In winter, it's a good time to sit by the fireplace or on a couch, plunged under cozy blankets, a good book in hand. According to our zodiacal temperament, we will be more or less tempted to linger on either a relaxing or an exhilarating read...

Since it's a calm time, get ready for adventure stories! You will enjoy turning the pages of beautiful books richly illustrated, if possible on the exploits of outstanding personalities. Mike Horn or Sylvain Tesson, looking to push their limits, are perfect for you. In novels, you get excited about the real heroes, from Don Quixote to the warriors of the Iliad. Otherwise, the very personal stories of Amelie Nothomb are also for you.
First of all, you prepare the scene: your favorite armchair and a flannel, maybe a fire in the fireplace if it's possible, a cup of tea and some cakes and you're ready. In beautiful books, you collect all those who are devoted to cooking, of course, but also to the fine arts. As for literature, you are classic. The novels of the nineteenth century appeal to you for their realism and social adventures, such as Balzac, especially, but also Maupassant or Zola who never goes out of fashion.
Reading, you love, but you are rather zapping. With your temperament, you are looking for sociological works, news, or testimonials on facts that have marked you. You will surely find the book dedicated to Johnny Hallyday that you need! For literature, you draw from current publications, authors who are often journalists, for example Bernard Werber or Ono-dit-Biot. The comedians, Desproges, Laurent Baffie or Coluche, remain a good bet.
When you dive into the pages of a book, whatever it is, you escape. You lose all sense of time and place, which allows you to rediscover your childhood sensations - the famous madeleine Proust, native of your sign. Even as an adult, you love fairy tales or intimate stories. You also need to dream and books on interior design or antiques are pleasing to you.
At home, you can easily find beautiful books placed prominently on a coffee table. You like to leaf through the mood: they can be devoted to photography, fashion or artists. You love themes such as jewelry or prestigious designers like Saint-Laurent, native of your sign. Finally, literature, the great classics please you: Flaubert, Stendhal or Dumas to find the big and beautiful world.
It is based on practicality that your book choices are made! Whether for DIY, gardening or DIY - even knitting, which fashionistas like - you'll find what you're looking for. If you are willing to be manual, since some of you are more intellectual. You love, of course, writers who have a sense of detail, long detailed descriptions of Châteaubriand, Rousseau or even Jean d'Ormesson. But also, correspondence between authors, which plunge you into their daily lives.
No need to deny it, you need feeling, love and once again, feeling. Some of you admit a weakness for chic lit, in other words the modern version of the novel "rose water". Others never tire of classics, such as Racine's plays, Baudelaire's poetry or Dangerous Lovers. Finally, you also love the real and beautiful books, like fashion and jewelry, or those dedicated to the painting of the Renaissance or the eighteenth century.
For you, it is the mystery and sensations that speak to you when you immerse yourself in a book. So you are a good customer for crime: Down Brown or Michel Bussi, for example, keeps you on edge because of their sense of suspense. You do not disdain either the strange world of Tolkien, father of modern fantasy, or the art of audacity and provoking ways of Virginie Despentes.
Obviously, you are still looking for travel, adventure and escape through the pages of your books. Yann Arthus-Bertrand's Earth from the Sky remains a good choice, or themes like The Silk Road, Unusual Lands, for example. Even in literature, exoticism is a plus: you love the new Nobel Prize Kazuo Ishiguro, who is a goldsmith of the Japanese language (in translation or not!), But also Nicolas Bouvier or Marco Polo.
Reading allows you to enjoy the joys of solitude and tranquility: you live for! No big novel scares you, especially if it immerses you in history, one of your favorite subjects. Tolstoy, Ken Follet or the essentials of Egyptologist Christian Jacq. In a different genre, you are also attracted by architecture and heritage: the art of stained glass, the great French homes, for example.
A book can attract you if it is unusual and it stands out by its innovative ways. You are often attracted to those who deal with contemporary design or social issues. The biography on Pablo Escobar or the book Utopia XXI, by Aymeric Caron, have nothing in common but can both tickle your mind. You also like to be transported to the future. Science fiction and fantasy novels are for you.
Nothing seems more idyllic than lying on a comfortable sofa with a stack of books. This is a relaxing plan! You can not miss out on those dedicated to meditation, the new Danish way of life (the higge) or on music: Barbara or Schubert. On the romance side, Victor Hugo brings you tears and provokes your legendary empathy.