So, how's it going to be, back after the summer break? As often happens, the end of the summer breaks falls in the industrious and disciplined sign of Virgo and as is equally often the case, Mercury is gravitating there too. It is probably thanks to the influence of these two planets that the scent of new exercises books and the prospect of getting down to work have a heartfelt resonance with many of us. However, there are those who show resistance to this orderly atmosphere of obedience, not least those born under the signs of Gemini and Sagittarius!

With good aspects from Jupiter and Saturn, this cerebral duo promises a particularly erudite crop of learners, with excellent ground for developing and giving structure to their knowledge, whether passing it on or receiving it. In addition, this pleasant school-like atmosphere will add something of a different angle to what the heavens may bring in these hard, cruel... and warmongering... times. This gives us an opportunity to look with you at the attitude of each birth sign when dealing with the return to everyday responsibilities, and we will also follow this with personalised advice for those looking for work.
You never get back into the harness with heartfelt enthusiasm , but apart from that, your temperament drives you into action and once the mourning for the holidays is over, you will get your head down to tackle what needs to be done, though without always mapping out the terrain... as usual...
Unemployed? You weren't necessarily made to be your own boss, but need to be free to follow your own agenda. You aren't put off by physical effort and enjoy difficult challenges. With attributes like this, you should find a worthwhile job without any problem.
Generally, the back-to-school atmosphere suits you perfectly and this year again, everything will be in place for a peaceful and lucrative return to your usual activities. Routine suits you and you will go back to your workplace, colleagues and projects with an almost sensual pleasure.
Unemployed? Whether you are an employee, the boss or self-employed, you are one of the most reliable signs in the zodiac. You are particularly interested in plants, animals and children ... However, profitability is still your principal motivation.
Restrictions, timetables and responsibilities aren't really your cup of tea and as usual this year, you will need
a fair amount of self-discipline to get back into your working routine. Good communication with your colleagues and specific projects should help you to identify your expectations more clearly and get down to things.
Unemployed? You have an innate talent for rising to the occasion and rarely miss opportunities to do so. All you need to do is stick at it with determination. You'll get there!
For many of you, the end of the summer holiday is tinged with memories of brand new text books and exercise books, a relic of childhood that feeds your habitual nostalgia for a world gone by. If your job is fulfilling, you'll go back to it with immense pleasure. If there are frustrations, your tenacity will see you through problems till you reach the other side.
Unemployed? Start by shaking yourself out of your natural apathy and trust in your intuition. You find anything to do with children, catering and the home familiar and gratifying. You're also as good an employee as you are a boss.
Mercury is going to leave you for your neighbour, who is much more reserved but effective on the ground. You're going to need to take an interest in the detail and meticulous organisation of your projects. This shouldn't cause you problems, as long as you are the boss or work for yourself. If you have to do as you're told, this will be more difficult...
Unemployed? Cast your eye around among your friends and acquaintances, as unexpected opportunities could come out of your relationships. You prefer positions of responsibility and creative work.
Mercury in your sign promises you a return to work in tune with your spiritual colours, with a hard-working environment and probable recognition of your analytical and management skills. From the very first, you could think about making your position more stable and anchoring your achievements for the long term and for your security.
Unemployed? Your situation should change over the next few weeks. Anything to do with the social sciences, medical or paramedical professions will suit you. Your professional awareness and ability to work as part of a team are major assets.
Your ability to adapt to all environments will help you make the transition from a carefree summer to better organisation, essential discipline and positive relations with your colleagues and partners. However, you will be returning with a twinge of regret to the daily grindstone, which will often be profitable, but rarely festive...
Unemployed? You are a born diplomat, who works better as part of a team and is searching above all for good dynamics, a variety of contacts and the opportunity to work amongst beautiful things, whether relating to art, décor, music, luxury goods...
Here you are back in an intellectual climate that you enjoy! More self-restraint, discretion and reasoning followed through to conclusion and deep and constructive reflection will be a change for you and suit you down to the ground. You will in a position to clear a considerable amount of work over the next few months and this will be very profitable.
Unemployed? Now's the time to give chase. Your energy knows no bounds and your ability to delve into a subject, your instincts and manipulative powers will bring up a variety of opportunities.
You find going back to work after the summer break stressful, a combination of missing the holidays and a lack of motivation for your next professional goals. Over the days, this tension is in danger of mounting, if you don't get some perspective on the slight blips that can sometimes hold you back.
Unemployed? If you succeed in keeping your rampant emotions under control and having a clear-out in your everyday life, your minute organisation skills should give you a few surprises, especially where partners are concerned. Jobs linked with travel and languages are particularly apt for you.
You welcome the end of the summer break and autumn, looking forward to the return to a calm existence with serenity and pleasure. Over the next few weeks, you will be heading for peace and greater security at work, where you will definitely be noticed for your formidable discipline and unfailing courage.
Unemployed? Don't let it drag you down, whatever you do. You often lack confidence in your abilities, whilst you are rigorously and astonishingly disciplined. Don't hesitate to show off your talents in jobs to do with construction or administration.
You will barely notice that Mercury has moved signs, while you are only considering yourself in paddling your own canoe where you want and in line with your understanding. Your daily life is in danger, however, of being held back at times by the others who have their own ideas, and this could lead to a few clashes...
Unemployed? This is an excellent period for making yourself noticed, but less so for imposing your presence. You are particularly well suited to jobs where you are your own boss, with your desire to be accountable to yourself alone and strictly free to do as you please.
Your rather dreamy and moody outlook is in danger of being upset by a very hard-working and disciplined return to work, but you will soon be totally involved into ongoing activities, where you will go completely unnoticed. Or, alternatively, you could make yourself very noticeable, depending on what you have decided.
Unemployed? You should avoid wallowing in negative thoughts and use your formidable intuition to climb the rungs of success. Professions requiring humanity and devotion were designed for you, but you can't work for nothing all your life!