Christmas, May 1, carnival, Halloween... Our calendar is full of diverse and varied parties that David dissects you, month after month. He reveals the origin, often very old, of these festivals, telling you unusual stories about them and giving you great tips to bring your personal touch to each of these events.

For a good bowl of culture, to broaden your knowledge, to party knowingly, nothing like the chronicles of David, full of humor, poetry and especially valuable information. Do not miss any opportunity to have fun, and on the right date!
The whole team wishes you a Happy New Year 2024.
May 2024 be the year of awakening, renewal, the return of peace, and harmony among humankind. Let each person focus on the best they have to offer others, turning this resolution into a promise of love, understanding, and generosity. Together, let's make 2024 a year where hearts open, hands reach out, and smiles multiply. May Aries use their boldness wisely. May Taurus turn their stubbornness into perseverance. May Gemini explore a deeper commitment. May Cancer discover the magic beyond their comfort zone. May Leo light the way for others. May Virgo learn to relax. May Libra find the strength to make decisions when necessary. May Scorpio soften their conclusions. May Sagittarius learn moderation. May Capricorn maintain confidence in the future. May Aquarius, the visionary humanist, warm their heart. May Pisces protect themselves while keeping their heart open. Written by David
Merry Christmas to everyone… !
Merry Christmas (English), Feliz Navidad (Spanish), Nedeleg Laouen (Breton), Buon Natale (Italian), Jénwèl (in Martinican Creole), Feliz Natal (in Portuguese), "Aid Milad Majid" (in Arabic), "merii kurisumasu" (in Japanese), fröhliche Weihnachten (in German), "Shèngdàn jié kuàilè" (in Chinese), God Jul (en suédois)", Shnorhavor Surb Tsnund (en Arménien), schéi Chrëschtdeeg (en Luxembourgeois), zwayé Noèl (en Créole réunionnais), krissmas khojaste (en Persan), Wesołych Świąt! (in Polish), bòn nové ((in Provençal), ia orana e te noera (in Tahitian), Chúc mừng giáng sinh (in Vietnamese), djoyeus Noyé (in Wallon), jwayé Nwèl (in Guadeloupean Creole), vrolijk Kerstfeest (in Dutch), kala christougenna (in Greek), Nollaig chridheil (in Scottish Gaelic), Nollaig shona (in Irish Gaelic), bon Natale (in Corsica), glædelig jul (in Danish), Счастливого Рождества! (in Russian), tratry ny Krismasy (in Malagasy), Noeliniz kutlu olsun (in Turkish), Ahali tseli (in Georgian), christmas sameakh (in Hebrwe), gojan Kristnaskon (in Esperanto), seun-tan chu-ka-hae-yo (in Korean), häid jõule (in Estonian), god jul (in Norwegian)…. Written by David
Santa Claus is here tonight!
We wish you a good tuck and a good Christmas Eve with family, relatives and friends. Hang the garlands and banners, surprise your guests with a table decorated in a chic and warm kind, turn on the candle for a delicate light atmosphere, sprinkle all corners of the living room small decorative candles in the shape of pine cones... Between the salmon , foie gras or stuffed turkey, it is possible to lighten your menu so as not to overload it. You can consider for example, vegetable terrines input or log vegetables, this can be an original and friendly alternative. Crusted chicken fillet is good and refined if you prefer a lighter and more digestible white meat. Sharing a good meal is the goal but not only, the main thing is being together with gaiety and complicity. Happy holidays to all of you and celebrate with your heart! Written by David
The Christmas tree
The historical roots of the fir tree can be traced back to ancient times when the Romans decorated their homes with branches that remain green even in the winter season as they personify eternal life. The fir tree as we know it today would have been born in Alsace in 1521 in Salestat and the custom would then have grown among Protestants. The first decorated fir tree was that of Versailles by Marie Leszczynska, the wife of Louis XV, in 1738. In Paris, the first decorated fir tree will be in 1837. It is in the 1960s that this phenomenon will be widespread in all households in the West. Today, what kind of fir tree to choose? Nordmann, spruce or artificial? The first does not lose its needles but it is more expensive. The second is more accessible for the portfolio because it grows quickly, requiring less maintenance. The artificial, why not, it is amortized over the years but the smell that charmed our childhood has vanished ... And you, what choice did you make? Written by David
It's Halloween!
