitude like this, you can be sure to reap great rewards, as well as the esteem and recognition that you've been seeking.
This full moon will put you at the helm and steer you due north. Despite your tendency to be scattered, you will have the foresight to avoid committing any sort of blunder, will show great motivation, and will find right arguments you need to convince others. Your good mood will draw in sympathy. Today is the perfect day to build new bonds, to share quality time with your friends and family.
This ambiance will be particularly favorable for setting goals and gaining the means to achieve them. Today is ideal for seizing opportunity, whether professionally or financially. Your seriousness, perseverance, and negotiating skills will be greatly appreciated. How positive! It's up to you to put your skills out there.
You will make choices and arrive at decisions in a more thoughtful, rational way. You will, too, manage to channel your energy, to concentrate, to persevere in completing your tasks. If you continue behaving in this manner, you have every chance of getting the right results. The same goes for your financial situation. Any shrewd approach or rational decisions will bring good news.
Under this full moon, you can rely on your wisdom and intuition to make the required decisions, take responsibility for your choices, and take wise action. This ambiance will push you as well to put your all into negotiating a contract, asking for a loan - or a raise. It's a good day to pursue financial action.