"I have always preferred the bud full of promise to the actual blossoming of the flower, desire to possession, progress to completion, adolescence to middle age," said Andre Gide, pointing to spring. For you, what promises does this beautiful season bring? What kind of climate is reserved for you whether you are Aries or Pisces? Let's take a tour of each zodiac sign to identify what the first season of the year might suggest or inspire in us. Let's go!

You are Far Ahead of the Game: And if, you get ready to surf this summer on the waves, you started practicing indoors? Surfing on a board in learning mode is possible. You'll already feel like you're there and you can start working on stability and experience a great sense of freedom like no other. One will even wonder why you have this pre-summer form and you will not stop receiving a flow of well-being inside you like a nice train of refreshing waves.
Keep Busy in the Garden: To feel in tune with the season, you only need greenery and relaxing surroundings. Of course you will grow your tomato or radish plants in pots on your balcony or in your garden. If the spring runs out without being able to play in the garden or by ignoring the gluttonous and green delights, it would not be the spring. Vegetable growing and flower gardens are the teats of your well-being.
Immerse yourself in good health: Avid about information, as you are, you learn the benefits of a hot bath and you go to the saunas to lower your blood pressure and make your cells more resistant to stress. Your reputation as a nervous person is somewhat faded by the results. You have no obligation to go to the sauna, you can very well prepare your baths at home regularly. This will illuminate the season in your heart.
Read for Rapture: To feed your imagination, stock up on books and stories. Without fiction, you are bored, so do not hesitate to prepare a weekend in the country with your weight worth of words in your bag. The books will follow you everywhere, whether to relax by a pond or by the fire or in case of a storm. And if your other half is like you, you can always narrate your readings romantically and add a little.
Prepare Some Magic Potions: You are perfect to receive loved ones and friends, to make them taste your cocktails invented by your creative, intelligent brain and your gourmet palate. You will love this: mix pink syrup with lime juice, shake it and then decorate your exquisite work with a cucumber ribbon around the glass. Giving festive airs to the season of renewal makes you happy and celebrating your guests is nirvana.
Take a Rural Interlude: You do not like anything until you rest between two weeks of intensive work. You will choose to take your lover to a lunch on the grass in the forest and you will do things well by unfolding a checkered tablecloth, leaving cushions and small dishes. Once the picnic is over, a little hug is welcome, a nap also to recover from this timely relaxation and finally, to end it all with a bicycle ride for a breath of spring air and happiness settles in.
Take a Romantic Trip: Ideal for this season: take your lover in a guest house that is a bit old-fashioned, in the Renaissance building style, which will suit your aesthetic, classic and romantic tastes. The season of renewal will drive the travel plans you have in your head and you will have a heartfelt feeling that will make you feel like you're in a history book. And for you, beautiful stories are your oxygen, your essential.
Color Your Rythym: From the beginnings of this season, you feel reborn in your own way and are in search of energy and sensuality. You will probably find your account by registering for a tonic zumba class. You have to move until the sun goes down in your daily life. Being exuberant and frenzied, it brings you a lot of fun and in addition, working the thighs and legs with dynamic rhythms teaches you to know more about your body and who you are.
Vibrate with Tonicity: Finally winter is behind you, it is good to go out and smell the flowery air of letting it be and lightness. But you will also make the right resolution to introduce yourself to this worship of the vibrating platform called the gym, in order to impose on your body intensive efforts and treat your muscle stiffness. Death to fat and your calories! For this season, it is good to release your tensions while being stimulated so that the season of love deserves you.
Cultivate a Healthy Ambiance : You will want to flee the urban areas to escape along the paths, on the ground or up high, to harvest here and there the little treasures of nature. Solitary walks, and even more so when the flowers bloom, is a time that fits perfectly with your thoughtful and meditative personality. Harvest time for you is a temptation that can not be resisted because it was designed for those who like to find their own spiritual roots.
Poetize your life: The warmth of spring associated with birdsongs gives you the desire to write and your brain swarms with poetic intuitions. You find yourself leaning like magic on your bed to sleep with a pleasant feeling of fullness. Writing page after page is like a cleansing of the soul, a spring routine to clean up all that has accumulated during the last season when there was no choice but to hibernate. You leave to do yourself intellectually good!
Cook for the Little Ones: Your childish side will find full satisfaction by teaching your children how to cook in a playful environment and you will not lack resources to arouse their interest. You will enjoy them a lot by preparing, for example, a puree with an artichoke heart in the middle and scattering the leaves all around without forgetting fun and creative snacks. In short, the taste of new flavors will flourish for the better thanks to your mischievous enthusiasm.