When Jupiter goes into Scorpio, the secrets just have to stand! Indeed, Jupiter placed thus encourages curiosity and intuition, it is an excellent influence for all the investigators of the world! Those who deal with "hidden things": religions, mysticism, psychology or sexuality are encouraged in their research and should come to fair conclusions. For some, this dive into the invisible worlds will be anxiety-provoking or destabilizing...

Although Jupiter does not particularly touch Aries when he is in Scorpio, he still colors the expectations and ideals of each with depth and a search for authenticity. The fiery Aries can, on this occasion, analyze more closely their expectations of life and, more particularly, the lifestyle they really aspire to. Under this influence, you can also rely on your intuitions, underpinned by a particular climate that induces lucidity and insight. Take advantage of this period to set up a new lifestyle.
With this transit, you become aware of the gap that can exist between your desires and reality, between your ambitions and your situation. You want to assert your abilities, to show off, but you are demanding, arrogant, overconfident and you do not get the results you want. This is not a good time to negotiate with your superiors, your behavior does not attract any good will and could even create tensions or conflicts. Take a step back, relax and enjoy this time to do an introspective job. This transit is much more favorable to internal growth than to social expansion.
If Jupiter in Scorpio does not specifically influence the Gemini, it installs however an interesting atmosphere of comfort, financial or material gain and well-being in everyday life. It is an opportunity for you to better manage and secure your assets, to stabilize them by repaying your debts or by collecting amounts owed. Your material situation will greatly improve if you give up excess and if you take the time to think or get advice before any major expenses.
Jupiter in Scorpio's friendly and attractive sign is an excellent atmosphere for personal fulfillment, opportunities, success, moments of loving pleasure and a showcase of your abilities. Luck is present and your self-confidence increases from week to week. This "snowball" affect could, in a few months, make you climb a few steps, whether in your professional, family, romantic or social life. However, remain cautious and realistic in terms of investments, whether emotional or financial, Jupiter can make you impulsive by excess of enthusiasm...
During this transit, you feel a little frustrated and you are very eager to expand your situation but you tend to be too demanding, to exceed the limits of caution or to generate conflicts with others. This is not the time to take risks or make important decisions. You are blinded by too much confidence and enthusiasm, you advance with impatience and your projects or goals are not always very realistic. You must cultivate patience, organize yourself and balance your optimism with a fair appreciation of your abilities. You will then be able to obtain results and recognition of your efforts.
With Jupiter in Scorpio's friendly sign, luck may be manifest in your usual environment. The chances and circumstances of life are good for you and, as long as you pay attention, these few months are rich with various opportunities to seize on the fly. It is a climate of success, social recognition, rewarding encounters and satisfying relationships with others. Jupiter boosts your confidence, your energy, your entrepreneurial spirit and you are able to develop excellent plans for the future, like sound investments or useful additional studies. You have the opportunity to gain a better understanding of yourself, to better understand your expectations and to reorient your life. You show yourself benevolent and in a good mood, enjoy the luck and opportunities that this transit brings you.
Jupiter does not particularly touch Libra when he is in Scorpio, but he colors your expectations and ideals with practical and financial considerations. This is also an excellent time to look at your assets with clarity and good intuition. You can save, invest, repay or borrow, in general, you do it wisely and maintain balance in your budget.
Jupiter passes in conjunction with the natal sun every 12 years. This is a very good time when your life should improve significantly and you should grow in self-affirmation, showcasing your talents, or recognizing your fellow men. It's a lucky climate that offers a lot of opportunities for evolution, improvement of your finances and, for some, it can mean a new job, a promotion, a meeting, even a wedding. There is also very often an improvement in health. Only downside: enthusiasm, optimism and good humor could lead you to disastrous excess for your balance...
If Jupiter in Scorpio does not specifically influence Sagittarius, it does however set up an interesting atmosphere of dynamic intimacy, tuned towards sensual games and intuitive exchanges that enrich your amorous and intellectual dispositions. It is a time of withdrawal where you enjoy more things alone, where you find yourself and enjoy meditating on your aspirations. This break will be very useful next year to make the most of Jupiter's visit.
With the sextile to Jupiter in your natal Sun, life seems to smile at you. You have a lot of energy and dynamism. You benefit from luck, ease, opportunities for personal or social growth as long as you are attentive. Your confidence and your optimism work in your favor, you easily get help and support in all your affairs or initiatives. You make a good impression and your skills are recognized. This time is ideal for making choices for your future, reorganizing or reorienting your life according to your needs and aspirations.
It is a tense period where you risk being in turn author and victim of excess, abuse, unfortunate impulses and uncontrolled outbursts. You can't bear any stress, your demands increase in proportion to the resistance encountered and all this tension may bring you various inconveniences. It is within the family that things may explode if you do not restrain your requirements, if you do not control your greed, if you can not put things into perspective...
In trine, Jupiter in your natal Sun gives you a lot of energy, enthusiasm and self-confidence. You can easily accomplish many things during this period of opportunity and lucky, you improve your living conditions in a sustainable way. Your creativity and your entrepreneurial spirit are stimulated. The moment is perfect to make future plans, investments, resume studies, request a promotion or launch a project. You attract the favor of your elders and your superiors. This transit allows you a social expansion but also an enlargement of your consciousness, of your understanding of the world and of yourself. You discover new aspirations.