Jupiter goes around the zodiac in 12 years and so stays about a year in each sign. He is leaving the sign of Cancer where, for one year, he has favored the family, the home, real estate, the sweetness of life, powerful emotions and the imagination, to enter Leo and give us expansion to all projects.

Jupiter in Leo represents the surge of creative will, it is an atmosphere where everyone, in his own way, will want to be realized, to generate recognition, and respect from the esteem of others. It is a warm, constructive but powerful climate that can, for some, cause conflict or hard controversy. On a physical level, vitality is reinforced but, for certain signs, there is a risk of overestimation of its energy and thus, of harmful excess in terms of appetites, activities or daring that can turn into recklessness.
Jupiter in a friendly sign, burning with the same sacred fire, it is obviously very good news! A very promising year is emerging where you will have many opportunities to be in the spotlight and make yourself stand out. It is the artists and the parents or future parents who will be the most favored because Jupiter will amplify or embellish all achievements directed towards creation, construction, foundations and the organization of these things. It is a very spirited transit that should see you evolve in a very short time to a better situation that is more comfortable, a good reputation with, who knows, maybe love as a bonus.
Jupiter enters a potential rival's house and risks exacerbating all your yearnings and stubbornness. Your ambitions are high but you risk missing opportunities because your ardent faith in yourself can lead to disillusionment. However, if you stay disciplined, the influence is good for everyone. In the end, you can only get in the way of optimism, authoritarianism or imprudence. The sky is content to offer opportunities, promising and personal fulfillment, for you to enjoy without abusing it.
Jupiter in a friendly sign like Leo, means luck for a year! You develop new methods to express your potential. It is an excellent period of personal growth. You seek by all means to put harmony between you and the others and the circumstances will help you a lot. Your life becomes softer, easier, you can solve outstanding relationship problems or reconcile with yourself. You encounter unexpected supports that "fall from the sky". We just have to keep our feet on the ground so as not to squander these good dispositions.
Jupiter leaves you but he leaves you a legacy to manage. That's good: the passage in Leo will excite your faculties of management and organization but it will also draw your attention to the financial aspects of your life. You have big plans, you feel strong from the past few months, you go back to personal growth by insisting on the concrete aspects of your situation. So you seek security, recognition and the esteem of others, your open benevolent and generous attitude will reward you. You will encounter an improvement of your material situation, your life is organized.
Jupiter comes to your home every 12 years and stays there for a year. It's a great time for luck, opportunity and personal success. You must put yourself forward, even to show off a little. If you are unemployed, this is a good time to apply with the certainty that your skills will be recognized. Travel and study will be very beneficial during this period. You will be much more confident, you will feel within your rights and you will do what it takes to improve your living conditions, with optimism, warmth and generosity. These good influences must be exploited to the maximum.
Jupiter in Leo is, more or less, a certain expansion of your aspirations. You have benefited these last months from occasions and happy coincidences where you made new friends and you found unexpected protection; luck served your interests. It is now a more reserved year, more internalized where you will develop your ideals, review your aspirations, meditate on the meaning to give to your existence. It is a period rich in discoveries and evolution if you agree to take stock, to honestly examine your latest achievements and to sort out the essential from the superfluous.
Jupiter in Leo will give you a huge boost of positive energy after months of impatience or dejection due to some blockages. The wind turns: luck smiles on you, opportunities multiply, chance serves your interests and values your talents. Friends come to the rescue and you have the opportunity to evolve in excellent conditions. The worries you had with others or with yourself are being resolved and your relationships will be much more fluid and rewarding. It's worth it, for work, for the family, for your loves...
Jupiter in Leo may cause overconfidence or frustration when things are not going the way you want, which may be the case. You seek a new way of acting or being, your aspirations grow but you often show yourself credulous or naive. On the other hand, your reactions are excessive, you dramatize and you take financial or emotional risks. You show a blind enthusiasm, ignoring the advice and neglecting to consider the details. Be careful: even though Jupiter is never really evil, he amplifies everything. An anodyne dispute may, under this influence, provoke a breach of contract, friendship, etc.
With Jupiter in another sign of fire, opportunities for enrichment and fulfillment arise on their own. But to benefit, you will have to be vigilant and available. You will be more imaginative and creative, quieter and happier than usual. You will find or install harmonious climates more easily, both with others and with yourself. The circumstances are favorable, you have the opportunity to evolve, to benefit from support and unexpected help, provided you do not want too much. This relaxed atmosphere and good mood could, however, lead to greed that is detrimental to your figure.
Jupiter in Leo exacerbates your tendencies for organization. You do your housework, in your corner and you invest with much common sense for the future. Whether it is finances or affections, you have great ambitions and the intention to give yourself the means to achieve your ends. Your strength and your courage should lead you to success in your business with, as a bonus, a touch of creativity very useful for artists, craftsmen or sellers. Prestigious professions like real estate or finance is favored. As for loves, they take on the iridescent colors of esteem, gratitude and admiration.
Jupiter in your opposite sign can be experienced as the impossibility of connecting two notions. This transit makes you aware of the mismatch between your desires and reality. You're out of luck, the attention or power you are given is not up to your merits. You become susceptible, you accuse the whole world of being unfair while it is you who lacks rigor. Postpone important decisions because your optimism can lead you to error and you may also be deceived or betrayed for lack of judgment. Your bad faith and your caprices may affect your diet, push you to excess or cause nausea, weight gain or liver problems...
Jupiter leaves cancer where he sent you happy romantic, familial and reassuring influences. With his passage in Leo, he encourages you to exteriorize yourself more, to concretely use your creativity. Beyond the work of artist, it also concerns all those who seek new methods, who think about their future or who hope for a clientele or an audience. Your offspring is also favored and some of you may decide to start a family. Your daily life is exalted, the routine is illuminated with comfort and good humor and, overall, you feel an upswing, overflowing with projects.