Spring begins with the arrival of the sun in the constellation of Aries on March 21. A new page opens with a new astrological year. Spring is the season of impulses, beginnings, enterprises, and heightened wills.

Spring 2024 Forecasts
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    The Fire signs are the first to be affected by this vital energy that launches them onto paths of personal, romantic, familial, or professional adventures. Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are overflowing with projects and ardor.

    The Earth signs welcome this spring with confidence and can rely on the Jupiter-Uranus duo to establish a life in line with their aspirations. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn seek and find their independence, autonomy, and, for many, happiness.

    The Air signs benefit from powerful energy. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius have all the tools at hand to change the course of their lives. For some, this marks the beginning of a real transformation.

    Finally, the Water signs stabilize, communicate, and create. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are immersed in a climate of exchanges, sometimes accompanied by tensions or reassessments of certain situations.

    On March 21, 2024, the sun enters Aries, marking the arrival of spring. It will be temporarily in sextile with Pluto on this occasion. The energy released during this conjunction brings strength and power to welcome and manage the best possible changes that lie ahead. At the same time, Mars leaves Aquarius to enter Pisces, where it will transit until the end of April. The conquering, yet somewhat anarchic energy that vibrated for the past few weeks gives way to a climate of more flexible, adaptable activities, but also less well-organized.

    On April 2, 2024, Mercury begins a three-week retrograde in Aries. Situations freeze, deadlines lengthen, with delays in communications, mobility, and everything related to negotiations. This movement invites reflection before making decisions.

    On Sunday, April 21, 2024, Jupiter joins Uranus. Surprising events push us out of our comfort zones; we must put the novelties in the service of our individual and collective evolution.

    On May 24, 2024, Jupiter enters Gemini, a sign in which it is in exile. It will influence local exchanges and mobility. More movements than travels, more chatting than philosophical studies, this transit may make communications more numerous but superficial.

    On June 9, Mars enters Taurus until July 20. This late spring is marked by willpower, constructive actions, concrete achievements, and material goals. During this transit, the taste for life's pleasures is intense.


    #page_tag_title#Spring is your season; it's time to embark on ventures you've dreamed of, to set sail, or to become independent, emotionally or professionally.


    #page_tag_title#Spring is the awakening of nature, to which you are particularly attentive. It's the return of sunny days and an opportunity for you to go outside, take walks, or go hiking.


    #page_tag_title#If you're considering redirecting your life, opportunities abound. If you want to travel, meet different people, resume studies, improve your social status, this spring is highly favorable for you.


    #page_tag_title#Withdraw a bit from social games to meditate on your opinions and ideas; you might reach new conclusions that will change your mindset. This spring is an excellent opportunity to broaden your horizons.


    #page_tag_title#Encounters, travels bring you happy coincidences, lucky chances to carry out your ventures. To take advantage of them, stay attentive to what happens: people, places, and situations.


    #page_tag_title#It's a beautiful spring during which you stabilize your assets and convictions in security. You have good control over your talents and encounter opportunities to showcase them; personal success is likely.


    #page_tag_title#Ambitious projects, sometimes oriented towards foreign lands, have every chance to succeed if you take initiatives when opportunities arise. Stay vigilant and available to benefit from excellent spring influences.


    #page_tag_title#It's a beautiful spring to delve into a subject dear to you, to meditate in some solitude and arrive at fair conclusions. However, you may sometimes feel frustrated in your desires for intense passions.


    #page_tag_title#This spring offers you a pleasant atmosphere of indulgence and sensuality that suits your cheerful temperament. Your daily life improves, whether it's better schedules, friendlier neighbors, or a more comfortable life.


    #page_tag_title#You feel like traveling, deepening your self-knowledge, elevating yourself. Everything seems possible, and if you remain realistic and organized, this spring is particularly favorable for you to succeed in all your endeavors.


    #page_tag_title#This spring, you evolve in a relaxed atmosphere. You establish harmony in your relationships and benefit from others' benevolence. Your creative potential is enhanced; artists are particularly inspired and productive.


    #page_tag_title#This spring, trust yourself and make the right choices at the right time. Explore your potential, discover new ways of acting, and find the help and support you need in all your endeavors.