
Your 2025 Forecasts

Written by Absent

In 2025, chaos reigns, but a revolution is underway! Saturn calms the game in April, but expect explosive tension in June with Jupiter and Neptune. The battle between the old and the new intensifies! Starting in August, Saturn and Uranus join forces to propel us toward innovation. A new era is on the horizon, blending fire and air, ready to sweep away the old world. Stay focused: the river approaches the mouth. Do not fear change! Dare to break your chains and reveal your potential. The future is within reach!


Love: Starting February 23, 2025, Saturn will retrograde, and you will feel a breath of fresh air. Jupiter will take over until April 24. Your interactions will become more fruitful, leading to new connections and a greater curiosity about everything. Jupiter will support your family growth from July 24 to September 13. Venus will enhance your personal charm from February 23 to March 8, and again from May 15 to 26. Count on its presence from August 8 to 17 to strengthen family ties. Your seductive power will flourish between September 3 and 11. You will end the year on a high note between December 8 and 16.

Work - Social Life: Count on 2025 to revitalize yourself. From February 23, Saturn will stop influencing your decan and hindering your expansion. You will break free from limiting beliefs and feel ready to spread your wings again. Until April 24, Jupiter encourages fruitful exchanges. Your circle will grow and enrich. Your communication style will be well-received. Focus on your creativity and conquering energy. Then, roll up your sleeves to serve your interests between July 4 and 21. Engage with your contacts from August 22 to September 7, aiming for advancement and broader horizons between November 18 and December 1. You will close the year in full control and excellent shape, as long as you don’t overshadow others and maintain a humble approach.

Well-being: In 2024, Saturn forces you to tone down and reduces your ability to communicate freely. You will finally rid yourself of that looming shadow. From February 23, your spirits will lift, and you will regain a sense of lightness. Surrounded by support in 2025, step out of your shell, believe in yourself, and embrace a future free from the burdens of the past.

Advice: The astral conditions in 2025 will allow you to reconnect with a broader field of possibilities. Once you’ve learned from the past, don’t hesitate to seize every opportunity that comes your way. Until April 24, Jupiter encourages you to connect with the world. Between July 24 and September 13, the giant will support your family growth. Now is the time to believe.


Love: In 2025, the light begins to shine through. After a semester focused on confidence, Jupiter (from July 24 to September 13) allows you to regain your spirits and meet new people. Venus supports your projects between January 12 and 23, and again from February 23 to March 8, inviting you to reflect on your priorities.

Work - Social Life: In 2025, the conditions become favorable. Until February 23, Saturn encourages you to build solid projects. Rely on Jupiter (until April 24) to unleash your talents without constraints. This is the time to express your creativity and hope for significant results. Starting July 24, enjoy a sharp mind and a sense of humor to gather others around your ideas.

Well-being: You are turning away from a difficult period and can envision a bright future in 2025. This clear sky invites you to believe in yourself and fully express who you are. Jupiter amplifies this trend between July 24 and September 13. Use this time to recharge, take vacations, and savor the happy moments you deserve.

Advice: Know that 2025 will bring its share of pleasures and comforts. Your creativity and finances will improve, and interactions will become more rewarding. Keep in mind not to impose your ideas too forcefully; otherwise, you might compromise these wonderful opportunities.


Love: In 2025, with fewer constraints, you can expect to reconnect with a more intense emotional life. Jupiter will exalt your personal radiance until April 24 and will encourage the expression of your desires between July 24 and September 13. You will give in to the thrill of love, while a tender project takes shape between May 15 and 26.

Work - Social Life: Saturn, which has required you to face challenges since March 2024, is moving away. You will quickly feel a lightening of the load. Take advantage of Jupiter, which remains in your decan until April 24, to rediscover the joy of living life to the fullest. Jupiter encourages you to explore your potential, express your talents between July 24 and September 13, and may lead to an increase in your income.

Well-being: You should quickly regain Olympic form in 2025. Until April 24, Jupiter is no longer clashing with Saturn, and you will be able to take back control. Count on a clear climate and favorable auspices to get back on track, catch up on lost time, launch initiatives, and show others that you are once again ready for action.

Advice: If you enter 2025 a bit sluggish, you will bounce back quickly. You no longer fear that others will hold back your momentum; on the contrary. Take advantage of this supportive astral conjunction to undertake, believe in yourself and your potentials. This period will allow you to flourish, especially between July 24 and September 13, and reap good benefits.


Love: In 2025, especially after the end of February, Saturn will allow you to breathe, enabling you to explore your aspirations with ease! You will be particularly motivated to strengthen your bonds with those around you between October 21 and 29, and you will shine brightly between November 14 and 22! Take advantage of this heightened personal energy to make waves in love and conclude the year in a whirlwind of passion and creativity!

