
2026: A Year of Transformations in Astrology

Written by Absent

In 2026, a wave of optimism propels you at the beginning of the year, filled with energy and new things. Discover what this year has in store for the 12 zodiac signs.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

1st decan (March 21 - April 1)
If you act with a minimum of discipline at the start of the year, the astral climate will not fail to support or even strengthen your initiatives! The planets indeed join forces to boost your mindset, solidify your positions, enhance your credibility with others, and from late June, amplify your personal radiance! What more could you ask for?

2nd decan (April 2 - April 11)
With Jupiter as your ally (notably between August 14 and October 3),you benefit from significant support when it comes to claiming the recognition you deserve! Whether in love or business, rely on an exceptional charisma to shine and attract attention from all directions, while also building long-term success (especially around August 31)!

3rd decan (April 12 - April 20)
The planets that were lingering in the shadow of your decan move away from your zone, leaving you free to express your newfound abilities and values. Count on Jupiter (starting from October 3) to boost your self-esteem, thirst for recognition, and desire to love, with every chance of being loved in return!

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

1st decan (April 21 - May 1)
Everything from the past that holds you back from moving forward and fully living your destiny fades and disappears. Your personal life then benefits from the positive consequences of a more conscious will to move on, to dissolve what blocks you inside so you can live more harmoniously with the world around you, especially with family!

2nd decan (May 2 - May 11)
The connection between you and your close circle continues between January 11 and May 8, and from mid-August to early October, you do everything to improve your family life by learning from the past. This is the best approach for long-term fulfillment, particularly around August 31, 2026!

3rd decan (May 12 - May 20)
Jupiter boosts your mindset and morale until January 11, 2026, and again between May 8 and June 30, 2026! This will keep you in a good mood and open to all kinds of encounters! Starting October 3, Venus might inspire you to start a family, expand it, or move to a place more aligned with your desires!

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

1st decan (May 21 - May 31)
The path started in 2025 continues, and you live in harmony with your deepest aspirations! Opportunities for happy changes are confirmed, and even multiply. New encounters open up new horizons for you. A year that has everything to please, as long as you are willing to commit!

2nd decan (June 1 - June 10)
You can count on an excellent capacity for expansion and expression of your talents (between January 11 and May 8, 2023) to shine and fill your pockets! Then, particularly between August 14 and October 3, you will likely meet new people, enrich your contacts, and benefit from a sharp mind to dazzle everyone!

3rd decan (June 11 - June 20)
A promising aftermath where what you've recently set in motion materializes. Jupiter boosts the use of your skills and favors financial expansion (between May 8 and June 30),stimulates your mind, enhances your communication, and helps you expand your usual circle and enrich your contacts starting October 3!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

1st decan (June 21 - July 1)
The transformation continues, intensifies, and allows you to explore new potentials and fully express your talents. This is an opportunity to move forward with full confidence, live in alignment with your deepest aspirations, and make the most of it on a material level.

2nd decan (July 2 - July 12)
Jupiter reenters your decan between January 11 and May 5, 2026, an ideal period to reinforce and confirm your rebirth and rise to power. Then, between August 14 and October 3, you further develop your skills, enabling you not only to shine at work but also to increase your income.

3rd decan (July 13 - July 22)
If you make the right decisions by June 30, 2026, you will then need to continue developing your potential and skills to solidify your new status and prove yourself. Starting in early October, you gain prestige and can expect an increase in income as a reward for your talents.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

1st decan (July 23 - August 2)
Transformations on the relationship front continue. A new cycle of growth and life opens up starting June 30, confirming the progress made in 2025. You work with zeal, consistency, and boldness to accelerate and solidify the momentum of change. Beautiful prospects arise as you turn your back on the past.

2nd decan (August 3 - August 13)
By mid-August 2026, Jupiter invites you to open a new chapter in your story, embark on new adventures, and assert yourself more fully on a personal level. To succeed in broadening your horizons and achieving your ambitions (around August 31, 2026),take the time to refine your plans (between January 11 and May 8).

3rd decan (August 14 - August 22)
You continue on your path in 2026 and can count on Jupiter, who enters your decan in October, to help you shine brightly, open a new chapter in your personal story, and radiate in all directions. There’s no question of blending into the background, but rather of asserting who you are and what you want, while perhaps allowing those around you to benefit from your success.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

1st decan (August 23 - September 3)
You are setting off on new tracks anticipated in 2025! There's no way you're stopping now, as you bring an ideal to life, materializing as a different life, a revisited destiny, and a fresh breath that sweeps away your fears and doubts to reveal a new version of yourself to the world!

2nd decan (September 4 - September 13)
You won’t stop here and are laying the groundwork for a different life, elsewhere or in a new way, in 2026! You're preparing the ground for a future that takes shape in 2027. While waiting to open this new cycle of expansion, you're perfecting your plans to firmly establish what is coming!

3rd decan (September 14 - September 22)
Exciting projects could be initiated (or even realized) between May 8 and June 30, 2026. You’re counting on your loyal circles, friends, and loved ones to support your ambitions and surround you with affection. If you wish to start a new chapter in your life, you’ll refine your plans and strategies starting on October 3, 2026, to be ready to take concrete action in 2027.

Libra (September 23 - October 23)

1st decan (September 23 - October 3)
The future opens wide, and projects are set to succeed under excellent auspices in 2026! Equipped with top-tier creativity and a burning desire to spread your wings and broaden your horizons, you will achieve professional success while enjoying exhilarating love affairs. A bubbling, effervescent atmosphere doesn't seem to bother you in the slightest!

2nd decan (October 4 - October 14)
Your projects are gaining momentum! Whether it's starting a family, moving, conceiving a child, or shining in society, everything is looking positive! This is an opportunity to strengthen your current bonds, partnerships, and associations, and to forge long-lasting romantic or professional relationships built on a solid foundation—especially around August 31, 2026!

