Luck takes an infinite variety of forms to manifest itself. Of course, many of us associate the notion of luck with money: winning a game of chance, an inheritance, a large sum of money falling from the sky. There is also luck in love: the soul mate met at the corner of a street, the love at first sight that we did not expect, a flickering love that suddenly takes on new colors.

What are the luckiest signs of the month?
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    But beside these two great classics, there are other chances: the ability to express yourself clearly to obtain the approval of your interlocutors, the chance to get the job or the position of your dreams, the energy found, the health consolidated, new fulfilling friendships...

    Each month, find the luckiest signs of the month and the areas in which they will encounter the most opportunities.

    Lucky signs for April 2025

    Starting on April 7th, Mercury ends its retrograde, marking a turning point in our lives. The period of confusion and misunderstandings begins to clear, and communication resumes its normal flow. From April 16th, when Mercury enters Aries, a new dynamic takes shape, offering a more vibrant and bold energy. This will be the time to make important decisions and give fresh momentum to our projects.

    On April 13th, Venus also goes direct, but it is not until the 30th that it enters Aries, bringing with it a wave of renewal in our relationships and love life. These planetary movements signal a significant period of transition.

    Additionally, Mars will leave Cancer on the 18th, after spending several weeks in that sign, and enter Leo, where it will intensify our energy and ambition. On April 19th, the Sun enters Taurus, inviting stability and deeper reflection.

    For the fire signs—Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius—April looks particularly favorable. You will find many opportunities to shine and express yourselves, especially on the 13th, with the full moon in Libra highlighting your relationships and partnerships. On the 16th, with Mercury in Aries, communication will be smoother and faster, while on the 18th, Mars in Leo will inspire motivation and a desire for conquest. Finally, on the 30th, Venus joins Aries, reigniting your passions and desires.

    The air signs—Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius—also benefit from these astrological influences. You will be supported in your endeavors, with energy favoring communication and creativity.

    For the earth and water signs, the energies are more subtle but just as powerful. Until April 18th, you will feel driven by great determination and initiative. Communication will be particularly enhanced until the 16th, and seduction will be in the air. Finally, the new moon in Taurus on April 27th will be a special moment for the earth and water signs, offering a soft, sensual day ideal for self-care and caring for others.

    Lucky signs for March 2025

    March promises to be particularly dynamic for the fire signs, especially Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in alignment, this month creates a period of growth for these signs. Starting on the 20th, the Sun brings invigorating energy and stimulates action. Venus, on the other hand, retrogrades in Aries until the 27th, creating a moment of reflection, particularly for the fire signs. This retrograde offers them the opportunity to reassess their relationships and love life. For these signs, as well as for the air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), it is the ideal time to revisit certain dynamics and start anew on more solid and fulfilling foundations.

    The water signs—Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces—are also well-aspected. Mars, still in Cancer, provides them with intense and determined energy, while the Sun, until March 20th, illuminates their path. This period is favorable for taking action and launching new projects. Moreover, with Mercury retrograding in Pisces starting on the 30th, these water signs are invited to revisit certain situations, but in a more introspective manner, focused on inner growth.

    The earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) benefit from the support of the Sun until March 20th, Mercury at the beginning of the month and again from the 30th, as well as the favorable influence of Venus and Mars. However, the retrogrades of Mercury and Venus bring some slowdowns and delays for everyone. These periods should not be feared; they serve as preparation to better structure future projects. Therefore, this March is an ideal time to step back, reevaluate certain priorities, and prepare for the future with more clarity and strategy.

    Lucky signs for February 2025

    February promises to be rich in emotions and opportunities for the air and fire signs. Under a vibrant sky, Jupiter resumes its direct motion in Gemini, bringing beneficial energy that favors initiatives and ambitious projects. Venus in Aries throughout the month infuses a new passion, encouraging bold actions, especially in relationships and creative endeavors. A full moon in Leo, scheduled for February 12th, amplifies this momentum by illuminating the aspirations of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius. The 3rd and 12th will be particularly significant for these signs, offering unexpected opportunities or rewarding successes. Luck seems to be on their side, but boldness and action will play a key role in achieving their goals.

    For the earth and water signs, the month will be more eventful, but not without potential. Pisces and Virgo may sometimes feel torn between the constraints imposed by Saturn and the promises of expansion suggested by Jupiter. This delicate balance may lead to some excesses or awkward moments, but it also offers valuable lessons in refining priorities. Mars in Cancer brings stimulating energy, encouraging these signs to regain their strength, fine-tune their plans, or reinforce their willpower in the face of challenges. Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces thus benefit from a favorable atmosphere to solidify their foundations and prepare for the future.