Work - Social Life: In 2025, you will be ready to bounce back and assert yourself fully! No one will dare to challenge your authority or skills between October 7 and 21! The obstacles that have shaken your confidence in your abilities are now behind you, and you can move forward confidently toward the goals you have set!

Well-being: After being hindered by disruptive events in 2024, you are determined in 2025 to regain your freedom of action and expression! Jupiter, from July 24 to September 13, will help you take back control of your life, while Mars, from February 2 to March 19, will energize your momentum and encourage you to act without delay!

Advice: In 2025, you will no longer have doubts about your values, choices, and goals. This is the opportunity to start a new cycle of personal development, to reclaim your place, and to make your voice heard. After the uncertainties of the previous year, you will find a strong momentum this year, in harmony with yourself and with what truly matters in your life.


Love: Saturn urges you to scale back your ambitions, and you find yourself focused on preserving ideas. In 2025, Jupiter brings a breath of fresh air until April 24, enhancing your social connections and encounters. This period creates a beautiful excitement around you, warming your heart. Additionally, Venus, from February 23 to March 8 and then from May 15 to 26, elevates your emotional aspirations, making your bonds more meaningful.

Work - Social Life: Starting February 23, 2025, you will feel a newfound freedom after frustrations in 2024. What you wished to abandon last year is now back on the table. You have more room to realize your desires. This is the time to prepare for the realization of your aspirations. Between July 27 and September 13, refine your plans. A new cycle of expansion is on the horizon in 2026. In 2025, Mars encourages you to express your intentions clearly.

Well-being: Saturn will leave your sphere starting February 23, even though it weighed heavily in 2024. After disappointments, you felt blocked. In 2025, dynamic energies support you, and obstacles lift. It’s time to take action to achieve what you couldn’t in 2024. This dynamic restores your smile and gives you the energy needed to move forward.

Advice: In 2025, troubles fade away, and you regain favorable flows. The headwinds of 2024 give way to a new dynamic. Even if nothing is finalized yet, you will have more space to act. In 2025, mobilize without reservation to steer your destiny toward success. This will maximize your chances of success for the future, allowing you to open a new chapter.


Love: Starting February 23, 2025, the atmosphere relaxes, and you regain confidence. Your professional environment hinders your ambitions, but in 2025, you reconnect with creative exchanges. Your relationships suffer from frustrations, but by sharing your successes, they improve. Between July 24 and September 13, Jupiter invites you to envision an inspiring future. Venus encourages you to get closer to others, reflect on necessary changes, and breathe new life into your love life.

Work - Social Life: From February 23, 2025, Saturn stops weighing on your relationships. Your ambitions, hindered by a difficult climate, find a more fertile ground in 2025. Your collaborators become more attentive to your ideas. You can count on Jupiter until April 24 to bring your projects to fruition. Between July 24 and September 13, ambitious projects gain unanimous support. You lack neither enthusiasm nor energy to persuade others. By the end of the year, you rush into the future and assert your positions.

Well-being: In 2025, you feel a burden from social and professional responsibilities, as well as relational difficulties. These obstacles fade away, allowing you to regain your strength. Supported by external events and personal successes, you regain confidence. Take advantage of this renewed energy to move forward and develop exciting projects between July 24 and September 13, even if they only materialize in 2026. Your positive momentum strengthens.

Advice: In 2025, you are back in the spotlight, free from the obstacles that slow your ambitions. A supportive astrological climate invites you to revive an idea or project close to your heart. You believe in your abilities again and take the necessary steps to achieve your goals. Start shaping the future according to your plans, realizing your ambitions, and overcoming past challenges. Your determination propels you forward.


Love: Attention, 2025 is coming with new promises! The cloud cover dissipates, and you finally express your aspirations. Confidence returns, smiles emerge, and the desire to evolve in your relationships intensifies. Dare to take a step toward others and listen to mutual desires between February 23 and March 8, and again from May 15 to 26!

Work - Social Life: 2025 brings renewal! The winds turn in your favor, helping you realize your aspirations. Until April 24, Jupiter facilitates your ascent and endows you with a confidence that draws attention. Between July 24 and September 13, change positions and secure a promotion.

Well-being: Saturn leaves your decan on February 23, 2025. This year, the planet confronts you with slowdowns, but 2025 promises a brighter outlook. Regain your confidence! Rely on Jupiter until April 24 to rekindle your desire to excel and explore new horizons. Nothing holds back your momentum, which proves to be spectacular in 2025, so get ready to shine like never before!

Advice: The heaviness dissipates in 2025, and you feel the breeze of freedom! Forget the burdens that weighed you down. You emerge from a thick fog to experience more summery weather, pushing you to make up for lost time. Don’t hesitate to dive into all the opportunities offered by the astrological climate. You take off, perform, and shine brightly!


