Since the dawn of time, humans seek to unlock the secrets of their future through the most diverse methods. These different methods are studied closely by David who, day after day, week after week, gives you the keys.

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    The Tarot of Marseilles will have no more secret for you, the oracle of Belline will become familiar to you, the Amerindian astrology will reveal to you your animal totem...

    David is interested in palmistry, dream interpretation, coffee grounds and tea leaves. Follow him in his exciting explorations, you will undoubtedly discover the method of divination most suited to your temperament, your beliefs, your hopes...

    The Hangman and the nameless Arcane

    The Hangman and the nameless Arcane

    Contrary to popular belief, the Hangman card should not scare, it does not announce punishment or physical punishment. The Hangman symbolizes a crossroads, invites to a more spiritual life. The Hangman shows that we do not have a good vision of things and that we must question ourselves to find a good perspective. We must therefore get out of limbo, change our current situation which blocks us half (one foot attached and the other not); there is a form of attachment to be aware of. With its skeleton, the nameless Arcane must not be worried either. It indicates the end of a slice of life and indicates that the consultant is able to start another. This is a neutral card that does not necessarily imply the notion of mourning but rather letting go. This can be the end of a relationship or a change in living conditions. It is necessary to detach oneself from one's past to succeed a complete transformation. Written by David

    The Judgment and the World...

    The Judgment and the World...

    In the tarot of Marseille, these are the last two major cards of the game. If you put them in your draw they are very positive because they evoke the beginning of a new phase. The Judgment announces turning the page on some aspects of the past in order to progress more freely and the World represents the blooming end of a period and the beginning of a new era of growth. The card of Judgment tells us in general that we will be rewarded for sown actions (spiritual, success, promotion) but you will have to let go, accept and forgive. The World indicates the change and induces that the consultant is at the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. It is positive in that it also symbolizes a successful outcome or the materialization of a dream. This can be in the aspect of material success or even deeper - spiritual. Written by David

    Discover the Jung draw!

    Discover the Jung draw!

    It is a drawing of the tarot of Marseille based on the archetypal research of Jung. It simply allows you to get to know each other better and opens up inner perspectives. This case study is done with four cards. When they are shuffled and riffled, draw a first card that will represent you. The second will be that of the animus, the masculine principle of Jung's psychology: the wind, the breath or the spirit; it symbolizes the father in us who blows us what we must do without necessarily taking into account our desires or aspirations. The third card will be that of the anima, the feminine principle, the soul; it represents the mother in us who tells us what we must do for ourselves and others. Finally the last card of this draw is that of the child who represents us as we really are and who indicates how we would act if no inhibiting principle exerted its action on us. Written by David

    Dreams for building a better understanding

    Dreams for building a better understanding

    Dreams, involuntary productions of the psyche, propose a reservoir of images and feelings carrying meanings. Their power of communication has been recognized since the earliest times: the ancients saw it as a source of prophecy, and in Egypt the gods passed to address the pharaoh during his dreams. However, the interpretation of dreams has always come up against their mystery because of their symbols. Some, of course, operate at a non-symbolic level and are to be interpreted literally. But others act more deeply because of their symbols coming from the personal unconscious. By hiding its message in the form of symbols, the dream acts as a "sleeping guardian" as Freud notes. This allows the sleeper to reap the psychological benefits of his night. If we take the habit of noting them when we wake up, we can decipher the riches and warnings of our being on a given aspect of our life. Written by David

    The Tower and the Star

    The Tower and the Star

    These two cards of the Marseille tarot respectively represent change and hope. The Tower, if it suggests chaos, also means that the subject is resolved to fight to prevent the installation of a somewhat difficult situation (if the card is reversed). He will have the opportunity to review and define his values, his lifestyle, his relationships and live in harmony with his true identity. If his beliefs were a little rigid, he could overcome and transmute them to adopt a new attitude. The Star announces luck and faith in a better future. If the subject has experienced difficulties, this card presages that a luminous renewal is about to happen. It symbolizes the fulfillment of wishes and a denouement that will bring a lot of confidence in destiny. The subject will also have to achieve this, to connect with his faith and his true intimacy. Whatever the case may be, the prospect of a new existence is emerging for the better. Written by David

