Numerology is a more complex discipline than it seems at first sight, but with David's columns on this subject, everything will seem easier. Follow the guide in the meanders of numbers and their symbolic meaning.

According to your date of birth, David will explain to you what your life path is, he will reveal to you your potential and will help you make the best use of these assets to evolve in a more fulfilling life and more in connection with your authentic nature.
After astrology, the most diverse methods of divination, from the oldest to the most improbable, David returns with this ancestral discipline, filled with knowledge brought by experience. Do not hesitate any more: immerse yourself in numerology!
The number 5 in numerology
Calculate your number of destinies by adding the numbers of your day of birth (ex: 16 = 1 + 6 = 7), same for the month and the year and see if what you get as a number, a reflection of your path of life. If you get a 5, you belong to the category of independents. The key word is freedom and the 5 have a way to go to find their inner freedom through a rich experience and a discipline they will have to impose. Number of the balance, the 5 represents the synchronization between the instinctive desires of the body and those of the spirit. It has as symbol the pentagram (star with 5 branches), representation of the human who is endowed with 5 senses to discover the world. Vibrations of change and movement are usually at work and propel the 5 towards new horizons to travel and go to the unknown. Written by David
Let's discover the symbols of 2!
Calculate your destiny number by adding all the digits of your day of birth: day, month, and year, and then reducing this total between 1 and 9 (sometimes 11, 22, or 33). Example: 1/1/1980 = 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 = 20 = 2). The way of life 2 is a constant search for balance and harmony between oneself and others. The person marked by the 2 seeks to associate, collaborate and systematically avoids any conflict, any controversy. He is an excellent diplomat, peaceful and conciliatory, able to bring together the most divergent interests in a common work. On the sentimental side, the 2 is tender, faithful and melts in his partner, at the risk of being exclusive and stifling. At work, the 2 is a colleague or a perfect assistant, very talented for human relations and all trades of a social nature suit him. The defect of his cuirass is certain dependence and the refusal of any loneliness... Written by David
Let's discover the symbols of 1!
Calculate your destiny number by adding all the digits of your day of birth: day, month, and year, and then reducing this total between 1 and 9 (sometimes 11, 22, or 33). Example: 2/8/1980 = 2 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 8 = 28, 2 + 8 = 10 = 1). The personality of the 1 is voluntary self-sufficient and sometimes a little lonely. His ambitions are great and, if he has a good chance of social success, he can also become a little distant, even calculating. The 1 is subject to thunderbolts but his love life is unstable because he is bored quickly and cannot stand any jealousy. It is therefore on the professional and personal level that he has the most assets, fighting a routine that he hates with a large number of activities. It is a number of actions that sees big, high and far, an inventive flap that leaves little room for feelings because it does not attach quickly... Written by David
Let's discover the symbols of 33!
Calculate your destiny figure by adding all the digits of your day of birth: day, month, and year, and then reducing this total between 1 and 9 (sometimes 11, 22, or 33). Example: 15/09/1980 = 1 + 5 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 = 33). In numerology, the master-numbers are very powerful and give great strength to these natives. The 33 mission is to enlighten humanity, not to tyrannize. The 33 must go beyond his ego, control his possessiveness and choose the causes for which he is ready to commit. He must master his taste for perfection and his need to control everything to develop rather his benevolence and altruism. It is a complex path that rests on the delicate balance between a sense of responsibility and the management of emotions and sensuality. Numerologists often believe that a person with a life path is only really realized after 50 years... Written by David
The 11 in numerology
Calculate your destiny figure by adding all the digits of your day of birth: day, month, and year, and then reducing this total between 1 and 9 (sometimes 11, 22, or 33). Example: 21/08/1980 = 2 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 8 = 29, 2 + 9 = 11). The 11th is a master-number supposed to connect the divine dimension and the human personality, the spirit and the body. But the 11 is also a 2 (11 = 1 + 1 = 2), before exploiting the assets of this master-number, it is necessary to develop first of all the qualities of the 2: the tenacity, the diplomacy and the spirit of solidarity. The 11 is an exceptional number, it confers an outsized personality: idealistic and yet realistic, visionary and sensitive. His ambitions are high but he does not hesitate to face the obstacles and his excellent intuition allows him to approach situations in an original way. However, the 11 also tends, sometimes, to overdo it, to be arrogant when his relatives are not up to his expectations... Written by David
The number 5 in numerology
Calculate your number of destinies by adding the numbers of your day of birth (ex: 16 = 1 + 6 = 7), same for the month and the year and see if what you get as a number, a reflection of your path of life. If you get a 5, you belong to the category of independents. The key word is freedom and the 5 have a way to go to find their inner freedom through a rich experience and a discipline they will have to impose. Number of the balance, the 5 represents the synchronization between the instinctive desires of the body and those of the spirit. It has as symbol the pentagram (star with 5 branches), representation of the human who is endowed with 5 senses to discover the world. Vibrations of change and movement are usually at work and propel the 5 towards new horizons to travel and go to the unknown. Written by David
Let's discover the symbols of 6!