Love: Since 2013, Saturn has been holding back your romantic impulses, leaving you sometimes more critical than passionate. But in 2025, starting February 23, Saturn moves away, and you feel ready to open up to new encounters with a beautiful spontaneity. Between July 24 and September 13, Jupiter boosts your interactions and strengthens your connections. Venus enhances your charm from January 3 to 12. From February 4 to 23 and from April 30 to May 15, you focus on the well-being of your loved ones. Your attentive listening shines from June 6 to 16. Sweet projects emerge between September 19 and 27, and Venus enhances your aura from November 6 to 14.

Work - Social Life: In 2025, it's a comeback! Saturn loosens its grip, helping you channel your potential without overflowing. You take advantage of this new maturity to regain ground, attract funding (until April 24),and showcase your ambitions between July 24 and September 13, with Jupiter by your side. It’s the time to dream big and openly express your desire for power (without exaggeration). Mars supports your quest for recognition starting February 2 (until the 24th). You assert your merits between May 10 and 30, mobilizing for a demanding project between July 4 and 21. From October 7 to 21, overflowing energy helps you attract attention and defend your interests between November 18 and December 1.

Well-being: In 2025, you regain your freedom to act and benefit from the lessons learned. You lift your head, rediscovering the lightness that was missing. This year is one of boldness: dare to dream and realize your projects, your morale is at its peak! Between July 24 and September 13, Jupiter propels you forward.

Advice: In 2025, the sky clears, and the burdens weighing down your spirits vanish! Take advantage of this improvement to reconnect with success in business and express your legitimate ambitions. Cultivate a renewed confidence to see others clearly while continuing to move forward and expand your horizons together! Alone, more mature and aware of your deep expectations, you are not far from a meeting that ticks all the right boxes!


Love: In 2025, you break these chains! Nothing and no one holds you back from your desire to step out of your bubble! You don't give up your responsibilities, but you take advantage of a favorable astral weather to engage in relationships! If union (marriage, civil partnership) is in your plans, count on Jupiter until April 24 to encourage you to take the plunge! You yearn to get closer to others! If you want to invest with your partner, expect favorable developments between July 24 and September 13 to realize your projects! Between January 12 and 23, you take care of your loved ones with attention, and between February 23 and March 8, then from May 15 to 26, your aura becomes irresistible! It’s the perfect time to reignite the flame of love and make sparks fly!

Work - Social Life: In 2025, you catch up on lost time! Until April 24, Jupiter helps you step out of the shadows and shine! Freed from the burdens holding back your progress, you reconnect with a vibrant and fulfilling social life! Form new promising alliances, sign advantageous contracts, and watch your income improve rapidly! Between July 24 and September 13, benefits and returns on investments come your way! Mars boosts your desire to increase your earnings and defend your interests between February 2 and March 19! You assert your ambitions without reservation between May 10 and 30, and between July 4 and 21, you step into the spotlight! There’s no letting go of a project that excites you (between August 22 and September 7)! You unleash powerful energy to overcome all obstacles between November 18 and December 1!

Well-being: In 2025, you regain your strength! You are more in touch with the outside world, ready to connect with others. Take advantage of this trend, both professionally and privately, to restore a fulfilling couple and social life! This boosts your self-confidence and inspires you to attract others into your adventure!

Advice: To maximize a favorable astral situation in 2025, don't hesitate to take a step toward others! Get involved, step out of your bubble, and connect with the world around you! You are well-received, and your presence and talents are sought after! Whether in love or business, in 2025, you reach new milestones and turn the page on a period loaded with your personal and family history!


Love: In 2025, Saturn leaves, and Jupiter (until April 24) lights your path, providing opportunities to ease the atmosphere and lighten the course of life. Seize these chances to warm the home environment and express your desire for deeper commitment. Whether through marriage or a shared life project, Jupiter boosts your desire to link your destiny more officially between July 24 and September 13. You are generous with sweet words between January 12 and 23, bringing joy and happiness to your family between February 23 and March 8, and then from May 15 to 26. You shine and enchant between June 16 and 25, without hesitation in declaring your feelings between August 8 and 17. Tender projects take shape between November 14 and 22.

Work - Social Life: In 2025, the way opens wide! Free from blockages and a negative mindset, you seize every opportunity that comes your way. Accessing a higher position or actively contributing to your company’s interests? Go for it! Rewards come quickly, and your enthusiasm is recognized. Between July 24 and September 13, Jupiter favors promising commitments, contracts, or promotions. You gain social visibility with notable advantages. You strongly defend your values between February 2 and March 19 and assert your power between May 10 and 30. Fully invested, you expand your horizons between July 4 and 21, not hesitating to challenge your superiors to meet your expectations between August 22 and September 7. Nothing stops you from promoting your perspectives between October 7 and 21.