    The Sun and the Moon in the tarot of Marseille

    The Sun and the Moon in the tarot of Marseille

    If in your tarot draw the card of the Moon appears, it warns you that you will enter a period where you will be more receptive, intuitive, even inspired. It can also mean that you may be plagued by disappointment or delusions. Because appearances can be deceptive; it will be difficult to differentiate between reality and fiction, which could lead you to doubt or confusion. It may be that you have lost the right direction and are looking for your way but it is essential to reconnect with who you really are. If the Sun comes out in your draw you are about to reach a personal goal and then you will enjoy the fruits of your labor. This is one of the best cards in the tarot and this underlines that you have the energy necessary to achieve your goals. You are in a period of great creativity, prosperity and fulfillment in your personal relationships. It can also announce a happy marriage or a satisfaction in love. Written by David

    The heart line on your palm

    The heart line on your palm

    In chiromancy, the heart line is the one that starts under the little finger and runs to the middle or even the index finger. It reflects your emotional life and your feelings. If the line is badly traced or forms small islands like a chain, this is a sign of dissatisfaction and emotional insecurity; if the line is well drawn, the individual will be confident in his own feelings to the point of being able to act even impulsively. A curved line will reveal strong desires and an enterprising side; a straight line denotes a more reasoned and measured person. If your heart line ends at the root of your index, you know what you want and are very demanding of your partner; if it ends between the index and the middle finger, you are affectionate and loving nature with regard to your loves but also your loved ones. A short-hearted line will be a lover of fleeting and irresponsible adventures. Finally, a line of hearts ending in a fork is favorable because it indicates a romantic soul, warm and balanced. So, did you decrypt your heart line? Written by David

    The philosopher's stone

    The philosopher's stone

    Alchemy is often regarded as a pseudo-science whose transmutation of metals is the main object: a curiosity that would only be worthwhile through its contribution to the birth of modern chemistry. This false idea is largely explained by the secret that alchemists have always maintained on their true goal: to achieve enlightenment. In the Middle Ages, the symbolism of alchemical transformation served to conceal what the Church condemned as a heretical practice since it was based on the belief that the individual could find salvation himself without the help of religion. At the supreme esoteric level, the alchemists aimed to transmute the base metal into gold, that is, to transform their ordinary existence into a state of pure spirituality. The philosopher's stone or the elixir of long life are the means sought to achieve this conversion. If the transmutation of base metals into gold proves its power, the elixir was a goal in itself: an essence, and not a mere agent. The journey to enlightenment (the Great Work) thus had a dimension both physical and spiritual. Written by David

    The Oracle of Belline

    The Oracle of Belline

    This beautiful card game does not really name the creator. In fact, it was designed by a certain Edmond Billaudot, said the mage Edmond (1829 - 1881) who counted among his clientele great celebrities like Victor Hugo, Napoleon III, Alexandre Dumas to name a few. It was around 1865 that he drew this tarot drawing his inspiration both in the tarot of Marseille, religious representations, chivalrous, Kabbalistic... It is to say if he is rich in symbols. This Oracle could have fallen into oblivion except that a man named Belline, great clairvoyant of the twentieth century who consulted during the years 1950 to 1980, seized it, taking affection for the cards that composed it. He gave him his own name after having seriously studied and perfected in his own way. It includes 53 cards and is based on an astrological structure inspired by the "septenary". Each card represents the symbolism of one of the 7 fundamental planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Written by David

    The Baghdad Battery: An Unusual Object?

    The Baghdad Battery: An Unusual Object?

    Did you know that the battery dates back to 2500 BC? The Baghdad battery was discovered in 1936 during archaeological excavations and suggests that there are so many mysteries that ancient civilizations conceal and that certain objects of our daily life are not new. The Bagdad battery is a ceramic pot containing a copper tube with an iron rod inside. Researchers have shown that the replicas of this battery really provide electric power when we spread vinegar or fruit juice! Others believe that these batteries were used for therapeutic purposes or acupuncture. Skeptics rather speculate that these objects would only have been used to store rolls. But the majority agrees that it is indeed an electric battery. Still others think that if the Babylonians could not conceive of an electricity-based system, it would be the aliens... Well, the debate remains open. Written by David