Since 2023, some individuals have been undergoing a profound transformation, leading them to change their path or their life. They rely on a powerful, yet still unexpressed, will to harness new abilities by August 12. Their intuition will guide them on the right path until August 29. Be cautious in June (on the 15th and 19th) not to overdo things to make an impression, as it might temporarily hinder progress. Others will benefit from favorable conditions until April 24 to finalize a long-term project, feeling freer in their movements. High morale and good mood between July 24 and mid-September. Additionally, some will release limiting beliefs from the past and realize a dream that may take shape and meet the right criteria around April 4 or November 20, 2025.

Taurus First decan, your 2025 horoscope
Since 2023, Pluto has been initiating a profound and irreversible change in your life, whether in your personal, professional, or social spheres. In 2025, Neptune, Uranus, and Saturn will further enhance this deep reflection. It's not about skimming the surface but starting a period of intense introspection to choose the best path. This path will allow you to discover new creative resources and utilize them to express a new facet of yourself. It's necessary to clear the way, tidy up, and let go of certain elements and beliefs from the past that hold you back.
Love: You are Changing!
In 2025, the key is to embark on a quest for yourself and what needs to change to hope to be reborn in alignment with the part of yourself that has long been dormant. Pluto has been signaling the end of the past since 2023, and in 2025, Neptune (between March 30 and October 22) will strengthen your desire to give meaning to your existence. Saturn, the stern planet, will make an appearance between May 25 and September 1, initiating a major clean-up, reviewing what has always weighed you down and needs to be eliminated. A part of yourself will emerge, ready to express itself openly (between July 7 and November 8). This transformation between the old and the new will be evident around August 12 and November 20. In June, be mindful not to overshare your feelings, as your statements might cause concern or push some people away. Otherwise, Jupiter will favor encounters, good mood, and will allow you to evolve, well-supported, between June 9 and July 24.
Exciting encounters are on the horizon, and your circle of close friends will expand to your great pleasure. Couple: You will undertake a major spring cleaning to feel more in tune with who you have become. Count on Venus (between January 3 and 12) to develop and refine projects between February 4 and 23, and then again between April 30 and May 15. Radiant between June 6 and 16, you will lovingly care for your family between August 25 and September 3, rekindling the flame between September 19 and 27. Single: The current climate encourages you to eliminate anything that no longer inspires you. Rely on Venus to brighten your emotional outlook in 2025. Attractive projects will emerge (between January 3 and 12), to be refined between February 4 and 23, and again between April 30 and May 15. You will shine brightly between June 6 and 16, working to live in harmony with your loved ones between August 25 and June 16, with every chance of charming others between September 19 and 27.
Social Life: Time to change
Since 2023, Pluto has been upheaving everything and continues its work until everyone confronts what no longer belongs. If you're bored with your job or if your exit options are outdated, it's time to change and renew yourself. In 2025, Saturn (between May 25 and September 1) starts shaking foundations you thought were unshakable. Don't worry; it's to better prepare you for new things. Uranus (between July 7 and November 8) will spark new desires and reveal new potentials within you. You'll learn more around August 12 and might be surprised by your discoveries by the end of the month (August 29). Don't get defensive or overdo it in June (the 15th and 19th). Go with the flow. Mars will boost your confidence in early January. You'll be unafraid to shine, impress others between June 17 and July 4, and defend your ideas between September 22 and October 7. You'll expand your horizons and achieve your ambitions without too much resistance between December 15 and 28.
Well-being: Realigning
If the stars challenge you in 2025, it's to encourage you to reach a new level. As a fixed sign, you might not like change, but this major shift should realign you with yourself. Take care not to let the ongoing transformation destabilize you emotionally. Rely on Jupiter (between June 9 and July 24) to soothe you, communicate effectively, and regain your smile.
Taurus First decan: Your advice for 2025
It's important to clear away certain elements and beliefs from the past that hold you back. The quest for a new self is a long-term project. Avoid rushing the process and trust yourself to face what needs to be faced without fear. Rely on the major shifts expected this year to ultimately evolve to your advantage.

Taurus Second decan, your 2025 horoscope
In 2024, you'll face a challenging environment that brings significant disappointments in implementing your plans. However, in 2025, you'll benefit from a much more serene climate, allowing you to navigate the year without encountering obstacles. Until February 23, Saturn will continue to support solid projects and long-term perspectives without subjecting you to frustrating setbacks. Rely on Jupiter (until April 24) to finally enable the full utilization of your potential, helping you to demonstrate your talents and improve your financial situation. From July 24 (until September 13), focus on communication, enriching encounters, and a fertile mind that you use to excel and expand your private and social circle.
