This year is of particular importance because it is characterized by a period of deep reflection and meaningful decision-making. Instincts and emotions are strongly accentuated.

1st decan (March 21-April 1): You're continuing on your path, digging your furrow, and starting a new life cycle that needs conscious management for it to unfold according to your plans. If the first semester tests your ability to resist adversity and encourages responsibility, a strong start might occur around August 29.
2nd decan (April 2-April 11): Saturn will continue to pressure you to let go of outdated references from the past until February 23, 2025. However, count on Jupiter until April 24 to potentially boost communication, allowing you to gain popularity. From July 24, you'll aspire to establish a home, expand the family, or simply enhance your living environment.
3rd decan (April 12-April 20): The past is behind. A turn began in 2024 and continues in 2025, notably around April 4 and November 20, where an external (and internal) path keeps unfolding. A door indeed opened last year. There's no going back; it's about persevering to reinforce a happy and fulfilling structural change.
1st decan (April 21-May 1): Pluto (since November 20, until January 2030) will influence your social and professional destiny. Between July 7 and November 8, Uranus will push you to express your unique talents and originality, breaking free from norms. An ideal life might start emerging between March 30 and October 22, 2025.
2nd decan (May 2-May 11): Until April 24, Jupiter will boost potentials you want to develop and express for your interests. Expect rewards for your merits, notably after February 4. Jupiter will then favor your contacts and communication with others from late July 2025.
3rd decan (May 12-May 20): The opportunity between April 24 and June 9 to express your talents widely and improve your gains? The circumstances favor implementing a solid project, especially around April 4, aligning with your aspirations from around November 20.
1st decan (May 21-May 31): Next year, Uranus will temporarily impact your decan, demanding freedom, autonomy, and breaking away from past constraints. A royal path opens around August 29, despite some disillusionment around June 15 and 19.
2nd decan (June 1-June 10): Until April 24, Jupiter will offer multiple opportunities to turn a new page in your personal history. Your responses to the challenges in 2024 will reap rewards or consequences in 2025. It's all laid out!
3rd decan (June 11-June 20)
What you start in 2024, you'll conclude in 2025! You might lay solid foundations based on what feels right to you around early April and ultimately feel connected to an ideal or mission mirroring your inner aspirations by November : 0!
CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
1st decan (June 21 - July 1): Between the eagerness to take off immediately and the necessity to adhere to a strict code of ethics, you may find time a bit lengthy around June 15th and 19th, where you'll feel like obstacles are being placed in your path or that your ambitions are hitting a wall! Be patient until the end of August, where you'll understand the reasons behind it and have the opportunity to more consciously manage your destiny!
2nd decan (July 2 - July 12): If in 2024 (especially during a somewhat challenging second half), you suffer from not being able to spread your wings and take off right away, you shouldn't be subjected to Saturn's pressure in 2025. From February 23, Saturn moves away from your sphere. Certain values are integrated, and the obligation to conform will no longer weigh on your shoulders and hinder your projects!
3rd decan (July 13 - July 22): What you've agreed to change, what you've newly undertaken in 2024, should bear fruit in 2025! You'll be able to stabilize, anchor your progress (especially around April 4th), and base your initiatives on solid ground! Towards the end of the year (around November 20th), it's time for takeoff, complete liberation, and most importantly, inspired by your potentials!
LEO (July 23-August 22)
1st decan (July 23-August 2): Around June 15 and June 19, 2025, avoid pushing too hard. You might run into a wall and end up sidelined, disappointed, and frustrated. However, if you're willing to adapt, navigate certain obstacles and uncertainties, a new future could start taking shape by late August (on the 29th).
2nd decan (August 3-August 13): Until April 24, 2025, Jupiter encourages you to persist in developing your projects, while Saturn urges you to strengthen your foundations, cutting back on expenses until February 23. Count on the zodiac giant (between July 24 and September 13, then again between January 11 and May 8, 2026) to refine your plans. Liftoff expected from mid-August 2026.
3rd decan (August 14-August 22): The changes made in 2024 are bearing fruit, allowing you to progress without the risk of a fall. You seem to be advancing without taking undue risks and manage to stabilize, secure your progress around April 4. You should rejoice in the journey taken and the new perspectives opening up around November 20.
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
1st decan (August 23 - September 3): Projects that temporarily seem to be idling, stagnating? Is it due to a lack of means, funds, or/and constraints from the law that hold you back and slow down progress? The astral situation may indeed seem to throw a spanner in the works around June 15 and 19, but it will, however, evolve in your favor by the end of August (on the 29th).
2nd decan (September 4 - September 13): Saturn will stop weighing on your relational universe from the end of February 2025. If the austere planet has been urging you since 2024 to reflect on the legitimacy and validity of your commitments, you should have thoroughly considered the matter. From November 6, 2024, until April 24, 2025, Jupiter will encourage you to step forward and could favor the emergence of a project you like by the end of July 2025.
3rd decan (September 14 - September 22): The boldness you will benefit from manifesting in 2024 should allow you in 2025 (particularly around April 4 and November 20) not only to anchor your progress, build on solid ground, commit for the long term but also to feel in harmony with yourself and others. What more could you ask for?