3rd decan (October 15 - October 23)
Jupiter supports your rise, pushing you to great heights between May 8 and June 30, and favors even your most ambitious projects starting from October 3, 2026! Nothing seems to stop your momentum or expansion! So, now is the time to dream big, stop limiting yourself, and believe in it!

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

1st decan (October 24 - November 3)
The changes initiated in 2025 are gaining momentum and solidifying in 2026! There’s no turning back or hesitating; it’s time to embrace the powerful currents that allow you to renew yourself profoundly. If the price to pay is letting go of certain elements from the past that keep pulling you back, don’t hesitate to commit to the path of novelty!

2nd decan (November 4 - November 13)
Between January 11 and May 8, Jupiter enhances your ambitions and gives you the means to achieve them. Why not, starting August 14, find yourself in a position to access a higher status! Rely on your growing influence to stand out, ensuring that your initiatives are based on solid foundations and that you act for both yourself and the interests of the company!

3rd decan (November 14 - November 22)
Count on Jupiter (from May 8 to June 30) to strengthen your progress and assert your ambitions! These ambitions could materialize starting October 3, 2026, when access to the top seems achievable and favored by the circumstances! This is the moment to believe, to push forward, and to assert yourself on the front stage!

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

1st decan (November 23 - December 2)
Doors open, new structures are put in place, and you’re invited to explore new possibilities. The opportunity to express yourself more freely and personally arises, though it’s important to remember that time and method are needed to solidify these paths. An ideal is forming, and the need to balance your desire to achieve your highest aspirations with following the rules that help you get there is clear.

2nd decan (December 3 - December 12)
Until May 8, 2026, you can rely on Jupiter to multiply opportunities for progress in your business or romantic partnerships! Then, from August 14 to October 3, the giant planet sharpens your ambitions. Whether it's evolving your love stories, finding the perfect match, or climbing the career ladder, nothing seems impossible!

3rd decan (December 13 - December 21)
The momentum of changes initiated in 2025 accelerates in 2026. External events stimulate your thirst for power between May 8 and June 30. Your ambitions become more urgent starting October 3, 2026, when you aspire to broaden your horizons like never before! Whether it's moving far away or reaching a higher level, nothing scares you!

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

1st decan (December 22 - January 2)
The doors are opening, and what you initiate in 2025 gains more momentum in 2026! The opportunity to explore a new path is confirmed, making your daily life richer and more fulfilling, moving closer to an ideal that combines creativity and solid commitment, dream and reality. This invites you to seek without further hesitation a material path that aligns with your deepest desires!

2nd decan (January 3 - January 11)
Until May 8, 2026, Jupiter favors all kinds of promising commitments and contracts! Then, between August 14 and October 3, it’s about channeling your energy to achieve more. Whether it's gaining power or improving your income, this contribution helps enhance your living conditions and those of your surroundings, particularly around August 31!

3rd decan (January 12 - January 20)
From May 8 to June 30, Jupiter continues to support promising engagements, both personally and professionally! Starting October 3, it's time to capitalize on your recent successes, making the most of them, especially regarding power and finances! External events will then contribute to positively shifting the lines!

Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

1st decan (January 21 - January 31)
There’s no question of stopping halfway and on such a good path, but rather of accelerating the movement of change! Lifted from the ground by supportive currents, you won’t lack planetary support in 2026 to complete what you start in 2025! The feeling then of having made the right choices? Those that combine desires for achievement with a sense of fulfillment? So keep going on this momentum!

2nd decan (February 1 - February 10)
Count on Jupiter (between January 11 and May 8) to expand your field of action, doing everything possible to be appreciated by both your family and professional circles, and to be rewarded for your efforts! From August 14 to October 3, you play a more flattering social role and enjoy external events that are likely to promote your expansion!

3rd decan (February 11 - February 18)
Until January 11 and between May 8 and June 30, 2026, Jupiter favors your daily flourishing. Whether in your private or professional life, you have an astral background favorable to your happiness, and starting October 3, you engage (or re-engage) in a long-term story! Whether it’s signing a professional or sentimental contract, a path is opening!

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

1st decan (February 19 - February 29)
The ongoing changes in 2025 are taking a definitive shape and should contribute to your personal growth and the expression of a more assertive personal freedom! This will satisfy your desire to evolve in less restrictive frameworks and to express your new potentials, with all the chances of getting closer to an ideal you have long had in mind and in your heart!

2nd decan (March 1 - March 10)
Jupiter will continue to support your emotional development and the expression of your gifts, the recognition of your talents and merits between January 11 and May 8, 2026, and could multiply opportunities for promotion and advancement (between August 14 and October 3)! You will certainly have the chance to enjoy a more fulfilling daily life and to evolve in an environment that you like and that is undoubtedly supportive!

3rd decan (March 11 - March 20)
Until January 11 and again between May 8 and June 30, 2026, Jupiter will enhance your seductive power and boost your creativity! This will surely spark excitement in love and business! Afterward, count on the giant planet to multiply the opportunities that will be within your reach to improve your daily life and thrive in an environment (family, professional) that should please you!

1. Your 2025 Astrological Forecasts
2. 2025 challenges for the 12 zodiac signs
3. 2025: this is the year of change
4. Tips for living serenely in 2025
5. Everything You Need to Know for 2026
6. Luckiest signs of the month
7. The great spring clean: horoscope exclusive
8. Go Through Spring Gently: Spring is Back!
9. Children and Easter: exclusive horoscope
10. Call up the Sun and dare to laugh!
11. Social network: your star sign on Facebook
12. What to offer for Grandmothers' Day
13. Women's astrological profile at each life stage

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