
Understand the context of 2025

Written by Alison

In 2025, we seek to bring some order to a persistent chaos. We will likely need to be patient and cope with conflicting planetary influences, exposing us to tensions and further thickening the cloud cover that has weighed down our sky for a long time.

Thus, in early April, Saturn channels our desire to expand our consciousness by taking into account the lessons of the past. However, the final square of Jupiter to Saturn on June 15, 2025 (following those on August 19 and December 24, 2024) risks frustrating our ambitions. A central power seeks to regain control, dominate the debates, and impose its codes. This hesitation between moving forward or backward sows confusion around June 15, where a square between Jupiter and Neptune blurs perspectives. The first half of the year, despite some good intentions, seems to block us.

Yet, this is not so certain. A disruption marks the beginning of a major change in the unfolding of events and in the vibrational frequency we will gradually align with. Starting in 2025, and even more so from 2026, this new energy redistributes the cards.
We are temporarily evolving in 2025, and more sustainably in 2026, towards fire and air energies (Aries-Gemini),in radical contrast to earth and water energies (Taurus-Capricorn-Pisces) that, since 2019, have favored dissolution rather than renewal. By mid-August, this process begins, and even if the beginnings seem chaotic, nothing will stop it.

Saturn in Aries aligns with Uranus in Gemini (on August 12) to propose innovation and getting out of the rut. From the end of August and throughout the second half of 2025, the momentum accelerates. It is no longer about saving an old world that has run its course but rather about opening our societies to new horizons. Thus, Uranus and Neptune collaborate around August 29 and November 20, 2025, to favor the emergence of a much-anticipated paradigm shift.

A new era begins to take shape this year, with a sparkling, surprising, sometimes disorienting fragrance, inviting us to change direction and opt for a more humanistic program oriented towards more supportive and inspiring values.

Even though 2025 presents only promising beginnings, and we still have to struggle to keep our heads above water, let us remember that the river approaches its mouth. From this year, we can start to glimpse a path that will bring us closer to the highest version of ourselves. We must accept to look beyond appearances and step out of a comfort zone that no longer satisfies anyone. We are capable of this, and we will do it.

Global Astrology

It is not by applying the same rules that we can resolve the many conflicts and soothe the major tensions that fracture populations. Despite the good intentions seeking to extinguish the fire, the egos of certain leaders continue to blaze, sowing chaos and war.

Between June and August 2025, as Saturn approaches Neptune, it could provoke a deadlock or exacerbate confrontations. Some extreme positions may jeopardize global balance.

Towards the end of August, a new wind rises. New perspectives, a renewed vision of the world, and our place in the universe urge us to reassess our priorities, moving from one plan to another, understanding that we all come from the same cosmic womb.

Carried by the air-fire influence of Uranus in Gemini and Neptune in Aries, we hope that nations will open a new path, finally escaping negative emotions such as anger, jealousy, and hatred. It is not about going around in circles but rather about gaining altitude. An aspiration for something different dictates our decisions and actions.

In any case, the second half of 2025 will unfold differently and offer a new perspective on what has divided peoples for too long. Whether through enlightened beings or a collective consciousness fully opening up, we are progressing towards a conception of the world and our role in the universe that evolves considerably from the second half of 2025, developing more fully in 2026. Not a moment too soon.

The Climate - The Environment

If we are still struggling to give up our old polluting habits, we will likely be forced to do so in 2025, as the risk of pollution, flooding, and landslides does not decrease, particularly in spring and June. Particularly starting in August, as we transition from earth-water to air-fire elements, fires, explosions, and eruptions will multiply.

However, we can hope that the sextile linking Uranus (in Gemini) to Neptune (in Aries) starting at the end of August offers ingenious, even bold solutions to escape disasters rather than endure them. Let’s rely on the dynamics of this aspect to propose alternatives that could finally lighten our debt to the Earth, which we have been accumulating since the industrial era.

Inventions could revolutionize our resource management, with a vision that radically evolves toward long-term considerations and the preservation of our planet. A shift is beginning, potentially opening paths that are far more respectful of our environment. The winds that rise in the second half of the year seem to carry newness and hope, inviting humanity to grow. This will be worth following in 2026, where the path transforms into an avenue.

