During a spring full of opportunities to shake up our foundations, Jupiter, the master of time and influences for the year, begins (around April 21st) by triggering events that could disrupt a troubled global situation.

World astrology
The exact conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus on April 21, 2024, could prove decisive for what follows. Will it lead to a sudden decision to lay down arms, an unexpected resolution to a deadly conflict, or an incident that forces the world to come together to avert a catastrophe? Anything is possible, but the planetary aspects that follow directly (a sextile between Jupiter and Neptune on May 23 and a trine between Jupiter and Pluto on June 3) suggest a positive, even constructive, outcome.
However, nothing seems definitively won because starting in August, Jupiter clashes with Saturn, who defends a more conservative version of the world. While Jupiter urges us to spread our wings, believe in a fairer, more inspiring world, and mobilize to build it together, Saturn resists, reminding us that nothing can be built without considering the lessons of the past. A debate (a struggle) ensues between proponents of a new paradigm and defenders of the established (not always positive) foundations of the past. This debate will persist until June 2025 but will have to contend with influences that amplify our desire for change.
Since 2023, Pluto has been moving back and forth between the end of Capricorn and the early degrees of Aquarius. A balance is struck between old systems collapsing and new foundations needing to be established to definitively set us on a path of positive evolution and divert us from an overly technological vision of the future where AI holds all power.
"The twenty-first century will be spiritual or it will not be." A quote from Malraux to ponder more than ever to choose the right path rather than the wrong one.
The climate - the environment
The energies of April 2024 accentuate a trend that ignites a spark.
The contact between Jupiter and Uranus, while a catalyst for change and major discoveries (scientific and cosmic), could also correspond to a climate peak. Perhaps global awareness will finally emerge, solidified by agreements that are adhered to this time.
The atmosphere in that month remains tense (hopefully for the better). What should we be concerned about in 2024? That the earth moves, that the earth's crust shows its discontent at being mistreated by humans. Between volcanic eruptions, various seismic activities, and repeated flooding, our beautiful planet is signaling that its patience has reached its limits.
Fortunately, the intensification of climate issues is accompanied by a determination to overcome them. Large collective efforts, a population mobilizing, a world aspiring to rebuild on better foundations? If the first half of the year offers hope, it is hindered by those who control polluting industries. A titanic battle is unfolding between consciousness and power. Once again, only a more spiritual understanding of the issues and solutions will enable us to resolve them positively.
The stars
Pluto completes its long transit of Capricorn on November 20, a journey that began in 2008. During its lengthy stay in this stern sign associated with tradition and authority, the "lord of transformations" eroded systems (political, economic, societal) that were barely holding on. By entering Aquarius between March 23 and June 11, 2023, Pluto announced its intentions and returns from January 21 to September 1, 2024, and then on November 20, where it remains. We must revise our approach. Sticking to our old positions will only lead us to a dead end. We must change everything, innovate, move forward, and rebuild our societies on different foundations. Let's hope we opt for foundations that respect the integrity and rights of everyone. If we choose the humanistic version of the program, everything is possible: inventions to improve our daily lives, revolutionize medicine, address climate issues, and encounter other civilizations and worlds.
If we play with our new powers to subdue the elements, we risk dire consequences.
Neptune continues its journey through Pisces in 2024. In its domicile sign, Neptune rules over the seas, oceans, and depths of our world. While it threatens us with engulfment, overflow, and issues warnings (heavy rains, tsunamis), will we be able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions responsible for the climate disruptions we are experiencing? It appears that awareness is spreading in 2024. Around May 23, a collective clamor calls for the establishment of the rule of law to protect our generous planet. Let's hope this momentum silences those who have no interest in supporting this noble cause and might slow down this movement between August 2024 and June 2025.
Uranus and its explosive, dynamic, and revolutionary nature manifest themselves this spring. Excited by Jupiter (around April 21, 2024), let's prepare to be shaken on a collective, individual, and perhaps even interplanetary level. The duo is unlikely to go unnoticed. Anything can happen, but there's no question of continuing as if nothing has changed. Fortunately, the planetary aspects that follow (in May and June) promise a transformation of an evolutionary and positive nature. This is necessary to genuinely consider what comes next.
Saturn in Pisces struggles to structure the world in this fluid sign, not really in its element. While spring invites us to evolve, change our reference points and ways of functioning, we may be caught up by Saturn's stern rule from the summer onwards, which will dampen our enthusiasm around August 19 and December 24. The outcome will be revealed in June 2025 when we'll see whether Jupiter, the enterprising creator of opportunities, or Saturn prevails. If these two adversaries manage to strike a balance between too much and too little, expansion and contraction, the desire to push boundaries and the necessary need for grounding.
In 2024, Jupiter takes the lead and leads the dance. Present in Taurus until May 26, the giant planet, which expands everything it touches, directly clashes with Uranus on April 21, 2024. What can we expect from this clash of titans? Most likely, change, even revelation, and events that could change the game on an individual, collective, global, and possibly interplanetary level. Jupiter harmoniously aligns with Neptune on May 23, giving hope for a positive spiritual, economic, and social outcome. Jupiter enters Gemini on May 26. In this sign, where it is in exile, Jupiter struggles to find its way, hesitating between two poles but remaining curious about everything, ready to leave everything behind and sometimes pushing the boundaries. If, at the beginning of June, Jupiter promotes expansion, revitalizes our economy, and strengthens our ability to serve the common good, we may be cooled down by a less enthusiastic current that begins around August 19, confirms in December, and influences our destinies until June 2025.
Saturn slows down the movement, opposing our desires and hopes for expansion. It's up to us to stand firm, not to give up in the face of a trend that will gradually lose steam. Let's use this somewhat frustrating period to revise our approach and build our hopes on solid ground.
Note that Mars moves between Cancer and Leo from September 4, 2024, to June 17, 2025. This long loop will exacerbate issues related to security, stability, tradition, family, homeland (values associated with Cancer) and tensions related to power, dominance, and possession (Leo).