LIBRA (September 23 - October 23)
1st decan (September 23 - October 3): Be careful to nurture your relationships in 2025, where your thirst for power could arouse suspicion and perhaps some resistance from your various partners (personal, social, professional). Particularly around June 15 and 19, when communications may lack clarity. Around August 29, you'll be much more capable of drawing whoever you want into your world, where your taste for adventure could become contagious.
2nd decan (October 4 - October 14): Saturn will stop pressuring you by the end of February 2025. If you've fulfilled your duties and obligations without trying to escape them, you should be able to reap the rewards of your patience and commitment. You'll enjoy a sky almost without clouds to finally evolve more freely and perhaps even reach for the moon by the end of July.
3rd decan (October 15 - October 23): What you undertook, accepted, or achieved in 2024 should bear fruit in 2025. A daily life filled with responsibilities that allow you to evolve, question yourself, and express yourself more authentically (around April 4)? The innovative aspect of the chosen option seems to be confirmed and appears to meet your expectations (around November 20).
SCORPIO (October 24-November 22)
1st decan (October 24-November 3): You have the desire to spread your wings, to broaden your horizons that were somewhat restricted during a somewhat frustrating first semester. Therefore, you will probably have to wait for the second half of the year to hope to steer your destiny in your favor. Particularly around August 29th, external events could contribute to putting it on the right (and new?) track.
2nd decan (November 4-November 13): Saturn will finish weighing on your shoulders from the end of February. You will have certainly delved into sensitive issues on a sentimental and creative level, found a balance, and should then be able to approach what comes with more awareness. You can then hope to spread your wings, push your limits, and finally take off between July 24th and September 13th, 2025.
3rd decan (November 14-November 22): Everything that was newly and sometimes unexpectedly established in 2024 should deepen around April 4th, 2025, take root in 2025, and evolve according to your wishes towards the end of the year (around November 20th). You will have certainly made the right choices in 2024, which will be confirmed by the situation in 2025.
1st decan (November 23-December 2): Between a sentimental situation that demands a careful examination of its foundations in order to sustain itself, and your desire to ignore the meaning of limits, you might be reminded by a reality that corners you around June 15th and 19th! The desire to break free to form a more inspiring relationship or to tighten bonds around a less conventional version of a couple (around August 29th)?
2nd decan (December 3-December 12): Until April 24th, Jupiter will favor all kinds of commitments (private, sentimental, professional, social)! So, don't miss any opportunity to take a step towards others, to partner up, to reach a milestone that could prove advantageous, fulfilling, and a catalyst for growth! And as Saturn leaves your sphere by the end of February, take advantage of the remaining time to charge forward!
3rd decan (December 13-December 21): It will be time to settle down, to anchor the novelty, the recent changes into something solid around April 4th. You feel the need to build upon these new foundations (established in 2024?) that make sense to you and bring you closer (around November 20th) to a long-desired life project!
CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 20)
1st decan (December 22 - January 2): Be careful not to let your thirst for expansion, for connecting with others, for broadening your social life take precedence over family responsibilities that you need to take on in 2025! Especially around June 15 and 19! However, your ability to add spice to everyday life could have a positive impact on those around you and help you achieve a form of harmony at home around November 20!
2nd decan (January 3 - January 11): Fewer obstacles to fear and therefore a clearer path to hope for in 2025? Count on Jupiter until April 24 to multiply opportunities to progress, to improve your daily life! The giant planet will encourage you (between July 24 and September 13) to take a step towards others, to commit, recommit, to form promising alliances!
3rd decan (January 12 - January 20): You are now capable of structuring the newness well, giving it shape and a solid grounding (around April 4)? A foundation that should allow you to definitively link a new expression of yourself, your desires and talents, and an ideal conception of the world (around November 20)! What more could you ask for?
AQUARIUS (January 21-February 18)
1st decan (January 21-January 31): Pay attention in 2025, especially around June 15th and 19th, not to miss the boat and certain opportunities to move forward, to progress, while letting some doubts undermine your momentum and enthusiasm! Fortunately, around August 29th, you regain confidence and could demonstrate a boldness that might help you check off the right boxes!
2nd decan (February 1-February 10): Saturn stops causing you trouble and no longer forces you to tighten your belt starting on February 23, 2025! Let's wager that by then, you will have managed as consciously as possible the brakes that were preventing you from fully realizing yourself according to your wishes! Jupiter can then support your desires without hindrance!
3rd decan (February 11-February 18): You are now able (around April 4th) to build on solid ground, to invest in a new structure that emerged or has emerged in 2024! You shouldn't regret it as around November 20th, the recently established position allows you to flourish, to feel fully in harmony with yourself!
PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
1st decan (February 19 - February 29): If certain restrictions (material, financial) force you to reduce your sails, to downgrade certain projects, to restrain your impulses around June 15th and 19th, a major change (unexpected birth, impromptu move) could spice up your private and family life around August 29th! Hold on until then!
2nd decan (March 1 - March 10): Until April 24th, Jupiter will favor your development within the family and in private, while the pressure exerted on you by Saturn in 2024 will diminish! A start to the year to exploit, perhaps to achieve what you hoped for last year? From July 24th to September 13th, your emotional life might well regain strength and vibrancy!
3rd decan (March 11 - March 20): You'll have the opportunity to integrate changes into a new structuring of yourself, changes that likely punctuated last year! Particularly around April 4th, where a door opens! Trust this evolving (revolutionary) process that should (around November 20th) have everything to please you!