    The month also holds pivotal moments, with key dates such as the 14th, 18th, 24th, and 28th of February. These days could bring pleasant surprises or opportunities to seize. In sum, February invites everyone to move forward with determination and harness the celestial energies to turn challenges into stepping stones.

    Lucky signs for January 2025

    Starting on the 2nd, the proximity of Venus to the Sun in Pisces envelops this sign with an irresistible aura of seduction, capable of making hearts flutter. Cancer, also influenced by this dynamic, benefits from a boost of energy starting on the 6th with the return of Mars in Cancer due to its retrograde motion. Their charm and strength are amplified, creating favorable conditions for personal or relational progress. Scorpio, on the other hand, experiences more mixed moments. The simultaneous influence of the Sun, Mercury, and Uranus may sometimes dull its shine or complicate communication. However, the full moon on the 13th, shining in Cancer, offers a moment of grace to all water signs.

    This day will be marked by deep romance, sincere tenderness, and moments of shared emotion. For the air signs—Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius—the favorable position of the Sun and Mercury creates a harmonious atmosphere. For the air signs—Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius—the Sun and Mercury are working in your favor. Your ideas are flowing, your exchanges are lively, and opportunities are popping up, whether on a personal or professional level. Great things are on the horizon! Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, you regain momentum and creativity that make you eager to move forward enthusiastically. For Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, surprises are on the way, ready to shake up your daily life in a pleasant way. This month promises to be full of significant moments, with benevolent planets illuminating your projects and desires.

    Lucky signs for December 2024

    The last month of the year is beginning, the one that announces winter, but also the famous vacations that make the transition to 2025. This month of December is marked by the retrograde of Mars on the 6th and the passage of Mercury in direct course on the 16th. 10 days separate these two changes of movement for so-called fast planets. It's time to slow down. If Mars has entered the very proud sign of Leo, it has also long been opposed to Pluto. But what changes is the opposition of Mars to Venus. An authentic and free Venus in Aquarius. This Venus Pluto conjunction is good for Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Aries and Sagittarius. But it must be understood with its opposition to Mars during the first two weeks. Love yes, inevitably, but less the carnal aspect. The question of desire must be calmed...

    Winter begins on December 22 and the Sun is alone in Capricorn. The vacations begin and Saturn's trine to Capricorn and Taurus designates them as the lucky ones of the month. The vacations should go well and there will be no need to be careless in your pre-departure preparations. Cancer and Scorpio are also guided by Saturn to start the end of the year.

    Since they are asked to reconsider the question of love, Leos are lucky to experience Neptune's trine to Mars to soften this already retrograde planet on the one hand, and on the other hand to let go of questions related to desire. As for Virgos, they can let themselves go to the Uranian impulses that bring renewal on all levels! It's not bad when you end a year, to feel something new coming!

    The New Moon in Capricorn on December 30 is in sextile with Saturn the ruler of the lunation. This is a good way for everyone to end the year!

    Lucky signs for November 2024

    New Moon in Scorpio on November 1st, on the Feast of the Dead. If a new moon always announces a new cycle, the sign of Scorpio, by its transforming nature, is also a harbinger of a cycle. Life, death, life, etc. As the ruler of Scorpio leaves the sign of Capricorn for good this month, we can already designate them as the lucky ones of November. After fifteen years of undergoing Plutonian metamorphoses, the natives of the very serious earth sign can finally look forward to a new life. In leaving the sign of Capricorn, Pluto is making other lucky people happy: third-decade Aries, Cancer and Libra natives.

    Aries are doubly lucky, as they are under the effect of a trine to Venus which, in its transit, soothes the other fire signs, Sagittarius and Leo. While Aquarians have to deal with the presence of Pluto, they are allowed to start slowly with the help of Venus. Beware of dissonant aspects of Venus, especially with Neptune before the Sun enters Sagittarius. Don't be fooled!

    The Sagittarius season begins under the best auspices since the Sun is then in trine to Mars, planet of fire, completely adequate with the fire of Sagittarius. Those born in the sign of Jupiter are given wings to soar towards their highest ideals. An incredible strength for those who are already impetuous adventurers.