Calculate your destiny figure by adding all the digits of your day of birth: day, month, and year, and then reducing this total between 1 and 9 (sometimes 11, 22, or 33). Example: 16/08/1980 = 1 + 6 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 8 = 33, 3 + 3 = 6). The personality of the 6 is strong and tenacious; they are people capable of taking on heavy responsibilities, whether on the family or professional level. They are particularly good at motivating a group, they are eloquent and convincing. On the other hand, their sentimental life is sometimes less harmonious: they are so involved, romantic and passionate that their dreams can be broken at any moment if they are not realistic enough. But the 6 is catching up at the professional level by ensuring good organization, flexibility and a good spirit of conciliation. However, whatever his social success, the 6 will always focus on supporting his family and loved ones before caring for his personal interests because he is caring and dedicated. Written by David
Your date of birth in numerology
In numerology, your date of birth has a special meaning. It delivers us the content of our life path and describes our personality. To know it, add 2 digits of your day of birth (example 16 = 1 + 6 = 7), the same for your month of birth (example 11 = 1 + 1 = 2) and the same for the year. Reduce all the numbers obtained to get only one digit between 1 and 9. If you get 11 or 22, these 2 numbers are called "master numbers". Your number also represents your potential, and you may have to work on it to make it emerge and exploit it. If you are 1: you are the winner: that is to say a creator, a pioneer in addition to being very ambitious and determined. In social life, winners often hold positions of responsibility. You can be as stubborn as you are generous. If you are 2, you are the peacemaker: you are appreciated for your human qualities, your kindness and your availability; you are faithful in friendship, sensitive to the feelings of others and you know how to resolve conflict situations. Written by David
The number 3 in numerology
Calculate your destiny number by adding the numbers of your day of birth (ex: 16 = 1 + 6 = 7), month and year and see if what you get as a number, a reflection of your life path. We saw the 1 and 2 last week, now see the personality of 3: The creator: they are souls of artists brimming with ingenuity, creativity. They have the ability to inspire and even help others. They are also brilliant, gay, very alive, at the risk of tiring their entourage: they flee the monotony like the plague as well as a life too serene, they seek the movement and the agitation. They spend without counting; can earn a great fortune that they are able to squander on a whim. Their challenge is to control their impulsiveness to find a sustainable balance. It's up to them to understand that there may be something other than a swirling world, namely the eye of the hurricane, their own center, their own wealth. Written by David
Your date of birth in numerology
Calculate your destiny figure by adding all the digits of your day of birth: day, month, and year, and then reducing this total between 1 and 9 (sometimes 11, 22, or 33). Example: 1/03/1980 = 1 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 = 22). In numerology, the 22 confers exceptional qualities on the intellectual and creative level. The 22 can get everything he wants if he gives himself the means. He has an important role to play, including in the lives of his loved ones and even on a more global level. He is a builder, a leader with good organizational skills and respectful of high values and true ethics. However, he may be tempted, during his life, to go towards the facility by taking scabrous shortcuts to achieve his ends, by manipulating people, at the risk of seeing the situation turn against him. He must also fight against a feeling of superiority, at the risk of isolating himself and no longer benefit from the support of his family. Written by David