Love: Say Goodbye to Frustration!
In 2024, you might not have the time or inclination for playful romance, forming inspiring connections, or maintaining the spark if you're already in a relationship. Preoccupied with future concerns and the frustrations of thwarted plans, you likely neglected your emotional life. Fortunately, in 2025, expect a clearing of the clouds. After a first semester likely spent recovering and regaining confidence, you'll rely on Jupiter (between July 24 and September 13) to regain your vitality, buoyed by a rising morale and a more supportive environment where you can meet new people and express yourself without fear of being stifled. On the contrary! Venus supports your cherished projects between January 12 and 23, encourages you to reassess what truly matters between February 23 and March 8, and again between May 15 and 26. You'll shine between June 16 and 25, enjoy quality time with loved ones between September 3 and 11, and experience a strong period of love between September 27 and October 5.
Don't hesitate to reach out to others between November 14 and 22 to end the year on a high note. Couple: In 2024, you might feel as though fate is thwarting your desires, with doors closing before you. In 2025, the situation is significantly more favorable. Take advantage of this newfound freedom to make up for lost time and reconnect with a more supportive atmosphere for warm communication with your partner and loved ones, especially when Jupiter enhances this tendency (between July 24 and September 13). Express your feelings and renewed joy for life in a way that enriches your relational world. Single: In 2024, opportunities to celebrate might be limited, and a sense of frustration may dampen your spirits. In 2025, you'll no longer be subject to a gloomy climate but will thrive in a more serene, rewarding environment that supports your personal and relational growth. You'll be particularly open to others and inclined to make new acquaintances between July 24 and September 13. Interesting encounters (potentially more if the chemistry is right) and a positive outlook will give you the chance to enjoy good times in excellent company.
Social Life: Determination
In 2024, you may feel as though fate is persistently against you, constantly undermining your efforts. In 2025, however, you'll have the opportunity to reconnect with a much more favorable environment for your expansion. Until February 23, Saturn will urge you to ground your projects solidly and resist shortcuts. You can count on Jupiter (until April 24) to finally allow you to express your talents and desires freely, without facing setbacks or running into walls. It's the perfect time to unleash your creativity, fully develop and utilize your potential, and expect results that meet your expectations. Starting July 24 (until September 13), focus on a highly active mind, great humor, and effective communication to rally support for your ideas and make progress. Aim for a powerful determination to make an impression (between February 2 and March 19) to convince (without forcing) and use your charisma to gain the recognition you deserve (between April 4 and July 2). If you are confident in rallying others to your cause between October 7 and 21, consider polishing your approach to climb the ranks and assert your influence between December 28 and January 10, 2026.
Well-being: Confidence in yourself
2024 might be exhausting and potentially depressing. You will soon bounce back and start to improve. You'll leave behind the gloomy weather that hindered your opportunities and can expect more than just a brief respite in 2025. Take advantage of this almost cloudless sky to regain confidence in yourself and your ability to express creativity, achieve personal growth, connect with others, and experience love and affection. Jupiter will enhance this trend between July 24 and September 13. During this time, consider taking a vacation to recharge, rejuvenate, and enjoy a well-deserved break.
Taurus Second decan: Your advice for 2025
If you finish 2024 feeling a bit worn out and not exactly light-hearted, don't worry! 2025 should help rebalance things and bring you a share of pleasure and comfort. Expect your potential to be expressed more freely, financial improvements, and smoother, more rewarding communication. Just be cautious not to jeopardize your chances by trying to take control too authoritatively!

Taurus Third decan, your 2025 horoscope
You rely on Uranus (until July 7 and again from November 8, 2025, to April 26, 2026) to complete a process that started in 2023, which has helped you break the final chains preventing you from fully realizing yourself. In 2025, you display a newfound autonomy and achieve a life project that aligns with your journey and new worldview. You are inspired and determined to build your future, guiding your destiny onto the right track around April 4 and November 20, where nothing and no one should hinder your desire to be yourself and live a life that reflects who you are.
Love: Follow Me If You Love Me!
You are no longer bound to a partner or making secure choices to preserve a sentimental relationship that doesn't respect your desire for autonomy. If you previously hesitated to end a relationship to avoid disruption, your mindset has shifted. Under Uranus's influence, you are ready to cut ties if your commitments become too restrictive. There's no need to upheave everything in 2025. You can assert your vision for the future, convincing your partner or someone close to you to follow along while making it clear that you won't relinquish your essential independence. Venus will support tender projects between January 23 and February 4, and again from March 27 to April 30. You will radiate undeniable charm between June 25 and July 4, pay extra attention to your loved ones between September 11 and 19, and rely on irresistible magnetism between October 5 and 13 to spark romance.
