Jupiter, the great benefactor: Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius and tells us about human ambition. Whether on the human, social or spiritual front, the giant planet (the largest in the solar system) has a tendency to amplify and increase everything with which it comes into contact. From the King of the Gods, we can therefore expect the best ... and the worst! Whereas Saturn has a tendency to put plans in order and construct, to give structure to our behaviour and existence, Jupiter will breathe life into and give spiritual breadth to this structure, and put life into its construction.

All you need to know about Jupiter
Jupiter dispenses opportunities and we can count on his presence to liven up and launch an event, and get things moving. He prompts encounters, which will enable us to experience and add to the great transformation cycles governed and heralded by the movement of the denser planets (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus and Saturn), a group headed by Jupiter with panache! Jupiter has the reputation of being a generous provider and encouraging expansion in all areas of life, often representing the falling of manna from heaven! We should be careful however of this very optimistic and therefore very Jovian view of this planet, because if Jupiter promises the moon, we must not forget that by tradition, he is the god of thunder and can also then strike and destroy!
Jupiter in our charts
Where Saturn brings limitation, constraint and sometimes renunciation, Jupiter invites us to broaden our horizons and push back the frontiers of the possible. It is no longer a question of measuring and containing, but of widening, increasing... and blossoming. Under Jupiter's tutelage, the individual asserts him or herself, finding his or her place and official status in society. He or she aims to integrate successfully and sometimes reach the top. Under Jupiter's guidance, we think big and want things... sometimes everything!
The planet thus inflates our aspirations and depending on the place it occupies in our birth chart, it will intensify our desire to gain social and material ascendancy. It encourages us to excel by achieving our objectives and at the same time essentially obtaining society's approval. In this way all professions conferring a good reputation in one way or another and inspiring respect will be equated with the function of Jupiter. Judges, teachers and leaders of all kinds symbolically represent the will to impose this and the desire for knowledge, which are linked to the generous, ambitious and sometimes excessive nature of the planet. And for those whose quest is no longer satisfied by small short-term glories, the philosophical or spiritual side will represent the ultimate achievement of Jovian power. While Jupiter likes to dictate laws and referee exchanges... on Earth... he is no less keen to elevate our ideals and increase our abilities to transcend the terrestrial plan and take off... up into the heavens!
Jupiter is very often represented in mythology by an eagle that glides above the crowd with its wings outstretched and therefore rises above human concerns, expressing our need for ... the divine.
But it also expresses our thirst for discovery and desire to escape, travel and explore other lands, pushing back the frontiers of the mind to their highest levels! Those with personalities influenced by this planet will often be tempted to emigrate and sometimes choose activities that will take them far away from their birthplace, blossoming as soon as they take to the road... elsewhere! Jupiter opens doors and essentially endows us with heaven's graces, feeding our imaginations and often unleashing the opportunities that will write our destiny.... Jupiter inspires philosophy and gives meaning to the information conveyed by Mercury, organising it into a coherent whole. It brings wider vision to the intellect.
We should be careful, however, not to abuse the power conferred by the planet in all its possibilities and similarly in all its excesses, in order to feed our megalomaniac tendencies, waste our vital energy, or adopt bulimic behaviour. We should take care not to be dragged along in the wake of those who, devoured by ambition, are in danger of being called to order one day by Saturn, who will come along and punish their transgressions... and make them face up to their responsibilities by depriving them of everything!
On the physical front, Jupiter represents liver function and the quality of blood circulation, and is associated with the hips and thighs...He stimulates our enthusiasm, increases our generous impulses tenfold. If we manage to channel the lively forces he instinctively generates, he will enable us some day to attain our ideals, whether terrestrial, worldly or ultimately... divine.
Jupiter today:
Since May 16, 2023, Jupiter has been transiting through the sign of Taurus, where it will remain until May 25, 2024, not without igniting fires and causing events capable of shaking things up, both on an individual and collective level (one possibly resulting from the other), even revolutionizing our systems of thought, with our beliefs suddenly becoming obsolete!
Let's wager that this will be for the better, as in May (on the 23rd), Jupiter will favorably aspect Neptune. A configuration facilitating our access to subtle and higher worlds, harmoniously connecting us to the notion of universality. Better, more spiritual communication among peoples? A lesson from above, from other worlds, from the cosmos?
Anything is possible and worth hoping for, allowing us to broaden our horizons and open our minds and hearts!
From May 26, Jupiter moves into Gemini until June 9, 2025. In exile in this dual sign, the giant planet, while increasing our curiosity about everything, doesn't always enlighten us in the right direction. The temptation to deceive, the risk of misinterpretation could thus distort the situation, blur the frequency if we don't act rigorously and in full respect of the laws! However, we can rely on Jupiter to strengthen communication between peoples and thus promote all sorts of agreements. Fingers crossed!