In astrology, there are 12 signs of the zodiac and 78 combinations are possible between these signs. The signs of the same element are, in general, very well understood. The opposite signs complement each other; some signs in square do not support each other; others remain entirely indifferent to the charm of this sign or that sign ... There are several criteria for determining compatibility. So, there's nothing like the help of our astrologers to synthesize each potential couple!
Test our applications: Mars in sign and house to find out if you are really a fighter Calculate your Mars position and Jupiter to discover on how you are integrated in the social sphere Calculate Jupiter's position and our article on Bottom of sky on how to bloom in social and professional life Understand the Bottom of the Sky
Do you aspire to find love? Do you want to build a fulfilling relationship? You just met someone? Do you have a lot of questions about your current relationship? Do you not know if it's love or friendship? You are not sure that your feelings are shared? Then this love compatibility is for you!
Whatever your sign and whatever the sign of your partner, you will find here the interpretation of all possible combinations. Enough to educate you, inform you, and maybe dream or fantasize...