Your attentive listening and desire to get closer to those you love should help you end the year surrounded by those who matter. Couple: Since 2023, Uranus has pushed you to step out of your comfort zone and stop sacrificing your own needs to avoid disturbing others. You are now firmly resolved to respect both your own needs and those of your loved ones. If this newfound desire for more autonomy within the relationship or family seemed difficult to accept, you will appreciate having spread your wings without leaving your loved ones behind in 2025. Single: Since 2023, Uranus has transformed you, helping you shed rigid and restrictive codes that were hindering your personal growth. You are no longer bound by convention or fear of loneliness. You've realized that you need both to love and be loved as well as to maintain essential independence. This mindset won't prevent you from building a solid and appealing life ideal in 2025.
Social Life: Nothing can stop you
You will complete a period of emancipation started in 2023 by April 2025, which now allows you to assert your uniqueness and originality, both in tone and method. These new tendencies may surprise but also charm others. Rely on them to lay solid foundations for an inspiring project and reorient your career. If you remain in the same company, you'll be able to renew its foundations and operations around April 4 and November 20. Jupiter will expand your skillset and enhance your income between April 24 and June 9. From September 13 onwards, leverage Jupiter's influence to multiply useful encounters and build new connections with people who could support you. Mars will grant you persuasive eloquence that you'll use to convince partners and interlocutors to follow you between January 6 and February 2, and again from March 19 to April 18. Nothing will stop you from showcasing your talents between July 21 and August 6, and you won't hesitate to defend your proposals, even raising your voice, between October 21 and November 4.
Well-being: Renewal on the horizon
Saturn demands that your projects be solidly grounded, Neptune invites you to follow your dreams, while Uranus urges you to break free from anything that hinders the free expression of your true nature. This demanding astral pressure is managed fluidly and successfully, especially around April 4 and November 20, when a structural renewal is on the horizon. You are thus well-equipped to face life's challenges in 2025, finding pleasure in testing your newfound freedom, which aligns you with yourself both morally and physically.
Taurus Third decan: Your advice for 2025
The astrological climate favors your projects of all kinds. Whether they are personal or professional, count on planetary support to move forward, break free from your chains, and start a new chapter. Nothing should stand in the way of the lift-off you've been preparing since 2023. It's time to accelerate, achieve the ideal you've been nurturing, and, most importantly, clearly demonstrate your intention to never renounce such valuable autonomy.

Taurus your 2025 horoscope, month after month
Taurus in January 2025
Ambitions start to overcome recurring obstacles and begin to materialize (the 4th, the 19th). Support for your projects finally arrives. Be cautious not to ask too much too quickly on the 14th, and wrap up the month positively on the 30th.
Taurus in February 2025
You'll be heard and approved, with results showing up (the 3rd). Assert yourself authoritatively (the 9th, the 23rd). Expect your efforts to bear fruit starting from the 24th.
Taurus in March 2025
Use your arguments and drive to rally support for your projects (the 8th) and try to moderate your appetites. While you're making progress, avoid being overly greedy (the 2nd).
Taurus in April 2025
Constructive reflection and a brief period of introspection (the 6th) allow you to further explore and fully express emerging new potentials. Take a moment to pause.
Taurus in May 2025
While you're eloquent and argumentative in family debates, consider letting others have their say to avoid potential clashes (the 18th). Convey your messages gently (the 22nd).
Taurus in June 2025
Expect top-notch charisma (between the 16th and 25th) to shine and attract attention. A great period to showcase yourself, dazzle, and draw attention.
Taurus in July 2025
From the 18th, communication might slow down a bit within the family, but this doesn't prevent you from paying attention to your loved ones, pampering them, and enjoying family time.
Taurus in August 2025
Exchanges will flow smoothly again starting the 11th. Rely on your humor, good mood, and personal charm to make a strong impression, meet pleasant people (possibly more if there's chemistry), and celebrate freely (the 12th).
Taurus in September 2025
If you have the chance to impress, avoid imposing anything on a social or family circle that might not appreciate your approach (the 5th). Instead, use your seductive powers to make an impact, rekindle the flame, and enjoy a warm Indian summer (the 12th).
Taurus in October 2025
Until the 5th, Venus grants you an almost irresistible aura. Afterward, use your impressive drive to persuade your interlocutors, whether private, professional, or social, to believe in and follow you (the 20th).
Taurus in November 2025
Listening to others (between the 14th and 22nd) helps you forge and strengthen tender bonds. Still, use your powers (from the 18th) to turn situations in your favor.
Taurus in December 2025
Count on undeniable magnetism (between the 8th and 16th) to ignite passions and successfully seek financial support, while charming everyone around you!
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