The stars

Pluto travels through Aquarius until January 2044. This time frame could completely revolutionize our behaviors, beliefs, and establish a new world in place of the old one. This period may disrupt our reference points and lead to a drastic mutation of our societies, as well as an evolution of humanity, which must grow to hope to live in harmony with its peers. Pluto flirts with Neptune in 2025, but their exact meeting will occur in 2026. Let’s hope this dynamic closeness inspires our decisions and guides our actions in 2025. A pathway connecting the body to the soul could then reveal the most sublime aspects of ourselves.

Neptune will definitively leave the sign of Pisces on January 26, 2026, but in 2025, it will make an incursion into Aries from March 30 to October 22. In the first sign of the zodiac, the planet of the deep can favor the emergence of new ideals, but it may not encourage this trend. It could also blind the masses, fuel false beliefs, spread lies, and lead us to believe in beautiful promises around June 19, when the risk of illusion and deception peaks. It is essential not to give our trust unreservedly, as the credulity of the populations could be abused to serve unclear interests. Fortunately, around August 29 and November 20, Neptune will reconnect with its inspiring nature and propagate more progressive and humanitarian ideals. The desire to help others through solidarity actions and the possibility of making discoveries will change our perspective on ourselves and our place in the universe. We will know more by the end of 2026.

Uranus temporarily changes signs and elements in 2025. The planet will move through Taurus until April 2026 but will take a brief tour in Gemini from July 7 to November 8, 2025. Uranus in Taurus strives to overturn established codes and establish a new order around April 4, supported by Saturn, attempting to find a consensus between the old and the need for change. Around August 12, Uranus in Gemini will propose other innovative solutions to turn the page. On August 29, 2025, it will ally with Neptune to bring forth ideals that could open broad perspectives for humanity. Returning to Taurus, this last tour in a fixed sign will give Uranus the opportunity to clear the ground and allow for the emergence of a new paradigm, promoting the elevation of consciousness around November 20.

Before leaving the sign of Pisces on February 14, 2026, Saturn will temporarily intrude into Aries from May 25 to September 1, 2025. In this fiery sign, quick to act, Saturn evolves with difficulty. In its fall, the austere planet tends to curb Aries' impulsiveness and seeks to control it. In April, while still residing in Pisces and positively aspecting Uranus in Taurus, it will utilize the innovative power of the planet to channel the surrounding disorder. Around August 12, 2025, when it harmoniously crosses paths with Uranus in Gemini, it structures the creativity of this elusive planet. Can we hope that a new world in gestation begins to blossom?

Jupiter transits through Gemini until June 9, 2025, without making much noise, then it enters the sign of Cancer, where it is exalted. In Gemini, Jupiter hesitates, navigates ambiguities, sometimes skirting legality, and seeks its way. In Cancer, it is supposed to find it, but on June 15, it reproduces a square to Saturn in Aries, an already significant aspect of 2024 (the first occurred on August 19, 2024, and the second on December 24, 2024, when Jupiter was traversing Gemini and Saturn was in Pisces),generating some chaos, particularly in social and political realms. In 2025, the last square between Jupiter and Saturn forms between Aries and Cancer, foreshadowing power struggles between Saturn in Aries, seeking to dominate the situation, and Jupiter in Cancer, a sign representing the people, which may not be ready to submit. A few days later, on June 19, Jupiter will be in a square with Neptune, also in Aries. It is important not to give in to illusions and not to believe too much in promises, as this aspect is more prone to confusion than clarity.

Mars moves between Cancer and Leo from September 4, 2024, until June 17, 2025. This long period exacerbates issues related to security, grounding, traditions, family, homeland, and people (values related to Cancer),as well as tensions related to power, the need to reign, shine, and dominate (Leo).

Venus will also have a long period between the sign of Pisces (from January 3 to February 4, then again from March 27 to April 30) and the sign of Aries (from February 4 to March 27, then again from April 30 to June 6, 2025). While Pisces indulges in grand romantic impulses and nurtures more dreams than realities, Aries fears nothing, charges ahead, and multiplies initiatives. This is a time of dissolution, a prelude to another story, a moment of withdrawal, reflection, followed by a passionate declaration. Many tender and fervent scenarios are to be envisioned, and each will have its own.

1. Your 2025 Astrological Forecasts
2. 2025 challenges for the 12 zodiac signs
3. 2025: this is the year of change
4. Tips for living serenely in 2025
5. Everything You Need to Know for 2026
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8. Go Through Spring Gently: Spring is Back!
9. Children and Easter: exclusive horoscope
10. Call up the Sun and dare to laugh!
11. Social network: your star sign on Facebook
12. What to offer for Grandmothers' Day
13. Women's astrological profile at each life stage

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