Christmas and New Year Celebrations: Here we are back in the season of the Christmas and New Year festivities. This is a good time for a brief evaluation of the way we each view celebrations. The temperament, character and desires of each sign are very different and this is also reflected in the way we let our hair down.

What is the best type of celebration for each sign? Is there a preference for a family celebration or partying with friends?
We will attempt to describe the tendencies and desires of each sign as accurately as possible. This will also be an opportunity to debunk certain accepted ideas about one sign's extreme reserve or another's repeated excesses. We are going to attempt to identify each sign's true expectations as soon as festivities appear on the horizon as accurately as possible.
Arieses love things to keep moving. The females of this sign are in their element as soon as there are any festivities. They will often find themselves involved in the end-of-year celebrations on a whim, on receiving a spontaneous invitation or in a combination of circumstances. When Arieses entertain, it is more often on an informal basis, but with so much warmth and happiness to see everyone and in particular, a spirit of improvisation, making the celebrations generally memorable. Arieses guests will rapidly add atmosphere, whether by being first on the dance floor or in the queue at the buffet. With them, things move!
An ideal present for an Arieses: sportswear that is easy to put on and washable!
New Year's Eve for Arieses: dancing till dawn.
For you, the Christmas and New Year festivities are synonymous with tradition, gastronomic blow-outs, loud, blaring music and sweets. You enjoy the good life and your rather traditional tastes will lead you more readily towards turkey and Christmas Pudding than frenetic and wild nights out. However, you won't be unreceptive to music or dancing, and a lively celebration around the table in warm company on the edge of the dance floor will suit you perfectly. You will equally appreciate being surrounded by children at Christmas around the fireside at the heart of your family. As long as the food is good and your guests fit the part, you will have a great time.
An ideal present for a Taurus: a luxury gastronomic hamper.
New Year's Eve: a dinner dance.
You like celebrations, as long as they aren't too restrictive. You hate spending hours at the table and soon get itchy feet if entertainment doesn't materialise.By choice, you prefer unconventional gatherings by a long way and a buffet rather than an elaborate menu, pompous decor or a starchy atmosphere.If you entertain, it will be around a simple, consensual meal, such as a fondue or raclette, with ice cream for dessert.If you are a guest, your practical outlook and willingness to help should make you popular, not to say earn you the gratitude of your hosts.
An ideal present for a Gemini: a gadget of a very practical nature.
New Year's Eve: a colourful evening filled with amusing people.
You love gatherings, whether with family or friends. You will think long and hard about the menu and presents. For such a wonderful occasion, you will have no fear of not being up to preparing the most elaborate recipes!You by far prefer intimate evenings around the fireside to huge gatherings full of people you don't know, whom you find intimidating.If you are entertaining, you will be, as always, the perfect hostess, attentive to everyone, large and small.If you are a guest, you will be discreet but willing, whether this involves watching over the roast or the children!
The ideal present for a Cancerian: a signed photograph album, filled with memories.
New Year's Eve: around the fireside with your closest friends.
You are in your element in the festivities. Whether you are the host or otherwise, you won't be able to hold back from contributing in your own way to the organisation, which will be gratefully received most of the time.You are bossy, but you are also really generous and will spend time searching for the right present for each person.You can't stand mediocrity on an everyday scale, so for Christmas and New Year, you will hope for something really classy and special. Whether this involves the menu, entertainment, the venue or the guests themselves, you will seek to create the most gratifying atmosphere possible. The ideal present for a Leo: an accessory bearing his or her initials.
New Year's Eve: a gastronomic feast in elite company.
Every year, it's the same: you worry over a thousand details, afraid that people won't like your presents, the turkey will burn or your washing machine will break down. Then, at the end of the day, you will fully enjoy the festivities, buoyed up by your loving family and friends, mainly through the fact that the celebrations will have passed without hitch.You find it hard to let go and rarely even get tipsy, as you hate losing control. No-one is recommending you get drunk, but it would be in your interests to relax, so you can fully enjoy these privileged moments with your family or friends.Fortunately, as a reaction to all this nervousness, it will often be your festive side that will awaken on this occasion: you will end up the heart and soul of the party!The ideal present for a Virgo: a gadget of a discreet and practical nature.
New Year's Eve: going out with a few good friends.
You are the most sociable sign of the zodiac and celebrations were invented by and for you.Your greatest problem often lies in having to make a choice: At home or elsewhere? What presents should you buy for whom? What outfit should you wear? At the end of the day, it will be the celebration that worries you the least, as, whether you are amongst family, friends or strangers, you are interested in all kinds of encounters, especially if they are convivial and sophisticated. Whether you are entertaining or going out, you will look out for each person's well-being and be exquisitely nice to everyone. With you, it can be guaranteed that the evening will be balanced and harmonious.
The ideal present for a Libran: a concert ticket.
New Year's Eve: a great party with your friends and all their friends…
You will be delighted by the opportunity presented by the Christmas and New Year celebrations to dress up lavishly and play on your attractions. Your outfit will be the subject of much inner debate, starting several days before the critical day. You have an individual knack for finding "the" present that will delight its recipient. Your acute sense of observation and intuition will hit the right note with your friends each year.If you are the one entertaining, you will be very selective in your choice of guests, but you will give them of your best, from the welcome they receive to the meal itself. If you go out, however, you will need to make sure that your critical outlook doesn't discourage those around you.The ideal present for a Scorpio: an exciting thriller.
New Year's Eve: a torrid evening alone with your latest conquest
You love the celebrations at Christmas and New Year, just as you love anything that can break the monotony of everyday routine. You will expend great energy and goodwill to make the celebrations a success. Your organisation is often haphazard, but your bold approach will enable you to circumvent most obstacles and potential setbacks. You can often end up buying presents at the last minute, but this in no way prevents you from making people happy, as you don't stint on either quality or quantity.If you are a guest, make sure you arrive on time and then let your natural joviality do the rest.
The ideal present for a Sagittarian: sports equipment.
New Year's Eve: New York, Times Square.
The Christmas and New Year celebrations are an opportunity for you to unwind and see your best friends in an excellent setting. You will be able to have a great time, as long as you leave your worries behind and make a minimum effort to fit in with everyone. If you are a guest, you will make it a point of honour to take part in the preparations to the best of your ability, and your presents will be appreciated for their caustic sense of humour and their indisputable usefulness. If you are entertaining, people can count on your serious approach for everything to be impeccable, but don't forget to enjoy yourself all the same.The ideal present for a Capricorn: a pair of slippers.
New Year's Eve: a cheese fondue in a mountain chalet.
You aren't a great fan of formal or traditional gatherings, but you like parties that enable you to meet new people. You sometimes find it difficult to find appropriate presents (when you remember!) but you can also be very imaginative in this respect and those receiving your presents are often pleasantly surprised.If you are entertaining, you will be keen to create a very particular atmosphere each time by leaving your guests with a lasting memory of the occasion.If you are a guest, you will adapt to any environment with good humour.
The ideal present for an Aquarian: a new technological gadget.
New Year's Eve: an exotic restaurant.
The Christmas and New Year celebrations are the stuff of your dreams. Your childhood comes flooding back and you could almost believe in Father Christmas.You take your potential role as host/hostess very seriously and have a knack of appealing to people's goodwill to help you to get everything ready. Your presents are often unusual and very touching, but always very personal.Outside the home, you prefer gatherings with friends to crowds of people you don't know. Despite this, your adaptability makes you appreciated in more or less all circles.You should beware of the damaging effects of alcohol in any circumstance.The ideal present for a Piscean: something comforting.
New Year's Eve: a mad evening with Bob on the way back (or on the bus).