    Starting November 12, earth signs can rest assured their charm will come out. With a sextile to Saturn, Taurus and Capricorn can even look forward to lasting romantic relationships.

    Note the retrograde of Mercury in Sagittarius on November 26. The messenger gives us the opportunity to reflect on our ideals, delve into philosophical teachings, and take our time.

    Lucky signs for October 2024

    The month of October begins with a New Moon in Libra where Mars will be difficult. A tense month, but some people will find something positive to do. A large triangle in the water signs already points to the lucky ones: Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. This beautiful energy is unfolding without force, including Venus, Mars and Saturn. With such planets, the question of love is therefore solidly structured. Virgo and Capricorn can also be noted as the lucky ones of the zodiac, due to the sextile effect.

    Sagittarius, then in Saturnian turmoil, also finds some joy from October 18. Therefore, the other fire signs, Leo and Aries benefit from this state of the sky. The air signs, Aquarius and Libra, are also affected by this mild climate. For Aquarius, it's good to take advantage of this, because Pluto has gone back on a direct course, and the next time it enters their home it won't go back. Fortunately, as long as Jupiter is in Gemini, all the air signs are protected. But Jupiter only stays in one sign for one year...

    On October 17, the Full Moon in Aries marks the sky with a powerful square. The planets in aspect to the Sun and Moon are Mars and Pluto. Mars, again, but now he is the ruler of this Full Moon. If at first sight the natal chart may be worrying, we should not forget Jupiter which links the sun and the moon. In harmonic aspect with the luminaries, Jupiter tells us that he remains a benevolent ruler. And while he's been particularly devoted to air signs for a long time now, he's going to help everyone find exciting solutions for this full moon in Aries.

    Lucky signs for September 2024

    Mercury is now in direct course in Leo as we begin a new school year, a new work year in Virgo. But it's also the start of arts programs for the new season, and we are fortunate to watch Venus move into Libra to serve us the most beautiful works in the most beautiful places. In Libra, Venus unfolds all her beauty and it is of course the natives of the sign of harmony and balance who are the first to benefit fully from her passage. Gemini and Aquarius obviously enjoy this state of Venus, but for Aquarius, and especially for the natives of the first decan, it represents a nice breath of fresh air, because Pluto has gone back into Capricorn. And yes, his entry into Aquarius at the beginning of the year was in fact only a short appearance. On a lighter note, but still welcome, Leo and Sagittarius get some love from Venus as well.

    While all the slow planets from Saturn on down are retrograding, the others are making good progress! This is the case for Mars which enters Cancer on September 5. If Mars cannot exploit all its capacities in Cancer, it is nevertheless in harmonic aspect to Saturn which allows it to find its place. Cancerians should take advantage of this energy of initiative and structure their activities. The same is true for Pisces, Scorpio, Taurus and Virgo.

    The day after the Sun enters Libra marking the autumn season, Venus enters the sultry sign of Scorpio on September 24. Usually and unjustly misunderstood, Venus is in trine to Mars this September. A formidable energy that combines desire and feelings. Deep feelings that delight Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn.

    Lucky signs for August 2024

    Fast Mercury will retrograde again during this month of August. Currently in Virgo, its retrograde, which begins on August 5, will take it into Leo to go back into direct course on August 29. This period should allow everyone to integrate in their own way his mercurial functions of communication in particular. Very quickly, the Jupiter-Mars conjunction in Gemini will become apparent. If this conjunction is for a few days rather dissonant, it will nevertheless allow the air signs to integrate this Mercury retrograde. Therefore, the signs that mark the intellect, Gemini, Aquarius and Libra, are already the lucky ones of the zodiac. They have the opportunity to make a mental and intellectual evolution. Aries and Leo will also feel the effects of Jupiter and Mars, especially since the Sun is in Leo until August 23.

    As for sweetness and love, Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn are the lucky ones of the zodiac. The presence of Venus allows you to better accept the sometimes stressful Mercury retrograde, especially for Virgos... The water signs, Scorpio and Cancer also benefit from this Venus in Virgo.

    For those signs not affected by Jupiter and Venus, there are still slow transits, but of a nature to transform your lives in depth and positively. Sagittarians in the first decan, and their sextile to Pluto, can intuitively feel the springs of their transformation. Pisces in the third decan are in the energies of Uranus, which will present them with situations that may be unexpected, but which may help them find a new path of evolution.

    Astrology forgets no one and everything comes to those who wait. The course of a life is not played out in a single month, so profound is the work required by the sky.