Well-being: In 2025, you regain your energy, fighting spirit, and especially an unshakable confidence. You move mountains and radiate positive vibes to regain strength and desire. The pitfall to avoid? Don’t misuse your strength to make up for lost time. This is the year to recover, regain ground, and improve your social and personal situation without seeking to settle scores.

Advice: In 2025, commit without hesitation! Whether in family, love, or your career, you won’t regret it! You see the glass as half full, even overflowing! Don’t miss any opportunity to showcase your talents or assert your desire to participate, serve the common cause, or even engage in the long term!


Love: Starting February 23, 2025, Saturn leaves your decan, paving the way for a dynamic and promising period. With Jupiter by your side, your charisma and creativity explode, offering you the opportunity to energize your love life. Until April 24, Jupiter encourages you to unleash your seductive power to leave a lasting impression. This is the perfect time to rekindle the flame in your relationships or create exciting new connections. Venus will join in to beautify your tender exchanges between February 23 and March 8, and again between May 15 and 26. Expect enriching interactions with your loved ones!

Work - Social Life: Professionally, although 2024 was challenging, 2025 will bring renewal! You will feel more alive and ready to seize every opportunity that comes your way. Until April 24, maximize your potential and reap the rewards of your hard work. Between July 24 and September 13, expect a smooth and rewarding daily life.

Well-being: Mars will give you a boost at work between February 2 and March 19, allowing you to convince your partners. Don’t miss the chance to assert your ambitions between August 22 and September 7, and be ready to take action between October 7 and 21. You will defend your projects passionately between November 18 and December 1. Finally, taking the time to adjust your plans between December 28 and January 10 will be key to starting 2026 off right.

Advice: So, even though Saturn may have dimmed your spirits in 2024, 2025 is here to make you shine! At the beginning of the year, even if the shadow of 2024 lingers, Jupiter will help you regain confidence and energy, allowing you to showcase your strengths and pave the way for new opportunities. Ready to conquer the world?


Love: Until April 24, 2025, expect this planet to support your family life, whether through a move or the expansion of your family. Between July 24 and September 13, Jupiter will enhance your seductive power, giving you the chance to shine and reignite the flame in your relationship. If you’re looking for love, you’ll have every opportunity for a beautiful encounter. Venus, present in your decan from January 12 to 23, will intensify your personal radiance and improve your relationships between June 16 and 25. Between July 13 and 22, pay attention to harmony within your surroundings. You will benefit from an almost irresistible aura between August 8 and 17, perfect for memorable moments in love. Finally, by being attentive to the desires of others between September 27 and October 5, you can fulfill your romantic aspirations between November 14 and 22.

Work - Social Life: Whether you are considering retirement, a freelance profession, a move, or expatriation, in 2025 you will finally feel free from the obstacles that have held you back. Jupiter, until April 24, will facilitate your transition into a new social role, and between July 24 and September 13, you will be able to fully express your talents. This period is ideal for shining and captivating those around you. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of favorable currents to get noticed. Mars will stimulate your desire to make a strong impression between February 2 and March 19, while your charisma will help you persuade others between July 4 and 21. Assert your ambitions between October 7 and 21, and don’t hesitate to claim more power between November 18 and December 1. This year offers opportunities for you to thrive.

Well-being: Expect a boost of energy, both physical and mental, that will bring back your smile. Moments of satisfaction with family, a harmonious living environment, and warm relationships with those around you will be on the agenda, along with heartfelt emotional rewards. These positive aspects will help you bounce back quickly and regain confidence in yourself and your destiny. With this new energy, you can approach the year with enthusiasm, hoping to end it in a much better state than you began. This year is the perfect opportunity to turn your aspirations into reality and experience enriching moments.

Advice: In 2025, a benevolent astral backdrop allows you to reconnect with the hope of flourishing in all areas. No major obstacles seem to stand in your way, and Jupiter will often be there to ease your path to happiness. Whether in business, love, or family, now is the time to believe and do everything possible to steer your destiny toward new prospects. Take advantage of this period to seize the opportunities that arise, as they are filled with promise. By focusing on your aspirations and acting with determination, you can turn your dreams into reality. The year 2025 provides an ideal framework for exploring new horizons, thriving, and experiencing gratifying moments. In summary, believe in your potential and prepare to welcome joyful and enriching moments into your life.

1. Your 2025 Astrological Forecasts
2. 2025 challenges for the 12 zodiac signs
3. 2025: this is the year of change
4. Tips for living serenely in 2025
5. Everything You Need to Know for 2026
6. Luckiest signs of the month
7. The great spring clean: horoscope exclusive
8. Go Through Spring Gently: Spring is Back!
9. Children and Easter: exclusive horoscope
10. Call up the Sun and dare to laugh!
11. Social network: your star sign on Facebook
12. What to offer for Grandmothers' Day
13. Women's astrological profile at each life stage

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