What have you planned for today for the pumpkin party? A zombie, witch or vampire disguise? Will you accompany your children on the doorstep by asking, "Trick or treat? And if they do not harvest anything, will you help them concoct a macabre hair prank, preferably? This tradition imported in the nineteenth century by Irish immigrants to the United States has become very popular among Americans because we can already find it in pop culture in 1950 in the comic book "Snoopy and the Peanuts" or a cartoon Walt Disney with the character of Donald Duck. Today, some do not hesitate to go to Transylvania where many activities are organized such as costume balls or witch hunts in the Carpathian castles. In Hawaii, boats sail on the lagoon, at nightfall, with decorations sweetly gloomy to mark the coup. In New Orleans, it is celebrated all October with a concert "Voodoo Music Experiment" to complete the party. Written by David
Have a wonderful Christmas Eve!
At the dawn of this new year, the whole team of wishes you all the best and encourages you in all your most cherished wishes, even the craziest ones, even the most impossible ones. Happy New Year, Feliz Año Nuevo, Frohes New Jahr... Of course, the ways to formulate it are not lacking and we welcome this new year which will strengthen, no doubt, our relations with all of you, without changing our intentions: enlighten you! This remains our most ardent wish. To take years is not very serious because each age has its pleasures and its happinesses. We totally adhere to this vision of life and we invite you to do the same so that each moment is a gift. Written by David
Happy Halloween !
Happy Birthday… ! Do you know what you will do tonight? A collection of sweets with your children? A pumpkin sculpture with a beautiful candle in it to light up its carnivorous and scary smile at night? Or will you turn to a disguised party with your friends to turn you into a ghost or zombie? This celebration comes from an Irish tradition of disguising itself to repel the ghosts that came to visit the living ... Indeed, their calendar different from ours considered October 31 as the last day of the year. In their day, they carved turnips (rather than pumpkins) in reference to the legend Jack-o'-lantern, the character who inspired the film "The Strange Christmas of Mr Jack", sentenced to wander between hell and paradise illuminating with a fireball placed in a carved turnip. Anyway, have fun tonight and be up to the myth with a beautiful, awful costume! Written by David
Today is the day of Peace
Peace Day was established by the United Nations in 2001 to bring nations and associations together around the idea of peace. "Embodies the change you want to see in the world," said Gandhi, "it is important to understand that everyone is responsible and that peace begins with an individual approach that involves looking at each other without complacency. Introspection involves stopping, making a break with the sirens of the outdoor life. Listening efforts and self-understanding are the essential acts to put in place on a daily basis and to ritualize a meditation exercise. If the meditation effort is seen as a fashion for some, it represents the commitment of one life for others. The craziest thoughts that jostle in our head can bring us peace only if we manage to watch them pass like a train, at least for a moment of the day. Written by David
Independence Day for this 4th of July
The Americans celebrate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence vis-à-vis Great Britain that took place July 4, 1776. Many festivities are in full swing, fireworks from night and day are shamelessly fired, artists deliver performances on stage to music to mark the coup, and large parades are organized across the country and in particular, that of Macy in New York, the largest. If you want to immerse yourself in this commemorative atmosphere, you can still taste it in some places around the world, like, for example, in Paris at the American Dream or Harry's Bar, mythical pubs that are not afraid of the party! Keeping in mind that the text of the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson is still revolutionary because largely inspired by the spirit of the "Enlightenment": it opens with the "All men are created equal". Written by David
It's Father's Day!
In case you forgot, today is Father's Day. And if you have not forgotten, maybe you will find what would please your daddy. We can suggest some ideas. Is it subject to fatigue? A pillow for massaging the neck or an essential oil diffuser and you could make him happy. Is he often late for appointments? A watch with Einstein's image to forgive him the fact that time is very relative. Does he like good wines? Why not a wine aerator or a light carafe. Is he a big nostalgic of the fifties? A retro popcorn machine will do just fine, but a turntable with one or two discs may be just right. And if it is not physically demanding, perhaps it is just waiting for your visit to enjoy your presence, his best gift. Written by David