Mercury will leave Pisces to enter the bubbling sign of youth and activity that is Aries. It will boost communication, movement, travel, exchanges and commerce. This will not please everyone but what is certain is that the atmosphere will change! So, get used to faster more spontaneous exchanges, sometimes more aggressive. Personal wills will manifest and the youth risk being agitated.

Let us see, sign by sign, how each one will live this surging passage when it comes to meetings, circulation and movement. Here you will find our tips for getting the most out of this influence or for minimizing it's effects.
After a few weeks of poetry, confusion and procrastination, it is with great pleasure that most Aries will experience the return of this fast and dynamic little planet in their sign. Competitors will be faster and sellers will sell. Your relational and intellectual life will wake up from a long winter sleep and you will come across a thousand opportunities to express yourself, to educate yourself or to make interesting encounters. The situations are unblocked, many things go faster, the traffic is more fluid and the people more responsive. It is an excellent opportunity for you to fulfill yourself in your daily life. You will be able to stand out thanks to your determined and voluntary temperament. The climate will be quite favorable to you and this transit will probably result in personal success for one reason or another, an appreciation for risk taking or a particularly profitable result.
The entrance of Mercury in Aries is likely to jostle you a bit in your routine habits. The delicate and gentle atmosphere that colored your relationships with the outside world will give way to a much more dynamic climate, made of sometimes strong exchanges, hectic traffic and chance encounters. There is a good chance that you will isolate yourself from this excitement by focusing on your personal, intimate or social life. You are also in full possession of your means on the physical level and it is in your daily activities that you will best escape the stressful and controversial effect that Mercury induces in this bubbling sign. The world will seem unusually agitated and the exchanges often too fast for your peaceful temperament. Do not stumble into traffic jams, do not worry about anyone, you may lose every time because you are unlikely to spread the same mastery as your opponents. It will be necessary, to live in peace this passage, to show yourself more adaptable and a little more reactive than usual. At this price, you can let yourself be carried away by this vibrant atmosphere to do your own business.
Excellent news for you Gemini, the often oh-so impatient one. The entry of Mercury, a friendly sign of Aries, signals a more fluid circulation, faster reflexes and more voluntary exchanges, everything that you like. This period will act as vitamins in your routine, as well as in your socio-professional sphere. When finished, these atmospheres will certainly be romantic but not motivating enough for you to take initiative. Vitality is reborn in your contacts, your meetings and your exchanges, giving you, often and quickly, the opportunity to express yourself in front of reactive interlocutors. It's perfect to move forward in your projects or to take a new approach. In addition, your meetings are likely to generate new friendships that are rewarding, profitable or constructive. If you work in commerce or entertainment, good, profitable days are waiting for you. Your eloquence will be supported, your reasoning as bright as lightning and your interlocutors will be willingly curious. It's a great time to move, travel, meet new people and possibly sign juicy contracts on the back of a napkin, between two other appointments. In any case, it is an atmosphere in which you will be particularly comfortable.
The care-free World in which you've been living in for a few weeks can't last forever. The entry of Mercury into Aries risks being a personal offense to the sensibility of a Cancer. No more voluptuous atmospheres in your exchanges, it is the will to act that will prevail. Finished are the conversations by the fireside, it risks being everyone man for himself now, gone are the intuitive meetings where there is no need to speak to be understood, from now on, it will be necessary to express yourself clearly and quickly to have a chance to conclude anything ... Like it or not you will be confronted with the supercharged dynamism of the world around you and if you do not take a step back, you risk experiencing it badly. The exchanges will become much more "raw", tinged with selfish will and impatience. It can be seen as much in the car traffic as in the statements of each other. This frenzy does not suit your temperament and, mainly at work, you will have to adapt to a less benevolent tone, additional stress or verbal exchanges that quickly turn into controversy. You may find yourself destabilized by this harsh climate, but if you choose to take advantage of it to advance in your profession, you will be a winner.
Mercury's entry into Aries will serve your interests and suit your fiery temperament. Excellent contacts should ensue, as well as a wealth of new ideas. Your ideals, your goals, your projects will take a big step forward. It is overall a very beautiful influence that should be worth a clear evolution in the coming weeks. It's really the right moment to showcase your expression skills and your leadership qualities with a very dynamic atmosphere that happens in meetings and exchanges, allowing you to deploy your talents in all directions, sometimes in an atmosphere disheveled but still energetic. Your entrepreneurial spirit will find partners to match your ambitions, the conditions of change and mobility will be extremely favorable to your projects and you can count on the responsiveness of all those whom you have to work with. So you have a few weeks to expand your activities, undertake trips, give lectures, sell or just substantially raise the bar of your ideals.
Your encounters and exchanges which were tinged with complementarity for several weeks, will now be tinged with a new energy, a fierce will, a touch of egoism and a great responsiveness. You will probably begin a small retreat into your privacy, preserving yourself from the ambient agitation and destructive criticism. However, during this chosen isolation, you will be able to take advantage of it to develop new ideas and strategies that will best prepare you for the entry of Mercury in Taurus in a few weeks. In the meantime, do not let yourself be upset by shouting and strong language: people will sometimes show little diplomacy, but conflicts will be temporary and rather loud over truly destructive. This is not a bad time in itself if you are adaptable and do not argue over details that are of no interest to anyone. Relax and let others direct the operations. You often feel better in the 2nd rank, assisting rather than leading and you will be perfect in this role, managing better the time, the space and the means of people faster and more voluntary than you. It is a new complementarity that is taking place, bringing new challenges.
