The Moon plays a very important role in astrology. It influences the way we feel and everything to do with the Moon falls within the area of the emotions.

It is important to know that the signs of the moon are worked out on a monthly rather than an annual basis. The signs are divided into three phases. Each astrological sign has an influence on our emotions. The lunar cycles will enable you to improve your understanding of your personality and you will have access to its subconscious side. It will also be easier for you to determine when is the best time to take a decision, take action or embark on new activities.
A useful example to know is that, during a New Moon, many people are not able to think coherently and are overwhelmed by their emotions. During this period it is therefore better to avoid taking important decisions, as you could make the wrong choices. So, be careful!
The position of the Moon will enable you to determine a person's subconscious desires. It will be evident what is in their interests. The signs of the Sun symbolise action, whereas those of the Moon symbolise reactions.
A Moon sign will tell us how a person is going to react to certain stimuli. Knowing the Moon's cycles is therefore very useful for understanding interpersonal and emotional aspects between individuals.
With the help of the Moon, we will know what kind of a relationship an individual has with his or her colleagues and family etc. Where there is stress, it is the Moon that has the upper hand, as the emotions are not under control.
As the Moon is illuminated at night-time, it is naturally associated with the world of night. This heavenly body moves all the time and its appearance changes according to its cycles. As a result, the Moon has come to symbolise metamorphosis and perpetual change. Poets and artists were very quick to define it as a metaphorical representation of womanhood. In the same way as a woman, the Moon goes through changes, has a cycle, grows in size, waxes and wanes...
At the end of the 15th century, man saw the Moon as a symbol of renaissance. When the Moon is invisible (during a total eclipse), the sky goes completely dark and the Moon seems to die. But it always reappears.
The Moon has always been part of our environment. Man used the Moon to work out biological rhythms in the past. In addition, we know today that it has an influence on climate, fertility and nature in its entirety.
The Moon symbolises moisture in astrology. It is a sign of fertility and a passive element. It is associated with the individual's subconscious, a sign of dreams and all that is variable.
The Influence of the Lunar Star
The rhythm of daily life is determined by the Moon. Without it, the length of a day would be divided in two and would only last 15 hours. The Moon is a natural satellite that slows the rotational movement of the Earth and is what governs the rotational rate of our planet.
We offer you the calculation of your natal Moon phase
It also influences the tides. It is the heavenly body that has the greatest influence on the Earth. This is really noticeable in the oceans. Every 12 hours, the Moon is directly above the ocean and at that moment, it pulls the saline water of the sea. The ocean condenses and retreats from the coasts. This is low tide. The rest of the time is high tide.
The Ancients also knew about the Moon's influences on vegetation, the human mind and health. They paid greater attention to this in the past.
The Moon as a Symbol of Womanhood
As the Moon is illuminated at night-time, it is naturally associated with the world of night. This heavenly body moves all the time and its appearance changes according to its cycles. As a result, the Moon has come to symbolise metamorphosis and perpetual change. Poets and artists were very quick to define it as a metaphoric representation of womanhood. In the same way as a woman, the Moon goes through changes, has a cycle, grows in size, waxes and wanes...
At the end of the 15th century, man saw the Moon as a symbol of renaissance. When the Moon is invisible (during a total eclipse), the sky goes completely dark and the Moon seems to die. But it always reappears.
The Moon has always been part of our environment. Man used the Moon to work out biological rhythms over time. In addition, we know today that it has an influence on climate, fertility and nature in its entirety.
The Moon symbolises moisture in astrology. It is a sign of fertility and a passive element. It is associated with the individual's subconscious, a sign of dreams and all that is variable.
The Moon, Motherhood and Childhood
The association of the Moon with the principle of femininity highlights female energy and the way it will be expressed. The position of the Moon will give an indication of the way in which a mother will look after her child or the way a person will behave throughout life, towards others and towards him or herself.
The position of the Moon has an enormous influence on a child's behaviour. In fact adults, being more rational, have a tendency for their sun sign to dominate their self-expression, whilst children are carried along by their lunar sign, i.e. it overrides the sun sign.
Therefore, the lunar sign is also associated with childhood as well as womanhood. The moon is also associated with the past, nostalgia and memories.
The Moon and the Subconscious
The moon gives a clearer understanding of the subconscious reasons that make an individual act in such and such a way. It enables us to focus on an individual's personality, representing subconscious feelings and hidden motivation. If the moon sign has too many needs, this can cause anxiety or blocks within.
The moon is the side of our personality we do not reveal to others.
Those who have similarities between their sun and moon signs will have fewer inner conflicts and will be more balanced. Conversely, those with the sun in complete opposition to their moon sign will feel misunderstood. They will be unstable and subject to inner conflicts they will sometimes find difficult to resolve.
The conflicts which can exist between the sun, moon and the ascendant can be a source of creativity. Great historical figures often had conflicts in their signs. These apparent contradictions inspired them to achieve great things.
The Moon and Love
The moon plays an essential role in romantic relationships. It influences the lovers' emotional reactions. An individual with a positive aspect to the moon will have a better chance of establishing a lasting relationship with his or her partner. The same applies to friendship or a platonic relationship: the connection will be powerful and long-lasting.
If the moon of one person is the same as the sun sign of the other, the relationship will be satisfying and fulfilling!