A planet is in "retrograde" when seen from Earth, this planet seems to be walking backwards in the Zodiac and is a phenomenon explained by the fact that there is a difference between the speed of movement of a planet and that of the earth; as well as because of the elliptical curve of the planets. These periods of retrograde emphasize the fact that following the House and the Zodiac sign concerned by this retrograde, at the individual level, there will be a need to go back to certain situations from the past and review the decisions that have been made. The energies from the planets in retrograde are prevented from being expressed freely, often announcing situations that force us to go back, to review certain judgments or ways of thinking.

Uranus is in retrograde about 155 days a year. Uranus symbolizes the spirit of independence and receptivity to collective currents. It is thanks to this planet that we are able to differentiate ourselves from the masses and to integrate ourselves as individuals. The retrograde of Uranus can bring about a sudden change in personal plans due to unpredictable causes, strange or inexplicable incidents. Stability is disrupted, we become more aware of our need for freedom of expression and this can lead us to change our attitudes or habits. This period allows us to gradually assimilate unexpected transformations and to avoid a "complete restoration of the system". During this retrogression, a maturation takes place, we can begin to use new ideas in the concrete reality of our existence. When Uranus becomes direct again, many experience a sudden urge to get out of the routine, to explore new horizons and empower themselves to do things they would never have done before.
With Uranus in retrograde, the independent side of Aries will push them to be one step ahead of the others, to take bold initiatives, develop original projects and create new situations. However, they will be virulent and will give no gifts to those who throw shade or try to pick a fight.
The retrograde of Uranus will revive the indolent Taurus and reinforce their stubbornness, their good sense and their Cartesian spirit for carrying out their projects. However, under this transit, Taurus will undeniably lack flexibility and wish to be obeyed to the letter. This attitude may cause some disturbances in their relationships.
The Gemini ruled by Uranus, will prove more eccentric than usual and will develop a strong spirit of contradiction. Their exchanges in their relationships will be tinged with provocation and they will make no effort to smooth things over. Such behavior will lead them to encounter some setbacks and will not help settle their affairs.
With Uranus in retrograde, Cancer will adopt an unpredictable behavior and will be in a rather bad mood. This will cause some difficulties on the emotional level, as well as the social and professional levels. By being undecided, they will have a hard time moving forward, listening to their desires and achieving their goals.
The presence of Uranus will amplify the energy and leadership temperament of Leo. More determined than ever, they will tend to show dogmatism in their behavior and to offend their social or professional entourage. However, their need for something new, will push them to develop original ideas and concepts.
Virgos love to have a well-ordered life. With Uranus in retrograde, they will be under tension and will have to struggle with all that is conventional and even with what is not. Their critical sense will be overdeveloped. So, beware of all those who wish to impose their views.
With Uranus in retrograde, Libra will adopt a nonconformist behavior, original and somewhat provocative. Whatever the circumstances, they will use their charm to communicate in all directions, to make new acquaintances and to try new experiences. They will be on the lookout for anything that is new.
With Uranus in retrograde, Scorpio will have trouble expressing emotions.
With this transit, if they do not wish to explode, they will have to make efforts to control their impulses. Nevertheless, their taste for change will push them to try bold experiments, the consequences of which could be unpredictable. But, in any case, they will prove to be beneficial.
The presence of Uranus will amplify the taste for independence of Sagittarius and boost their decision-making power. With this transit, Sagittarius will take full advantage of their autonomy to embark on new adventures and develop a multitude of original ideas. They will have a very positive vision of the changes taking place in them and around them.
The lack of audacity of Capricorn will prove to be a real handicap when facing Uranus in retrograde. So, they will experience some frustrations. The fact of not being able to act as they see fit will make them extremely nervous. Instead of opening up to novelty, they will tend to refuse everything as a whole and fall back on themselves.
With Uranus in retrograde, Aquarius will be comfortable in their own skin. Indeed, they will take pleasure in feeling free to act as they wish and to highlight their originality. They will redouble their ingenuity to put new ideas in place and be ready for any challenge. Their taste for solidarity and mutual aid will enable them to work for the good of others.
The presence of Uranus will allow Pisces to have new ideas in the field of creation and to be very ingenious. If a project has been in their head for a while, this will be the ideal time to implement it. If new horizons are offered to them, they will observe with subtlety the signs that push them to change and will not be unduly disturbed by the transformations that are announced.