Do you have a cat? A dog? A turtle? A red fish? David informs you! Do you know the day dedicated to cats, the one dedicated to dogs? David knows it! Between anecdotes and tips, David tells you everything about your favorite animal and his remarks can be very useful in the choice of your future companion. Explore with David the habits and behavior of your pet, learn the right things and avoid the most common mistakes. You will be able to install particularly gratifying relationships with your companion and love him for a long time, long time...

Animal day
Today is the day of the animals! The animal world is in danger, but a lot of efforts are being made across our planet, as shown by the will of the United Nations, which has decided to make an impact every year in October. Among the species at risk, the elephant pays one of the heaviest tributes since the largest mammal on earth was sacrificed for the ivory trade. The tiger is also a species threatened by poachers. Living conditions or threats of extinction are the major themes addressed by the UN to honor our friends the animals. Note that today is also the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron of animals. In France, this is also starting to move in their favor since animals have been definitively recognized as living and sensitive beings in the Civil Code thanks to the 30 Million Friends Foundation. This is a first because, from now on, well-being and the animal condition are taken into consideration: it was time! Written by David
Cats stroking, a job for you?
Do you like tomcats? Open the eyes now to Dublin where a veterinary clinic offered a full-time position for cat lover a few months ago. Who knows if other posts of this type will bloom again! Because it is a very serious profession, consisting of having the soft and warm paw to paralyze and cuddle cats for hours. The goal is to talk to them and reassure them before their medical appointment because they are of course considered as any other patient. The future employee must also understand what each meow, each cry and the different feline cries mean. This dream job went to a candidate who had to answer a series of questions where he won a series of yes: Are you crazy about cats? Do you count cats before falling asleep? Does caressing cats make you happy? Do you offer food to stray cats? Written by David
Animal communication
In his book "Intuitive animal communication, a soul-to-soul encounter", the author opens the door to a dimension almost unknown to our daily lives, namely that of sensibility and animal consciousness. And not only that of dogs or cats but of all the others: fox, doe or cock... In his work, the learning of the 6th sense is approached to invite the reader to get on the same wavelength as the one animal, and if we have a domestic animal that we love, we must learn to exchange with it. This is a first step to start using our intuition and our telepathic abilities. With his experience as a therapist, the author tells us that humans, if they are receptive to the messages of their animals, can change and, through this, "use animal communication as a personal development tool". Our pet could then become a kind of guide to participate in our evolution. Informative, isn’t it? Written by David
Understand the behavior of your cat
If your cat's tail is up and curved, it means that it feels good and happy, and probably that it the right one for you. Bravo because it's never won with a cat! However, it may display a few agitated tics, such as nervously shaking its tail or banging him against the ground: this may mean it is stressed, in which case you could take him to a veterinarian. If the hairs of its fur rise, it may feel threatened. If its tail starts to vibrate, he's probably waiting for something like its meal that you're preparing for him. If its tail is standing to the right and its back is bent, you must be careful because it is a sign of extreme aggression. If the tail is slightly low or sloping, it is because it is afraid or not calm. When he keeps its tail at a 45-degree angle, he does not know if its environment is friendly or hostile. Written by David
World Dog Day
We celebrated cats a few weeks ago, let's celebrate the best friend of man! Cats may be one step ahead of the canines of all kinds through social networks; on the other hand, they are extremely present with the man to serve him on many levels. Very serious observations from the Harvard School of Public Health have shown that the presence of the dog reduces the stress and anxiety of his master and makes him "more centered and serene". The dog also helps to reduce the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular disease, which is not a thing of little importance. The fact of walking or observing its behavior would help to minimize the vagaries of our daily lives as well as to gain height. Similarly, the University of Edmonton, Canada, decided to lend dogs to students during their exam period. This means they can change our lives. The doggie deserved a day in its honor! Written by David
International Day of Cats
Happy holiday, cats! It's not for nothing if felines have invaded the Web; we find it all over the web with hilarious videos, images, gifs... simply because they are cuddly balls, great tireless players burlesque improvisers, unparalleled comedians, in short, celebrities who are frisky with all genres; they are even recovered to be associated with human behavior in order to convey societal, political and humorous messages. As for people, they are not left out since Karl Lagerfeld has even created an Instagram account specifically dedicated to his feline muse: Choupette. For her part, Katy Perry said that she wrote her tubes inspired by her trio of cats. For the most mystical, cats would be energy wizards in their own right. They would go so far as to protect a house by repelling negative energies as well as evil spirits... Chat, then! Written by David