The relational world of Libra awakens with the entrance of Mercury in Aries, opposite and complementary signs. Exchanges with others, especially with your partner, will be more dynamic and much more rewarding because of new ideas and shared projects. Your meetings will be colored with surprises and unexpected flip-flops, your meetings will be fast, easy, spontaneous but often marked by a certain egocentrism of one or the other, your movements will be favored, often fluid and fast. All exchanges are likely to be more reactive involving good spontaneity, ease and fluidity, but also the less good, butting heads, a fierce will and intransigence. Everything will depend on your relationship so far: deep bonds will be stabilized, more powerful than ever, tense relationships may turn into aggression and disintegrate ... Even if this passage can be felt badly, it will prove very useful afterwards to rebuild your relationships on a sound and more stable basis. With this aspect, the imagination is in power and you should extract excellent influences in everything that revolves around creativity.
Mercury enters Aries and risks, after these few weeks of great complicity, making your exchanges much more tense but not necessarily negative if you do not underestimate your interlocutors. Your mind, well solicited in the past by deep thoughts, flashing intuitions and intimate experiences, will turn to new ideas, more concrete projects and new strategies. You risk, at times, being annoyed by impulsive positions that are not always well argued. However, this proliferation of new concepts and disruptions of principles can bring new opportunities, especially in your daily life, which may be experiencing some dramatic but beneficial changes. A fierce will and a certain self-centeredness will taint relationships, circulation and movements around you. Your will alone, as powerful as it may be, will not always be enough to give you the upper hand in controversy or conflict. It will be necessary to use cunning and intelligence to get out of the game but this kind of confrontation is not to displease you if you are warned. Take into account the excellent reactivity that prevails and be careful not to go too far, at the risk of seeing your opponent escape.
Mercury entering the friendly and very energetic sign of Aries has everything to please you after the confusion and even some lethargy of recent weeks. This transit will make your exchanges much more lively and constructive. The field of your pleasures, your children and your desires will be illuminated throughout this period and unexpected but very positive events can occur. This transit will help you to organize your ideas but also to express yourself more spontaneously and make your exchanges much more constructive because it will be followed by immediate effects. You will probably be traveling or traveling more often in excellent conditions. Your intelligence is challenged by many changes, lively discussions, and blessed opportunities to move more often and more easily. The climate will be friendly without being truly fraternal and anything that revolves around challenges or competitions will be promoted. Nevertheless, fair play will not always happen because the wills will be fierce and egocentrism exacerbated, without the benevolence that characterizes you.
You feel comfortable in meetings that are to your liking and with smooth exchanges but things may change dramatically for several weeks. The entrance of Mercury in Aries will make the atmosphere more electric, full of surprises that you hate and, worst of all, filled with a proud and unambiguous will, the direct opposite of what you consider a suitable relationship between people. You will have to get used to strong, sometimes aggressive exchanges and risky and less well thought out ventures because they are too spontaneous and especially to abrupt or with unexpected movements. This could cause some clumsiness or missed appointments or trains, if you do not adapt to this frenzy. It will be good to relativize the discussions and polemics, so as not to make them turn into systemic conflict. It is in your home that shouting matches are most likely to occur and some radical decisions will have to be made to keep up with the fast-paced changes taking place and the many journeys they will make. The best is to adapt and continue to develop your creativity, follow your excellent intuitions and do your work. You are in good physical shape and you will be able to help rid yourself of stress.
Your daily environment has been a little stuck for a few weeks but will suddenly come to life with the entry of Mercury in Aries. Your routine will suddenly be filled with a thousand shimmering colors, interesting and impromptu meetings will be multiplied, challenges will be launched and raised in a very dynamic atmosphere and there will be dynamic discussions and constructive projects. Your exchanges and your close relationships will evolve towards a beautiful dynamism. Unexpected changes will occur, which will push you to move and multiply your meetings. New ideas come to decorate your reflections and the circumstances will be very favorable for you. The sustained intellectual exchanges will comfort you in certain opinions but you will change your mind when it is necessary. You will have many opportunities to move, to sum up and conclude debates or to be involved in controversy, spontaneously. This fresh wind of individual freedom can only serve your interests and put you in an excellent mood for several weeks. You can do excellent business in all areas and meet a lot of interesting people by making the most of your exceptional ability to adapt and by entering this new, slightly crazy game, that will carry great opportunities.
Mercury leaves you to enter Aries and revives notions that are a little foreign to you, so it will be necessary to contend with them. The individual will is assertive, spontaneity will be the rule and surprises will rain down in meetings, decisions, travel and all relationships. The sky will force you to express yourself, to evolve in your reflections, to take into account the opinion of others who will not let you rest. The climate of exchanges and outings is more dynamic, not to say electric, and you will have a lot to do to get out of your contemplative cocoon and face all the stimulations that this transit suggests. You can, however, benefit greatly from all this excitement if you play the game by changing what needs to be changed, and in your case, strengthen your finances or consolidate your gains. Laziness will be out of place because opportunities will arise which must be seized immediately, in order to realize their beneficial effects. It is not a negative transit in itself if you adapt to a new rhythm, more dynamic and much more voluntary. Do not rely anymore on your intuitions to make your decisions, now it is the spontaneity and the personal will that opens the doors.